• 提出建立训诂书书法

    The author suggests setting up the gloss and calligraphy of the women characters.


  • 本文无意在这里追述“大师”一词源头写作训诂的文章。

    The author is not inclined to write a critical scholium of ancient literature by tracing the origin of the word "Da Shi".


  • 本文训诂学角度,对郭店儒家文献中的几个词语提出新的解释

    This article puts forward new explanations about some words of Confucian texts in Guodian bamboo slips from the angle of critical interpretation of ancient texts.


  • 大致说来,训诂相当严谨,它不仅只是宽泛的字义解释

    As a strict study, Chinese scholium is a branch of knowledge concerning not only word interpretation and derivation, but also probing interrelationship among words.


  • 既是研究楚辞重要文献,也是训诂史上一部不容忽视重要著作

    It is not only an important document of the study of Chuci, but a significant book in the history of exegesis subject.


  • 汉语训诂一门古老近年传统方法正在复兴方法层出不穷。

    Chinese exegetics is traditional scholarship, of which some traditional approaches are rejuvenating in recent years and new methods are emerging one after another.


  • 因此过程,多训诂学不能盲从教材善于发现问题解决问题

    If you don't explain the Key words, you (can't) understand the text clearly, so we can't always depend on the books, must have the ability to discover new problems and then solve them.


  • 英语词汇意义研究可以分为三个阶段训诂学阶段传统语义阶段,现代语言阶段。

    The study on English meaning can be divided into three stages: the stage of scholium, the stage of traditional semantics and modern semantics.


  • 多年从事汉语音韵训诂、古文献工作,获校级优秀成果一等奖

    He has been engaged in teaching ancient Chinese, phonology, scholium and ancient document studies for many years, and has been rewarded Excellent teaching Achievement First Prize.


  • 继承传统训诂同时,现代阐释相融合,从而推进传统训诂学的现代转换

    By inheriting the traditions of exegetics and combining them with modern heumeneutics, such studies have propelled the modern transformation of the traditional exegetics.


  • 我们应该汉语研究训诂研究有机结合起来充分发挥训诂材料汉语史研究中的作用。

    We should give full play to the exegetical materials in the research of Chinese language history, with organic combination of the research of Chinese language history with the exegetical studies.


  • 作为文字音韵训诂校勘研究之大成王念孙自然一时期代表人物

    Wang Niansun, who as a set text, phonology, exegesis, textual criticism of the nucleus, natural is the academic representative of this period.


  • 涉及语法训诂修辞各门科,研究省略对于人们语言实践具有不容忽视意义

    It involves every disciplines, such as grammar studying, critical interpretation of ancient texts, rhetoric, etc., studies and omit the meaning which cant be ignored in language practice to people.


  • 文章运用训诂、语义词汇理论方法考释了金元明笔记九个词语意义,可以补充大型汉语辞书的缺失。

    The paper proofreads and explains nine words in notes of Modern Chinese by using the theorics and methods inSemantics and Lexics.


  • 早期汉语词源探索主要表现形式看做词源中的探源方法要比看做训诂中的训诂方法更为合理客观

    Shengxun is the major form of etymological exploration. It is more reasonable and objective to take it as the method of etymological exploration than that of elucidation.


  • 训诂当代创作似乎风马牛相及,然而当代作者从事创作必然涉及到一些古代汉语和古代文化方面的常识性问题。

    Gloss seems not be related with the present literary creation. But when the contemporary writers are engaged in literary work, they must meet some elementaty knowledges.


  • 本文以《盐铁论中的反义动词研究对象现代语义理论传统训诂相结合来判定动词之间反义关系,统计出《盐铁论》反义动词共107组。

    Based on the antonym of the verbs in Yantielun as the research object, the modern and traditional semantics theory to study combining exegesis of verbs, we have 107 group of antisense verbs.


  • 本文以《盐铁论中的反义动词研究对象现代语义理论传统训诂相结合来判定动词之间反义关系,统计出《盐铁论》反义动词共107组。

    Based on the antonym of the verbs in Yantielun as the research object, the modern and traditional semantics theory to study combining exegesis of verbs, we have 107 group of antisense verbs.


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