• 艘无人驾驶飞行器加州SpaceX建造,本携带重达食物设备运送太空站

    The unmanned craft made by the Californian company SpaceX was due to carry half a tonne of food and equipment to the space station.


  • ABB主要负责工程设备运送安装系统试运行,工程预计完成日期2011年,实际完成提前一年完成。

    ABB is responsible for engineering, equipment delivery, installation and commissioning of the system, which will be delivered in 2010. The plant startup is scheduled for 2011.


  • 大约以前,就是菲尔上一次按预约去医院时候,身穿绿色衣服工作人员来说,他们没有得到允许升降机把菲尔床上到到他们运送设备上。

    About a year ago, when Phil last had a hospital appointment, the men in green when they arrived said they were not licensed to use the hoist to get Phil off the bed and into their carrying equipment.


  • 迄今为止,世卫组织安排三次运送这些设备更多货运正在途中

    WHO has arranged three shipments of this equipment to date; more shipments are on their way.


  • 除了应用于轮椅,这些设备还有其它更广泛的用途,用同样方式进行自我定为手机可以从室内自主运送大量货物户外指定地点的的叉车

    Besides the wheelchair, the devices range in scale from a location-aware cellphone all the way up to an industrial forklift that can transport large loads from place to place outdoors, autonomously.


  • 直径为8竖井工程已于2000年完成竖井为俄罗斯的竖井,可以向下运送大型设备

    Construction of a new shaft of the mine with diameter of 8 meters was completed in 2000. The widest shaft in Russia allows to take down large equipment.


  • 世卫组织非洲区域办事处多名流行病学家赶赴现场协助这两个国家开展工作,同时,正向卢萨卡运送个人保护装备(PPE)抽样设备

    Epidemiologists from the WHO African Regional Office have arrived to assist both countries, and personal protective equipment (PPE) and sampling equipment are en route to Lusaka.


  • 死者尸体将由具精美的、可循环使用棺材运送无烟火化设备中。

    An ornate, reusable wooden casket is used to carry the deceased to the Resomator.


  • 向疫源地运送防护X光检测仪以及其它医疗设备

    Protective clothes, X-ray machines and other medical equipment have been sent to the affected area.


  • 使得飞船不仅可以将笨重设备甚至整个建筑运送偏远地区

    This would permit the craft to transport not just hefty components, but entire buildings, to remote areas.


  • 另外,还可以士兵设备充电,他们运输装备甚至运送士兵。

    It could then be used to recharge their electrical devices, carry some of their equipment or even transport the soldiers.


  • 水资源短缺带来重大问题基于市民运送清洁供给设备需求债权的发行。

    The other important trouble that very low water supplies creates is that cities have sold bonds based on their needs for infrastructure to move, clean and supply water.


  • 矿工625深井通过狭窄救生通道拉上来,普通运送设备难以使用智利海军为此开发专用的“凤凰号救生舱

    The miners from the 625 meters deep in through the narrow lifesaving passage up, general conveying equipment to use, the Chilean navy to develop a special "phoenix" lifesaving cabin.


  • 新的LPD - 172.5万水陆两用专门设计运送800名海军陆战队员,设备登陆艇两栖车辆和直升机等。

    The new LPD-17 ships are 25,000-ton amphibious vessels designed to transport and land up to 800 Marines, their equipment and supplies by using landing craft, amphibious vehicles and helicopters.


  • 挪威运送8净水设备至少6万提供清洁饮用水

    Norway is also sending eight sets of water purification equipment to provide clean drinking water for at least 60 000 people.


  • 运送设备检修人员沿线作业场所特种车辆也要车辆段内进行维修

    Works trains will be needed to ferry equipment and staff to work sites along the line and these will be serviced at the depot.


  • MONUC迪拜疫情后勤机动协助世卫组织配置车辆其它与疫情相关应对设备。还向该国进一步运送个人防护装备和专用通讯设备,包括卫星电话和无线电设备

    MONUC has also assisted WHO in deploying vehicles and other outbreak related response equipment from its outbreak Logistics Mobility Unit in Dubai.


  • 星期四星期五的航班被迫改变航线以便美国运送士兵和设备美国人和其它外国人转移安全地带

    Those flights had been diverted so that the United States could land troops and equipment, and lift Americans and other foreigners to safety.


  • 但是机器人汽车上面往返于地球卫星之间,运送人们设备时,它执行一个类似支持功能,同时人们卫星可以出发遨游宇宙

    But it would perform a similar function of support as robotic cars crawled up and down it, ferrying people and equipment to and from the satellite—whence they could depart into the cosmos.


  • 假设升高变压器上拆下来单独运送的话,必要变压器绝缘护套设备初步升高设备上。

    The hypothesis that elevatedseat removed from the transformer alone to transport it, it is necessary in thetransformer insulation sheath equipment preliminary before the lifting seat device.


  • 明显特征就是运送人员设备低地球轨道上的单调而令人厌烦任务委托给私营部门

    Its most striking feature is to delegate the humdrum task of ferrying people and equipment to low-Earth orbit to the private sector.


  • 直到1947年,拿工厂设备大部分拆除运送,仅仅留下6%。

    By 1947, all production facilities in Jena, save for a rest of 6%, have been dismantled and shipped abroad.


  • 一种环保的、可立即投入使用的设备运送业务中断场地,并场地周围安装使用。

    Portable Shell - An environmentally protected and readied structure that can be transported to a business disruption location so equipment can be obtained and installed near the original location.


  • 智利海军造船厂建造两个备用救援设备预计在下个星期运送

    Two back-up rescue devices constructed at Chile's naval shipyard are expected to be delivered next week.


  • 工人们不畏泥石流其他阻碍徒步运送纤维通讯设备修复灾区通讯。

    Workers battled landslides and other barriers to carry fiber communications equipment on foot to restore communications, the official said.


  • 工人们不畏泥石流其他阻碍徒步运送纤维通讯设备修复灾区通讯。

    Workers battled landslides and other barriers to carry fiber communications equipment on foot to restore communications, the official said.


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