• 电视广告视觉创意遵循一定规律原则,并通过电视画面予以形象、充分地表现

    Thus certain principles should be followed in the visual creation of TV advertisement and will be displayed fully with the help of the visual scenes.


  • 动画电影预产期往往看起来拖很长时间带有爵士曲表演的视觉创意会议

    The pre production period of an animation film look often like a long Jazz Jam Session of visual creativity.


  • 我们服务涵盖限于公关活动展览户外派对橱窗夜店中的视觉创意制作

    Our services cover, but not limited to public relations activities, exhibitions, outdoor, parties, Shop Windows, nightclubs of visual creativity and production.


  • PRFIRST中国一家专门公共关系行业的各类活动媒体传播提供视觉创意设计制作服务的品牌公司

    PRFIRST is the first exclusive company for the public relations industry in a variety of activities, providing visual mass media creation, design, and production services in China.


  • 这种做法广告人电影人没有区别视觉艺术家们互相借鉴创意激发受众某种情感反应

    It's no different than the way advertisers, filmmakers and visual artists borrow ideas from each other to trigger certain emotions and reactions in an audience.


  • 广告设计师不仅艺术创意设计人才他们了解市场营销如何推广产品和服务,通过视觉传达

    Advertising designers are not only talented in the art of creative design, they understand marketing and how to promote products and services through visual communication.


  • 部分第一问题设计用来帮助产品团队开发创意视觉过程参考用

    The first question in this section is designed to assist the production team consult during the creative visual process.


  • 图形设计作品敏感倍受关注视觉中心创意是图形设计中的创造性思维

    Graphic design is the most sensitive and concerned visual center in work, creativity in graphic design is the creative thinking.


  • 最后融合三个圈圈交集就是资讯视觉化,感觉上整个经过精心安排,有创意得来又好像逻辑似的。

    And finally, the intersection of the three circles is data visualization, the figure was carefully arranged, it looks well design yet a logic creative.


  • 核心创意为:运用视觉夸张法以及讽刺性幽默说明由于惊人清凉资产,因此海尼根使身体各部位复苏

    The core idea: By the use of visual hyperbole and sardonic humor assert that Heineken can revive parts of the body (and anything else ) because of its amazing refreshing properties.


  • 平面设计一个实践性课程创意驱动,用各种视觉通信方法建立工作室为基础的课程

    Graphic Design is a hands-on, ideas-driven studio-based course where you will learn a variety of approaches to visual communication.


  • 男被访者这个创意使人产生视觉幻觉,看起来这个盒子像是的。

    The idea is to create an optical illusion to make it look like the box is empty.


  • 我们提供服务包括整合营销传播活动创意执行,媒体关系管理视觉设计等。

    The firm's practices include Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC), Event Production & Management, Media Relationship Management and Visual Design Management.


  • 主要有好的创意概念版画作品无论是视觉还是技术都要独到焦点不要拿概念欺骗消费者不然他们不会买单的。

    Main is a good creative concept pieces, whether in the vision or technology will have the original focus concept, don't cheat consumers pay or they won't.


  • 论述了橱窗展示中的色彩陈列材质空间创意等要素以及如何运用艺术手段设计技巧使商品展示良好的视觉效应

    The factors of color, display materials and space originality of window display are discussed, and how to use art and design techniques to show perfect visual effect.


  • 通过构思独特创意紧紧捉住诱导消耗者购买欲一“”,视觉传达异质性,达到楼顶大字制作广告目的

    Through the design and unique creativity, firmly grasp the induction of consumer desire to buy this "ring", the heterogeneity of visual communication, to achieve the purpose of advertising.


  • 本质上讲,这些创意平衡大师放大设计师视觉传达但是又不和真正本质竞争

    By nature these creatives are masters of balance, amplifying a designer's vision to convey, but not compete with the true essence of a piece.


  • 通过构思独特创意紧紧捉住诱导消耗者购买欲一“”,视觉传达异质性达到楼顶大字制作广告目的

    Through the idea and unique ideas, to seize the desire to induce consumers to buy this "ring" to the heterogeneity of visual communication, to achieve the purpose of advertising.


  • 创意根基,以市场营销突破口借用专业影视制作进行视觉表现

    Creative as the foundation for breakthrough marketing, professional video production to use to carry out visual performance.


  • 从事视觉沟通领域许多专业性可能而且设计总是需要表现各种创意概念

    Working in the visual communication field offer many professional possibilities and designs are always needed to express any kind of ideas and concepts.


  • 创意服装通过较为特殊视觉形式情感语言表达设计者某种思想感情态度看法的一种服装形式。

    Creative costume is through special visual and language to express the designer's thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, etc.


  • 提供全面品牌视觉顾问创意设计服务解决任何形象宣传问题我们很好的合作伙伴

    Provide you with comprehensive visual brand consulting and creative design services to help you solve the problem on any image and publicity, we will be your good partners.


  • 创意作为一种特殊思维方式图形语言表达形式中具有突出的作用创意图形在图形视觉心理的传达方面有着强的传播优势

    As a special way of thought, originality has an outstanding function in graphic language expression. Original graphics have more advantages in the field of graphics' visual psychology.


  • 玩童数字化设计师,运用令人大开眼界的视觉效果动画设计带来创意生活化。

    As a Digital Art Director at Arcade, you bring ideas to life through eye-opening visuals and motion designs.


  • 文中对汉字创意设计包装装潢所蕴涵内涵精髓及视觉传达方面进行了分析、研究。

    The latent character and vision transmission were discussed in terms of its transmission accuracy, recognition, nationality and contemporary in packaging decoration design.


  • 这些作品最后呈现出来一个带有作者创意视觉图像

    Scene of those works finally represent an visual image which contains the artist's creativity in front of the audience.


  • 致力于品牌专注于视觉体现于市场;创意、设计、制作系统化传播服务公司。

    Aloe Medias vision is to create innovation for better brand and enduring belief.


  • 致力于品牌专注于视觉体现于市场;创意、设计、制作系统化传播服务公司。

    Aloe Medias vision is to create innovation for better brand and enduring belief.


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