• 伊德补充说明了他观点指出证据可以其他方式加以解释

    Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways.


  • 尽管存在这些差异,但有证据表明最近生活方式变化可能影响法国饮食习惯

    In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits.


  • 使用风筝移动大石头证据使用蛮方式证据差不多。”Gharib

    "The evidence for using kites to move large stones is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method," Gharib says.


  • 现在我们确实明确证据表明人们正在一种以前可能方式发展友谊专业网络,而且这个过程发展更快了。

    Now, what we do have clear evidence for is that people are developing friendships and professional networks in a way that wasn't possible before, the process is faster.


  • 一项新的研究未能找到任何确凿证据证明生活方式改变可以防止老年人认知能力下降

    A new study has failed to find any conclusive evidence that lifestyle changes can prevent cognitive decline in older adults.


  • 没有任何证据显示,通过辱骂方式贬低或是诋毁孩子,会他们好处。

    There's no evidence that belittling or demeaning children in an insulting way is good for them.


  • 但是越来越多科学证据表明我们无意间发明了一种人工方式加快这些致命病毒进化速度,把这些病毒传到世界各地

    But the scientific evidence increasingly suggests that we have unwittingly invented an artificial way to accelerate the evolution of these deadly viruses - and pump them out across the world.


  • 有关法规不再允许我们将通过残酷非人道侮辱人格审讯方式获得供词作为证据

    The rule will no longer permit us to use as evidence statements that have been obtained using cruel, inhuman, or degrading interrogation methods.


  • 认为冰河时代艺术杰作同时也是人类运转方式产生巨大变化的鲜明证据

    It is, I think, a masterpiece of Ice Age art, and it's also evidence of a huge change in the way in which the human brain was working.


  • 无论如何,总结性证据各种各样的方式我们生来就与认知事物密切相关。

    In any case, the fairly conclusive evidence is that in a variety of ways, we are hard wired to recognize things.


  • 阿布扎比,有着许多国际防务展横幅广告没有证据表明此种和平展示方式伦敦以外地区是等效的。

    In Abu Dhabi, there are banners up advertising IDEX and no evidence of the same kind of peace demonstrations that go on outside the London equivalent.


  • 社会医疗过于昂贵学校教育许多失望而且每天都会有新的证据显示,我们利用能源方式助长我们敌对势力,同时也威胁着我们的星球。

    Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.


  • 麦迪逊市斯康辛大学人类学家约翰霍科表示DNA证据改变人类学家工作方式

    Anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin, Madison says DNA evidence is changing the way anthropologists work.


  • 社会的医疗过于昂贵学校教育许多失望而且每天都会有新的证据显示,我们利用能源方式助长我们敌对势力,同时也威胁着我们的星球

    Our healthcare is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.


  • 尽管祖格同意化石首例恐龙证据这种行为不会使熟悉现代蛇行方式的人震惊

    Though Zug agrees the new fossils are the first proof of snakes eating dinosaurs, he said the behavior wouldn't shock anyone familiar with the ways of modern snakes.


  • 在过去几十年中适当营养生物需求证据建议喂养方式阻碍适宜喂养的因素都有稳步增长。

    Over the past decades, the evidence on the biological requirements for appropriate nutrition, recommended feeding practices and factors impeding appropriate feeding has grown steadily.


  • 因为黑客身份小偷每天都会学习用新的方式渗透电脑所以使电脑尽可能的收集到黑客和身份小偷证据很重要的。

    Because hackers and identity thieves learn new ways to infiltrate computers everyday, it's important to make your computer as hacker - and identity theft-proof as possible.


  • 演示安全已授权应用一种方式,添加采用相关联密钥来自占有证据令牌)的数字签名

    One way to demonstrate authorized use of a security token is to include a digital signature using the associated secret key (from a proof-of-possession token).


  • 这种盗窃方式极为独特,并且同撬保险箱相比更难留下证据

    This mode of robbery is very unique as most thieves would resort to safecracking methods, which leave more evidence.


  • 话说,这些命题——就好像宗教信仰里面认为上帝创造世界一样——必须事实证据做为支撑,并且可以通过讨论现实世界中做实验方式加以证明。

    In other words, they are claims - like the claim that God created the world - that are supported by evidence, that are proved by arguments and tested against our experience of the world.


  • 最近证据显示QQ长期超级黑名单”方式扫描用户硬盘,获取巨额利益

    Latest evidence shows that QQwith a disguised "super blacklist" — has been scanning users' hard drives as a way to make huge profits.


  • 只要感觉对了没有什么形状或者方式证据不能采取

    When the emotional climate is just right, there's hardly a shape or form that "evidence" cannot assume.


  • 慈善活动家微软公司创始人比尔盖茨本周展示了他们最喜欢片,因为创立了“生存方式证据(真实记录贫困国家人们生活的照片)”动,鼓励更多的人援助这些贫穷的国家。

    Philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates this week unveiled his favourite image, as he launched the "Living Proof" campaign to bolster support for development aid to poor nations.


  • Googleearth或许观察显著气候变化证据——冰河范围变化的最好方式

    Google Earth is probably the best way to view the evidence of dramatic climate change in the form of glaciers.


  • EDD以迭代方式寻找证据

    It seeks proof, and it's iterative.


  • 93现有证据表明,城市悠闲生活方式在大城市快节奏生活有利于健康长寿

    There is now evidence that the relaxed manner of living in small towns promotes better health and greater longevity than does the hectic pace of life in big cities.


  • 我们不仅受到证据力度影响,受到证据呈现方式的影响。

    Yet we are not just affected by the strength of the evidence, but by how it is presented.


  • 但每一个领域对于可以接受证据都有一些略为不同要求所以熟悉争论领域的论证方式而不是仅仅运用喜欢方式

    Every field has slightly different requirements for acceptable evidence, so familiarize yourself with some arguments from within that field instead of just applying whatever evidence you like best.


  • rdr背后基本哲学基于这样的观察结果专家不会解释他们编写规则方式他们会证明规则正确的,上下文内提供证据

    The basic philosophy behind RDR is based on the observation that experts do not explain how they wrote a rule but they justify that a rule is correct and provide the justification in context.


  • rdr背后基本哲学基于这样的观察结果专家不会解释他们编写规则方式他们会证明规则正确的,上下文内提供证据

    The basic philosophy behind RDR is based on the observation that experts do not explain how they wrote a rule but they justify that a rule is correct and provide the justification in context.


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