• 借助磁共振技术患有这个症状病人脑中发现一个不正常记忆痕迹网络

    Using MRI, her team detected a network of abnormal memory traces in the brains of people with this condition.


  • 格式塔心理学提出记忆痕迹理论强调刺激所在情境回忆的影响;

    Gestalt psychology put forward memory trace theory, which emphasized how stimulate context influences recall;


  • 如果记忆痕迹足够活跃大脑制造出一条长期路径的话短期记忆可以变成长期

    But short - term memory can become long term memory if the memory trace is activated enough so that it creates a long-term pathway in the brain.


  • 这种化学物质结构时而发生变化产生一种“记忆痕迹”的路径

    The chemical and sometimes even structural changes that occur create a pathway called a memory trace.


  • 而睡眠中的重新激活可能导致记忆痕迹暂时稳定睡眠记忆的重新稳定速度快得

    Alternatively, reactivations during sleep might lead to a transient destabilization of memory traces, but with restabilization occurring at a much faster rate during sleep.


  • 这些内化情绪记忆痕迹构成重要他人关系内在表征积木(Kernberg, 1976)。

    These internalized affective memory traces constitute the building blocks of internal representation of relationships with significant others (Kernberg, 1976).


  • 训练老鼠走迷津然后大脑皮质不同部位造成损伤企图抹掉称之为记忆痕迹原始记忆痕迹

    He trained rats to find their way through a maze, then made lesions in different parts of the cerebral cortex in an attempt to erase what he called the "engram," or the original memory trace.


  • 福罗博士相信如果消除强化环路引入所谓疼痛相容记忆,那么疼痛中的记忆痕迹减少甚至消失

    Dr Flor believes that, by removing the reinforcement loop and bringing in so-called pain-incompatible memories, traces of pain in the brain can be reduced or even extinguished.


  • 拉什没有找到这个记忆痕迹——无论它们大脑的哪个部位进行破坏,他的实验动物仍然能够找到迷津的通路。

    Lashley failed to find the engram-his experimental animals were still able to find their way through the maze, no matter where he put lesions on their brains.


  • 睡眠记忆巩固提供了一个适宜环境使得经历过练习初步编码记忆痕迹得到巩固,从而进入更为稳定形式

    Sleep provides a suitable environment for memory consolidation that means the practiced and the initial encoding memory traces are consolidated, then transfer to the more stable form.


  • 设计里融入一些童年记忆痕迹,让居住者忆起童年时光,也是体现居住区园林景观人性化设计表现。

    It can recall the childhood for the residents and also show the humanized design in the residential landscape to leave some traces of childhood memories in the design.


  • 本周自然·神经科学》上研究表明,重新激活新近的记忆强化记忆痕迹”,睡眠清醒中效果更好

    The research in this week's Nature Neuroscience, claims reactivating newly learned memories during sleep rather than when awake does a better job of strengthening the memory trace.


  • 可能会有助于解释儿童最早记忆为何如此不稳定他们神经痕迹弱又随着我们越来越大,不断回访那些记忆会留下更深的痕迹

    That may help explain why children's earliest memories are so unstable: Their neural traces are weak and shallow, whereas the few memories we revisit as we get older lay down stronger traces.


  • 房子还是记忆样子,一步,就踏上了时间的痕迹

    The house was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture...


  • 佛洛伊德理论中,这些痕迹就是记忆只不过它们是无意识的。

    In Freudian theory, the imprints are memories, albeit unconscious ones.


  • 一种被称为记忆印记理论认为记忆痕迹碎片生物物理变化或生物化学变化的形式分布整个大脑

    One theory holds that memory traces or fragments are distributed throughout the brain as biophysical or biochemical changes called engrams.


  • 林间散落光阴明媚阴郁流年痕迹满了一又一层,可是从来就没有人怀疑过季节记忆

    Scattered forest of Our Time, bright and gloomy, fleeting traces covered with layer after layer, but had never been doubted season and memory.


  • 清晨放飞白鸽它们代替找寻丢失记忆找寻遗失痕迹于是,我捧起了细沙

    Morning I am flying the pigeons, so that they look to replace my lost memories, looking for traces of lost, so I won the the sand.


  • 风吹有些寒了关于记忆悄然隐退尽管偶尔可以看到一丝夏日残留痕迹

    Wind come, some cold, and on the memory of the summer has been quietly retreat, despite the occasional hint of the summer you can see traces of residue.


  • 珍爱记忆中的就像珍爱张张页页日记那里心语,记着你刻骨铭心痕迹

    I cherish the memory of you, like treasure Zhang pages of the diary, which, remember my heartfelt thoughts, remember your unforgettable scene.


  • 遗失发黄照片,遗失了留存心底很久痕迹,遗失了枯萎记忆

    Pictures of yellow lost, lost the left in the bottom of my heart for a long time traces of withered memory lost.


  • 那些岁月深深浅浅的痕迹,那些无法定格记忆如何取舍

    Years of deep and shallow, that the traces of memory cells that can not be fixed, but also how to choose.


  • 蹲下来地上时光痕迹行一行蚂蚁穿越记忆

    I always love to come down, looking down at the floor as the clock traces of the ants and his party and his party through my memory.


  • 齿药说故官这座有着300多年历史皇家宫殿带给沈阳来自古代记忆的话,那么近现代的历史身上留下了岁月的痕迹

    If what the imperial palace, which has stood there for over 300 years, has brought Shenyang is memories of its remote past, then modem and contemporary histories have left the impact of time on it.


  • 记忆痕迹都必须经过化学排列重组。

    Memory traces have to be chemically restabilised to endure.


  • 是个永恒象征所有时间的痕迹摧毁所有开始的记忆以及对死亡的恐惧。

    Love is a symbol of eternity, it wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.


  • 总是上去地上光阴痕迹一行蚂蚁穿越记忆

    I always love to see the traces of time squat down, like the line by line through my memory.


  • 先前记忆研究基础联系模糊痕迹理论,布雷纳德雷纳推测了实验结果

    Brainerd and Reyna predicted the results based on their previous memory studies involving something called fuzzy trace theory.


  • 作品采用抽象表达手法展示记忆中和来自遥远年代痕迹时间力量

    With abstract expression, the work shows the trace and power of time from memory and remote age.


  • 作品采用抽象表达手法展示记忆中和来自遥远年代痕迹时间力量

    With abstract expression, the work shows the trace and power of time from memory and remote age.


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