• EJB规范比较成熟,因而有许多优势:众所周知设计模式案例研究最佳实践还有丰富的供应商支持的开发工具

    The EJB specification is mature, yielding the benefit of well-known design patterns, case studies, and best practices, as well as a rich set of vendor-supported development tools.


  • 首先根据规范使用JUnit框架创建测试案例然后开发实际源代码

    Test cases were created first according to the specification using the JUnit framework, and then the actual source code was developed.


  • 然而一些案例规范版本的微妙区别带来很多麻烦

    In some cases, however, subtle differences between versions of a specification can cause a lot of trouble.


  • 一个案例麻萨塞州首席检察官玛莎审理,法官婚姻行为超出了国会权力侵犯国家的权利规范的婚姻。

    In one case, brought by Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts attorney general, the judge said the marriage act exceeded Congress's powers and infringed on the state's right to regulate marriage.


  • 我们使用Cisco中的案例研究确定轻量级技术规范过程比较特点。

    We used our case study at Cisco to determine how the lightweight techniques compare to the formal processes.


  • 采用理论实践结合规范研究定性研究与案例研究定量研究相结合的研究方法。

    It not only combines theory with practice, but also connects normative analysis and qualitative analysis with case study and quantitative analysis.


  • 案例集中于将目标转变规范困难度上面。

    Example focuses on difficulty of translating goals into regulations.


  • 规范司法解释案例指导统一法律适用标准

    Standardizing judicial interpretation and case guidance, and unifying the criteria for the application of the law.


  • 针对目前工商管理案例教学存在问题提出了“工商管理案例教学规范化”的命题

    Focusing on existing problems of case teaching in business administration nowadays, this article poses a proposition that is standardization of case teaching in business administration.


  • 通过案例比较分析国内外不同规范等效孔径定义测定方法大小关系等。

    Through the case study we analyze the definitions, measurements and sizes of the equivalent aperture in different specifications home and abroad.


  • 按照案例研究规范提出案例研究的设计思想目标样本选择论证案例研究规范结论有效性

    According to the case study criterion, we present its design ideas, purpose and sample selection, and demonstrate the criterion of the study and the effectiveness of conclusions.


  • 为此本文提出了补贴会计研究思路采取规范研究案例分析相结合方法

    Therefore this paper proposes research train of the counter - subsidy accounting, and adopts the analysis methods which including the standard research and the case analysis.


  • 本文采用实证分析规范分析相结合、理论实际相结合案例研究方法

    The case study method of the conjoint empirical analysis and normative analysis and the conjoint theory and practice is used in this paper.


  • 主要采用了文献研究法案例研究法,规范研究为主实证分析为辅

    The paper uses mainly the method of literature and cases. It takes the criterion analysis primarily and empirical analysis for complement.


  • 叙事层面上案例报告被置入行为叙事模式规范叙事模式中来考察

    At the narrative level, the case report is put into the actantial narrative schema and the canonical narrative schema.


  • 本文主要一则案例分析着手阐述了司法实践中法官如何处理法律具体明确规范规定案件

    This text set about from one case analysis mainly, explain how deal with law have concrete to define normal case that stipulate judge among judicial practice.


  • 第三以上规范研究案例分析基础,分析EVA企业价值评估方法我国应用现状原因解决对策

    Third, analysis the application situation, reason and corresponding countermeasure of Eva enterprise evaluation method in China based on the above normative research and case analysis.


  • 本文中国石油吐哈油田分公司研究对象采用案例分析规范分析方法

    This text spit with Chinese petroleum Branch, oil field of Tuha, for the research object, adopt case analysis and standardize the method to analyse.


  • 本文采用定性分析定量分析、规范分析与案例分析结合的研究方法

    In this paper, the most important methods we use are qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, standardized analysis and case analysis.


  • 本文采取理论研究策略比较研究策略案例浅析浅析策略,涉外侵权冲突规范软化进行了探讨

    This article adopt theoretical research method, comparative approach and case analysis method, discuss the softening on the conflict rules of foreign infringement.


  • 裁判规范法律规范审判规范裁判标准案例指导原则、裁判摘要、裁判要旨等相关概念存在根本区别

    The norms of decision is different from the legal norms, the trial norms, the judicial criteria, the directing principles of case, judicial abstract, judicial gist.


  • 一个案例作出暗示可能规范船身形式工作密集区船尾前体

    A case has been made to suggest that it is possible to standardise the hull form of the work intensive areas such as the aft body and the fore body.


  • 研究方法上侧重于案例研究规范描述相结合方法,资料主要来源于公司内部资料相应网站文献书籍

    The means of research is mainly case study and professional description, material is mainly from internal material of company and related net, literature and book.


  • 一条途径研究者以探索性法律规范收集实地案例调查基础通过实际经验理论加工进行建构。

    The other is constructing through processing the practical experience theory that is at the foundation of exploring collection of legal norm and case study on the spot.


  • 一条途径研究者以探索性法律规范收集实地案例调查基础通过实际经验理论加工进行建构。

    The other is constructing through processing the practical experience theory that is at the foundation of exploring collection of legal norm and case study on the spot.


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