• 内部人士表示,48岁汤姆凯蒂之所以这么着苏芮是因为他们都科学论派人。

    According to the insider, Tom, 48, and Katie's devotion to Scientology is the reason that Suri's so spoiled.


  • APL科学论派- - -很多声称信徒,一直怀疑其豪华优雅盛装打扮有一日失控

    APL would be Scientology - There are many people who claim to follow it, but you've always suspected that it's a huge and elaborate prank that got out of control.


  • 比利时2007年考虑指控教会科学论派教会在比利时的分支机构,但是教会的反对者主要来源于社会法律界而且批评家大多是活跃的在野党

    Belgium considered filing in 2007, but the church's opponents have mainly come from the social rather than legal realm, and its critics are often feverish in their opposition.


  • 许多其他正统达尔文不同长期以来在广泛意义上来思考这种前景进化以及科学唯物主义相容性当然这里不是那个问题地方

    Unlike many other card-carrying Darwinians, I’ve long considered this prospect compatible with Darwinism and with scientific materialism broadlybut this isn’t the place to hash that issue out.


  • 极端主义正在全美蔓延,保守脱口秀节目主持人共和党鼓励下煽风点火,宣扬一系列疯狂阴谋

    Across the country, extremism is surging, inflamed by conservative talkshow hosts, encouraged by Republican leaders and propagating a series of wild conspiracy theories.


  • 今天信奉正统基督教天文学家宇宙搞得很郁闷。

    Nowadays not even fundamentalists are upset by the latest cosmological theories of astronomers.


  • 不是所有情况下,相信这些启示都是被压迫少数

    It's not always true that the people who believe in these kinds of apocalyptic ideas are themselves in fact an oppressed minority.


  • 当时,苏西尼知识分子重要可能牛顿受到了这个教影响这样认为,他更应该被认为是一位迈蒙尼德犹太神的犹太教一神教者。

    At this time the Socinians were an important Arian sect amongst intellectual circles. It may be that Newton fell under Socinian influences, but I think not.


  • 第二可能性正是“虚无”探讨主题。 “虚无”是个系列讲座,地点就展示喜马拉雅山脉艺术的罗宾博物馆,在纽约,这个地方不怎么引人注意。

    The second possibility seems to be the aim of “Talk about Nothing”, a lecture series at New York's overlooked Rubin museum of Himalayan art.


  • 改了个人小传:“今天我们本体的种种问题继续前进。大力水手卜曰:吃嘛儿嘛儿香,故我在。”

    Just changed my bio: "Today we move on from ontological questions. As Popeye the Sailor Man said, I yam what I yam and that's what I yam."


  • 斯宾诺莎力行激进倾向于唯物主义,无神以及主张人人平等。

    The Radicals, inspired by Spinoza, were materialists, atheists and egalitarians.


  • 披头士目前诉诸于唯心来寻求慰籍,尤其对印度的超情有独钟,这个教有56岁瑜伽修行者Maharishi Mahesh 创立的,他一个矮小长相天真、留着披肩发的预言家。

    The Beatles' current solution is spiritualism, specifically "transcendental meditation, " as propounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 56, a tiny, cherubic seer with shoulder-length locks.


  • 本文以南宁市公示探讨德国功能翻译目的公示语英指导意义公示语翻译策略

    Taking bilingual public signs in Nanning for example, this paper discusses the theoretical guidance of Skopos Theory in translation of public signs and strategies of translating public signs.


  • 空缺功绩在于概括小说的主要特征丰富小说创作因而具有一定美学价值

    The merit of "manque" theory lies in its generalization of rosin features of the new novel group and enrichment of fictional creation theory hence certain aesthetic values.


  • 知性引入研究,一直接影响40年代中国诗学创作

    The introduction and study about intelligence influenced the Chinese new poetry and creation in the 40s.


  • 统一统一,投降有一套统一我们统一于投降

    The capitulators have their idea of unification, they want to unify us into capitulating.


  • 目的德国功能翻译重要认为翻译的实质是目的的文化交际活动。

    Skopostheory is the most important theory in the functional school of translations studies. It holds that translation is an intentional cross-cultural communication.


  • 那么语言或者更大的语言”本体追求,一个追求很久以前现代现代作家所抛弃的。

    Then the pure language or larger language you talked about is an ontological pursuit, one pursuit that is long ago abandoned by modern or post-modern writers.


  • 功能翻译既继承了传统中的合理成分突破了传统译束缚

    Functionalist translation theory inherits the rational components of traditional translation theories, and meanwhile breaks away the shackles of traditional translation theories.


  • 布朗粮食危机决非一无是处,至少盲目乐观敲响警钟

    Brown's Theory of grain crisis is not devoid of merit. It sounds the alarm to those who are unrealistically optimistic in a way.


  • 文中将结合德国功能目的这些研究结果进行进一步阐释。

    The results were then explained within the framework of the Skopos theory.


  • 希腊皮罗怀疑同时代的,印度中国佛教思想正在开花结果,所展示的另一种类

    The parallel between the pyrrhonian skeptics in Greece and the Buddhism that was blossoming in india and china at the same time is another such case.


  • 本文试图以功能的核心翻译,德国翻译家弗米尔提出目的基础,为交通公示语的英译提供理支持。

    This paper attempts to construct a theoretical framework for the public traffic sign translation by making Hans J. Vermeer's Skopostheorie its basis.


  • 然而,评历史横断面切入研究由《嚎叫》引发的或者就垮掉嚎叫》,那样都难以看清诗歌史上的革新意义。

    However, it has been more studied with regard to its cultural effect upon the Beat or the effect of the Beat upon "Howl", rather than valued from a poetic perspective.


  • 然而,评历史横断面切入研究由《嚎叫》引发的或者就垮掉嚎叫》,那样都难以看清诗歌史上的革新意义。

    However, it has been more studied with regard to its cultural effect upon the Beat or the effect of the Beat upon "Howl", rather than valued from a poetic perspective.


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