• 关于今天媒体生态系统严肃评论之一:媒体怎样人们找出他们信任的信息,并且坚持

    One of the most serious critiques of today's media ecosystem is how it enables people to seek out only what they believe, and to stick with that.


  • 事实上它们常常联想不太严肃软件开发只有有限资源小型企业进行的开发。

    In fact, they often conjure up impressions of less serious software development - the purview of small companies with few resources.


  • 比如说一位出席发言者主题严肃的,那么这份介绍观众做好准备听接下来轻松的演说

    Sets the mood. For example, if a serious subject was presented by the previous speaker, the introduction can prepare the audience for a more light-hearted speech to follow.


  • 据他们位合伙人称:“我们想法棺材变态没那么严肃,不过这可能可招致一些嘲笑。”

    "We wanted to make the whole idea of picking your coffin less serious, maybe even make people laugh a bit," Giuseppe Tenara, one of the partners, said.


  • 所以表情严肃甚至略带悲伤球场张原本影星般英俊的脸不那么英俊了。

    Hence the expression, serious even to mournful, that Shadowed his film-star-handsome face on the course.


  • 以生动的气息阐述严肃而深奥的话题事实忠告幽默炉,它们在对比当中尽显乐趣。

    It breathes some lifeinto an otherwise serious and difficult subject, giving it a pleasing contrastof facts, advice, and humor.


  • 不仅如此这个老师表情相当严肃不苟言笑,布置作业多又难,课后要看的文章更多,真的心力交瘁

    Moreover, the teacher seemed to be serious and rigid and assigned a lot of homework and journal articles, which thoroughly exhausted me.


  • 实际上通常情况是这样一个人们不要博客网络生活中他们自己显得过于严肃

    In fact, I'm normally the guy who shows people how to stop taking themselves so damn seriously when it comes to their online business or blog or life.


  • 处理这件事的态度非常严肃感到无地自容。

    But he made the issue seem so serious that 'I felt like a very small human being,' she says.


  • 关于今天媒体生态系统严肃评论之一媒体怎样人们找出他们信任信息并且坚持

    One of the most serious critiques of today's media ecosystem is how it enables people to seek out only what they believe, and to stick with that. Television news programming is especially insidious.


  • 生活学校一贯一些俏皮的事情不会它自己太过严肃

    The School of Life always does things with a twinkle in its eye and doesn't take itself too seriously.


  • 十二宫”是上世纪60年代末到70年代加州北部人人之色变连环杀手,而且至今逍遥法外,成为拍摄这一题材严肃影片挑战

    The challenge of making a serious film about the Zodiac, a serial killer who terrorised northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s, is that he was never caught.


  • 正如NicholasCarr所讲的,这些活动不是支离破碎人分神的(请看浅水生活 "Lifein the Shallows"一文)。 恰恰相反,这些活动需要集中精力严肃思考

    These are not fragmentary, attention-disturbing activities, as Nicholas Carr describes (see Life in the Shallows); in fact, they require sustained concentration and some serious thinking.


  • 那个父亲,带着高高的朝圣者帽子自己的父亲那样——严肃尊重

    The father, in his tall Pilgrim hat, was like his own father - stern, someone to be respected.


  • 大幅度的华而不实行为更容易他们这个问题打个折扣,反之,一种严肃语气可以他们严肃对待。

    With big, showy behavior, it's a lot easier for them to discount the issue versus if you brought it up in a serious tone.


  • 当然他们一些劲爆场面,可是更说明电影严肃成分太少了。

    Sure, they had him do some crunches, but still, it just points to a real lack of seriousness in this movie.


  • 知道通过那种方式传染疾病几率非常小,许诺使对方母亲平静了下来,并且自己儿子知道父母非常严肃地对待恶劣行为

    She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behaviour was being taken seriously.


  • 看起来很和蔼而且严肃所以没有做好内的事情时,根本意想不到,就心口猛然

    She seems kind and no-nonsense, so this is as cruelly unexpected as a punch in the solar plexus: she's telling me I'm not doing my job properly.


  • 一天马利克大师严肃诗意以及不朽风格电影中充斥着机器人恶俗笑料的情节取而代之。

    I'll take Malick's somber, poetic and monumental style any day over robots beating each other up and cracking bad jokes.


  • 警方不知如何处理这个案件,这到底恶作剧还是一个错误但是Falcon哥哥Brad目击证词警方确信应该严肃处理这个案件。

    Police weren't sure what to make of the case, whether it was a hoax or a mistake, but what convinced them to take the case seriously was the eyewitness account of Falcon's brother Brad.


  • 伟大的弥尔顿严肃作家《失乐园》亚当夏娃如是说,“,最美丽的生物,上帝最后却是最好作品。”

    The great Milton, a grave author, brings in Adam thus speaking to Eve in Paradise Lost, "Oh, fairest of creation, last and best of all God's works."


  • 我们人们一样有着不同点但是我们我们作为演员相当类似的,我们是很严肃的对待这部剧,我们变得搞笑

    We have differences as people but we're fairly similar as actors in that we both take it seriously but we both want a laugh.


  • 一个真正南方绅士人感觉严肃眼镜黑色的系鞋带的皮鞋所有女士开门,他会向点头微笑以示谢意,他还会自己的办公室里North Carolinian烟草

    A real Southern gentleman, from owlish glasses to black wingtip shoes, who would hold the door for any woman and thank you, with a nod and a smile, for smoking North Carolinian tobacco in his office.


  • 为了促使伊朗停止浓缩铀项目这些大国曾经伊朗提出奖励办法。这些国家已经向伊朗提议进行更深入谈判德黑兰严肃面对问题

    The major powers, offering incentives to Iran to end its uranium-enrichment program, have proposed further talks provided Tehran is ready to deal seriously on the nuclear issue.


  • 为了促使伊朗停止浓缩铀项目这些大国曾经伊朗提出奖励办法。这些国家已经向伊朗提议进行更深入谈判德黑兰严肃面对问题

    The major powers, offering incentives to Iran to end its uranium-enrichment program, have proposed further talks provided Tehran is ready to deal seriously on the nuclear issue.


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