• 加入一定量触变剂配制成糊状树脂

    By adding a certain amount of preparation of the thixotropic paste resin.


  • 说明镁合金触变注射成形技术有好的市场前景。

    Some parts and their features made by die-casting are listed. the results show that the market of magnesium alloy thixo-molding is good.


  • 同时,研究了触变得出触变试验曲线

    The thixotropy and dilatability of similar soft soil are studied and the thixotropy-testing curve is drawn.


  • 通过优化组合实验选取符合触变流体悬浮剂粘结剂

    Through optimizing combination experiment the suspending agent and binder which can make the coating be of thixotropy are selected in this paper.


  • 其他触变模型相比模型具有参数较少精度高等特点

    Compared with other models, the new model has the advantages of minor parameters and high accuracy.


  • 结果表明加入能满足集装箱涂料的要求。

    The results show that the addition of thixotropic agent improves the rheological property of coating for handling container bottom obviously.


  • 根据润土稠、能力不同建议不同配方有针对性地选用膨润土。

    It was suggested that proper bentonite can be selected in different formulations according to its thickening and thixotropic ability.


  • 采用破解指数粘度法以及触变方法对磁触变性能进行表征。

    Using a thixotropic cracked index, viscosity and the method of thixotropic ring MRF thixotropic performance.


  • 作为一种理想触变增稠材料,气相二氧化硅复合材料有着广泛应用

    As an ideal rheological and thickening material, fumed silica has a wide range of applications in the composite materials even though there exist some problems while using the fumed silica.


  • K- 73组成触变系统,形成一个白色弹性边缘强硬的可加工凝胶涂层。

    With K-73 is a thixotropic system. Gives a white, slightly resilient, machinable gelcoat with good edge strength.


  • 通过流研究讨论了界面设计三元复合体系剪切屈服行为触变行为影响。

    The effects of interfacial design on the shear yield behavior and thixotropic behavior of ternary composites were discussed through rheological measurements.


  • 本文运用结构原理建立陶瓷泥浆触变模型通过实验对所建立的模型进行了验证。

    In this paper the thixotropy model of ceramic slip is established by the use of structure principle method and it is tested by experiments.


  • 触变泥浆减摩技术中继接力技术两个方面对超长距离施工中的顶推力进行了研究。

    From the technology of reducing friction slurry and the relay jacks, the jacking force of long pipe jacking has been analyzed.


  • 发明公开了一种环保防锈油基础无钡防锈剂、触变、助剂、抗氧剂组成。

    The invention discloses an environment-friendly thixotropic antirust oil which is composed of base oil, barium-free antirusting agent, thixotropic agent, accessory ingredient and antioxygen.


  • 验证了剪切应力低于屈服应力时,基本上是弹性,而屈服流过程显示触变特性。

    Elastic deformation occurs at stress below the yield stress, the viscous flow appears after yield with thixotropy.


  • 对Y112铝合金进行半固态触变模锻实验确定试验优的半固态二次加热工艺参数

    Y112 aluminum alloy thixo-forging experiment in semi-solid state was carried out. The optimized reheating process parameters were determined in the experiment.


  • 即目前应用工业领域铝合金触变压铸铝合金触变模锻镁合金等工艺过程有效的。

    Presently the technologies of thixocasting, thixoforging of aluminum alloy and injection of magnesium alloy applied in industries are available.


  • 方法天然橡胶和特效原料制备具有触变凝胶研究凝胶分离血清组成

    Methods: the thixotropic gel was prepared by using natural rubber, special thixotropic agent and other chemicals, and better composition of the blood separating gel was studied.


  • 分散剂-醇酸清漆体系中,酞菁蓝粒子易沉降、返粗,其流动曲线形成明显的触变环。

    However, the phthalocyanine bluealkyd dispersion system without dispersant will show sedimentation of phthalocyanine blue and flocculation, and…


  • HCH - 34胶衣树脂一种弹性通用聚酯树脂为基础。加入一定量触变剂配制糊状树脂。

    HCH-34 get coat resin is a versatile elastic polyester resin based. by adding a certain amount of preparation of the thixotropic paste resin.


  • 实验表明用这种方法制备的草酸锆干凝胶具有触变特性制备氧化锆的一种经济实用的前驱体。

    The colloid particle size and flow characteristics of zirconyl oxalate sol were investigated, and the performance of the membrane was characterized by SEM and gas-flow method.


  • 深入探讨了液体理论同时也给出评价方法,评价方法进行详细分析研究

    Thoroughly explores the thixotropic fluid, also is the theory of MRF thixotropy evaluation methods for evaluation method, and detailed analysis and research.


  • 通过盘锦部分地区的调查工作和地层情况总结,判断盘锦地区地质灾害种类砂土液化、触变咸水入侵。

    According to the geology surveying in Panjin area, it is judged out that the sand liquefaction and soft soil thixotropy, saline water corrode are the geologic hazards might happened in this area.


  • 泥浆可用减少推进中的推进阻力,本文提出了填充装置,用于解决触变泥浆在实际施工中遇到的一些问题。

    Mud fluid can be used to reduce the resistance of advancing the culvert box; a new infilled pad is designed to solve the p.


  • 通过对室内击实制备不同状态黄土样进行回弹量、湿陷等试验分析密度含水量触变龄期等黄土特性影响

    This dissertation, through experiment on modulus of resilience and collapsibility, analyses the effect of dry density, moisture and thixotropy on the deformation characteristic of loess;


  • 研究表明添加hyd-B的磁触变性能明显优于没有添加细粉触变剂hyd - B的磁流触变性能。

    Research shows that add have fine powder thixotropic agent HYD - B MRF thixotropic superior performance not add fine powder thixotropic agent HYD - B MRF thixotropic performance.


  • 针对固态成形,特别是触变锻造成形中浆料流动前沿开裂等质量问题,首次提出了流动前沿等体积流量概念,并将其运用到半固态成形模具优化设计

    With an aim to solve the long-term existing problem of the cracks in flow-front during thixo-forging, a new theory of constant volume flux of slurry was put forward in optimizing die design.


  • 针对固态成形,特别是触变锻造成形中浆料流动前沿开裂等质量问题,首次提出了流动前沿等体积流量概念,并将其运用到半固态成形模具优化设计

    With an aim to solve the long-term existing problem of the cracks in flow-front during thixo-forging, a new theory of constant volume flux of slurry was put forward in optimizing die design.


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