• 他们德国同龄人对于公民的义务和责任成熟认识

    Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.


  • 众应该提高环境意识,认识到保护环境是每个人的责任

    The public should raise environmental awareness and realize it is everyone's duty to protect the environment.


  • 因为要求我们每个人都他人福祉承担某种责任我们可能并不认识他们,我们可能他们有不同信仰,我们与他们的看法可能并非事事一致。

    For it asks each of us to take some measure of responsibility for the well-being of people we may not know or worship with or agree with on every issue.


  • 通过教育使人们认识结核病症状了解结核病、了解自己作为结核病患者权利责任以及迅速寻求治疗重要性

    It is important to educate people so that they recognize the symptoms of TB, understand TB, know their rights and responsibilities as TB patients and seek treatment quickly.


  • 公司认识服务模型当前版本具有弱点因为没有采用正确方法定义服务责任

    Companies will recognize that the current version of their service model has weaknesses because responsibilities of the services are not defined the right way.


  • 同时认识到,家长服务供应商保护儿童隐私有着共同责任列出了五个地方应该立法

    While she acknowledged that parents and service providers share a responsibility in protecting the privacy of children, Shenkan listed five main practices that should be legislated.


  • 逐渐接受这种认识准备采用“旁门左道”也是当前专业实践一部分,但我需要确保自己一种责任方式完成这个工作。

    I've come to accept that it's simply part of current professional practice to be ready to tunnel out and that I need to ensure that I'm doing so only in a responsible way.


  • 索罗斯赞扬全球化运动使各公司更加认识自己更广泛责任

    Soros credits the anti-globalisation movement for having made companies more sensitive to their wider responsibilities. "I."


  • 双方认识我们有共同责任迎接我们这个时代面临的各项挑战,应对气候变化制止核扩散重新平衡全球经济等。

    But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.


  • 我们必须我们的行为同时认识这些行为责任我们的生活产生重大的影响。

    We need to accept responsibility for our responses, and recognize that they assert a powerful influence on our life.


  • 一旦认识快乐一种责任使快乐成为习惯通向不可思议的乐园的大门就会向你敞开,那里满是感激你朋友

    Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.


  • 适应这个新世界意味着要认识我们现在必须成为责任利益相关者

    Adapting to this new world is about recognizing that we must all be responsible stakeholders now.


  • 认识亿万富翁家庭成功地将分寸感勤奋责任逐渐灌输家里的年轻一代:没有私人飞机私人司机之类的享受。

    I know one billionaire family who have managed to instil a sense of proportion, industry and obligation into the various younger members: there are no private jets, chauffeurs or suchlike.


  • 第三解决方案架构师必须认识到承担全盘业务IT体系结构责任

    But third, the solution architect must be cognisant of the overarching business and it architecture responsibilities.


  • 2月27日,全国上下几乎都经历了特大地震,而就几分钟之前,皮涅拉认识到了自己在重建工作面对重大责任

    Minutes before he was reminded of the scale of the task he faces in rebuilding a large swathe of the country after a massive earthquake on February 27th.


  • 他说:“我们一个必须执行我们使命,要认识到,让当地人了解我们尊重他们,尊重他们的文化敏感性,我们做事是负的,有透明度这些对于我们赢得阿富汗人民信任非常必要。”

    Each of us must execute our mission with the realization that displaying respect, cultural sensitivity, accountability and transparency are essential in gaining the trust of the Afghan people.


  • 认识这些错误最终责任在于自己

    He acknowledged the 'ultimate responsibility for mistakes... Lies in me.'


  • 问到谷歌是否是垄断公司时,施密特表示谷歌搜索引擎行业的领头羊,也由于拥有强大市场,谷歌认识一份特别责任

    When asked whether Google was a monopoly company, Mr Schmidt said the search engine giant was "in that area", adding that it recognized it had a special responsibility because of its market power


  • 他们认识到,若想实现这些目标要求我们大家必须相互尊重分担责任

    And they recognized that these objectives demand that we must all practice mutual respect and accept Shared responsibility.


  • 我们认识团队个体组成,个人特定的需求包括工作之外角色责任

    We also recognize that teams are made of individuals and that individuals have unique needs, including roles and responsibilities beyond work.


  • illustration如今,程序员以往更多认识他们责任创建编写较好的单元测试

    IllustrationProgrammers today recognize, more than ever, their responsibility for producing well-written unit tests.


  • 消费者认识转基因食品危险FDA推卸保护我们责任的时候,他们决定退出这个庞大的摄食试验

    When consumers realize the dangers of GM foods and that the FDA has abdicated its responsibility to protect us, they usually want to opt out of this massive feeding experiment.


  • 明星嘉宾提高身体素质,并且对纪律责任有了更深刻认识

    Guest celebrities gradually improve their physiques and acquire a deeper understanding of discipline and responsibility.


  • 我们还都认识我们不能承担历史上第一推脱国家义务责任;我们需要坚定信念美利坚合众国的未来赢得信誉

    And we agree that we simply cannot afford to default on our national obligations for the first time in our history; that we need to uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America.


  • 人们普遍认识到要提高学习效率学习者主动参与学习过程去,承担更多的学习责任

    It is generally acknowledged that learners themselves should play an active role and take more responsibility in mastering a foreign language to improve learning efficiency.


  • 人们普遍认识到要提高学习效率学习者主动参与学习过程去,承担更多的学习责任

    It is generally acknowledged that learners themselves should play an active role and take more responsibility in mastering a foreign language to improve learning efficiency.


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