• 接着那条扭曲的胳膊,是一次出租车事故中撞的,那天无疑忽略了这套完整的又的仪式。

    And then he shows me the crooked arm which he got in a taxi accident on a day doubtless when he had neglected to rehearse the complete song and dance.


  • 所有人都下布鲁克林大桥时候,一个牢记妈妈警告不要

    You want someone to keep in mind his mother's admonition about not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge just because all of his friends do.


  • 描述了西斯·克里夫呼啸山庄起居室并且画眉山庄之前这里的吓了

    He describes Heathcliff and the sitting room of the the Heights, and briefly has an altercation with the dogs before returning to the Grange.


  • 现在注视那个男人每支抱着你。

    Now, you can dance - every dance with the guy who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight.


  • 倒不是奥多姆的进攻更多一点。杰克逊建议现在开始练习投。

    Not that Odom should be offended. Jackson suggested there would be a shorter leash in general from here on out.


  • 那条长长的门厅空荡荡一支很棒的波尔卡因为劳瑞的舞很棒教乔德国舞步,德国舞步的旋转心花怒放。

    The hall was empty, and they had a grand polka, for Laurie danced well, and taught her the German step, which delighted Jo being full of swing and spring.


  • 分钟就会、怦、怦地狂不止,然后还要演变成一阵持续痛苦的上窜下的撞击,几乎窒息了,感到虚弱眩晕

    When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump, thump, thump, and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy.


  • 选民谈及阿富汗时这样说道:“我们原本就那里去。”直率这位选民了一

    "We should never have been there in the first place, " he says of Afghanistan, to a constituent startled by his candour.


  • 本人进入了一很快显露烦恼神色

    I enter let him be scared, reveals the annoying facial expression very quickly.


  • 欧内斯特走到茶点桌旁说,“刚才说,是个舞伴,”朋友奚落道。

    Ernesto approached him at the refreshment table. "When I told you to dance. I meant with a partner," his friend teased him.


  • 这间屋子主人名叫德,个头瘦小今年61极不惹眼的老人但是身份吓一是著名影星成龙哥哥。

    The room's owner, called Pang Shide, tall skinny, 61-year-old, is a very eye-catching old, but his identity can make you surprised, he is a famous movie star Jackie Chan's own brother.


  • 不已,自己惊异因为控制自己(的)。

    His heart was pounding with a beat that shocked him because he could not control it.


  • 于是就拖着拉开窗户了下去,时候,还听见”里的人大大叫着“竟然让他跑了”。

    And then, she opened the window and jumped out of the bus with the scared boy. While they were jumping, he heard "man" shouted "he was gone" loudly in the bus.


  • 于是就拖着拉开窗户了下去,时候,还听见”里的人大大叫着“竟然跑了”。

    After that, she opened the bus window and grasped him to jump off the bus. While jumping off, he heard people in the bus shouted "can't believe we let him go".


  • 公爵了解释,然后: 「上一段苏格兰舞,或是水手舞,呢啊想一想有了你不妨一段哈姆雷特的独白

    The duke told him, and then says : " i ll answer by doing the highland fling or the sailors hornpipe ; and you - well, let me see - oh, i ve got it - you can do hamlets soliloquy."


  • 公爵了解释,然后: 「上一段苏格兰舞,或是水手舞,呢啊想一想有了你不妨一段哈姆雷特的独白

    The duke told him, and then says : " i ll answer by doing the highland fling or the sailors hornpipe ; and you - well, let me see - oh, i ve got it - you can do hamlets soliloquy."


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