• 知道让我心枯木不是身边少了洛丽塔而是再也听不到欢笑。

    And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that chorus.


  • 永远不会忘记这个位置看到一景象我心逍遥灵魂歌唱(11-7-2010)。

    I'll never forget this place... seeing this makes the heart soar and the soul sing (11-7-2010).


  • 些什么,了然于心。“名字传遍世界每个人都争相赞颂一阵子好像让我心满足

    And she knew his thought:"My name filled the world,and its praiss were on every tongue,and it seemed well with me for a littlewhile.


  • 些什么,了然于心。“名字传遍世界每个人都争相赞颂,一阵子好像让我心满足。”

    And she knew his thought: "My name filled the world, and its praises were on every tongue, and it seemed well with me for a little while."


  • 怀揣着实现的梦想,如果注意每天生活中的祝福(不论看上去多么渺小),都会让我心觉坦然”。

    With all that I felt I needed to accomplish, I could stay safely grounded if I opened my eyes to each day's blessings, no matter how small they seemed to be.


  • 常年醉酒吵闹麻木了。

    Her years of drunken bickering hardened my heart.


  • 阁下不要生气把心平静下来,接受我的感谢

    My lord, be not offended, but ease my mind of its disquiet and receive my grateful thanks.


  • 只无形利爪紧紧抓住无法跳动

    It was like an invisible claw which had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.


  • 如此有同情心,考虑的如此周到感觉

    He was so compassionate and thoughtful that it made me feel like I didn't deserve him.


  • 因为不是你的心或者想法情感你的身体这个变现的想法走出忧郁症

    Because this very realisation - that you are not your mind or thoughts, your emotions, and your body - is what got me out of my depression.


  • 每天都在遭受痛苦,我整天都在遭受痛苦,要是能够那颗亲爱的每天把我痛苦经受一分钟也许就会使可怜孤独的妻子表示同情了。

    Ah, if I could only make your dear heart ache one little minute of each day as mine does every day and all day long, it might lead you to show pity to your poor lonely one.


  • 恳求爸爸买下它们——蓝色水晶下悬挂着一些小小的水晶

    I begged Dad to let me get them. There were blue crystals with little crystal hearts dangling.


  • “带月球群星之间尽情舞动”,希望人类永远不要失去好奇心

    "Fly me to the Moon... let me dance among the Stars..." I hope we never lose our sense of wonder.


  • 你的心知道不论你在哪里我都在你身边。

    From my heart to yours, I want you to know that my love follows you wherever you go.


  • 如此有同情心考虑的如此周到,而且感觉

    He's so caring and considerate and he makes me feel like I don't deserve him.


  • 的心愧疚的一从来没有主动来找我,而没有勇气告诉我真实的感受

    She never conforted me, and I didn't have the courage to tell her what I was feeling.


  • 激起了好奇心又是什么拍成了《国境以南华尔街金钱永不沉睡》呢?

    So, I wonder, what attracted him to the competing issues at stake in South of the Border and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps?


  • 试图我的心情平静下来,我想知道尽管我不在斯普斯体育中心,但那里

    I'm trying to find closure, I want you to know that even though I am not there at the Staples Center I am there in my heart.


  • 乔伊纳:“大学里长曲棍球,因为保持身材帮助我在做事保持专注进取心。

    TYLASHIA JOYNER: "I will want to play in college because it will keep me in shape and it will help me stay focused and want to do something.


  • 梅根重新建立自信的一因素,同时责任心踏实放心。

    Megan was a big part of boosting my confidence. And at the same time, I was somebody responsible and grounded for her to be around.


  • 自己练习听从自己甚至讲不通任何道理时候也会这样。

    I've trained myself to listen to my heart, even if it sometimes doesn't make sense.


  • 梦想看到一个绚丽的世界那里夜晚不再阴郁;我心自由幻化为永恒;仿若白云自在飘荡

    In my fantasy I see a bright world/ where each night there is less darkness/ I dream of spirits that are always free/ like the clouds that float.


  • 永不生育,这样的决定伤透了不过只能选择两者比较遗憾的那个决定。

    Though it breaks my heart, I choose to be childless because it is the lesser of two regrets.


  • 神情地看着眼睛,温柔地我说悄悄话愉悦我对话,认识真正

    Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my ears.Speak with your heart, with your joy and I will know your true self.


  • 神情地看着眼睛温柔我说悄悄话,愉悦的我对话,认识真正的

    Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy and I will know your true self.


  • 沉下去了,开始座位是否够能够椅子下面。

    My heart sank and I started to wonder if the seat I was sitting on would be big enough for me to fit underneath.


  • 感恩的心不仅更多的追求,而且它还孕育了股充盈,滋养最深的渴望

    Being grateful for what I have not only drives me to want more, it creates a flow of abundance into my life that will provide for my deepest desires.


  • 感恩的心不仅更多的追求,而且它还孕育了股充盈,滋养最深的渴望

    Being grateful for what I have not only drives me to want more, it creates a flow of abundance into my life that will provide for my deepest desires.


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