• 西班牙央行担保资产评级下调并没有起到任何帮助

    Ratings downgrades of assets guaranteed by Spain's central bank didn't help either.


  • 西班牙央行近来发布关于养老金逐步减少警告提议说是时候退休年龄到65岁以后了。

    The Bank of Spain recently issued a warning about a dwindling pension pot, suggesting it was time to push the retirement age above 65.


  • 5月份西班牙央行接管西班牙CajaSur银行,引发了金融界恐慌并催生欧盟银行压力测试

    One of the Spanish lenders, CajaSur, was seized by the Bank of Spain in May, igniting a financial panic that helped spur the EU stress tests.


  • 今天资本金调整最后期限过后,西班牙央行宣布国家银行救援基金拥有储蓄银行大部分股份

    After today's deadline to re-capitalise, the bank of Spain announced that the national bank rescue fund will own majority stakes in four caja savings Banks.


  • 西班牙央行接管CajaSur这个位于科尔多瓦深陷困境小型储蓄银行时,投资者关注的目光转向西班牙

    Investor concerns about the euro area turned to Spain when the country's central bank took control of CajaSur, a small, troubled savings bank based in cordoba.


  • 周前西班牙央行被迫接管陷入困境地区性储蓄银行CajaSur,此前CajaSur银行一家储蓄银行的合并计划破裂

    A week ago, Spain's central bank was obliged to take control of a troubled regional savings bank, CajaSur, after a merger with a competitor fell apart.


  • 欧洲央行无法一直支持西班牙意大利债务市场——因为他们的规模过于庞大

    The central bank cannot continually support the debt markets of Spain and Italy forever - they are simply too big.


  • 上周一由于投资者担心这两国官方借贷成本变得难以维系欧洲央行入市干预使意大利西班牙国债的收益率6%以上降至5%。

    But on Monday last week, as investors feared official borrowing costs were becoming unsustainable, the ECB intervened to push down Italian and Spanish yields from above 6 per cent to 5 per cent.


  • 欧洲央行八月首度购买债券(以前是联合债券?),西班牙意大利已经部分脱钩”(图表)。

    Since the European Central Bank first intervened to buy debt from the two countries in August, Spain has partly "decoupled" from Italy (see chart).


  • 如果投资者抛售意大利西班牙债券的话,只有欧元区央行这样财政实力稳定市场

    Only the euro zone's central bank has the financial clout to calm markets if investors flee Italian or Spanish bonds.


  • 如果意大利西班牙市场持续动荡,欧洲央行行长急需稳定基金接过购买国债的责任

    Europe's central bankers are desperate for it to take over the bond-buying duties if markets stay skittish over Italy and Spain.


  • 如果利率上升对爱尔兰西班牙打击甚于德国法国意大利那么欧洲央行对于减轻购房者痛苦无计可施。

    If rising interest rates hurt these economies by much more than those of Germany, France and Italy, there will be nothing the ECB can do to lessen homebuyers' misery.


  • 倘若欧洲央行终止这项债券购买计划西班牙国债收益率很快冲破7%的关口

    If the ECB were to end that bond buying program, Spanish debt would shoot well past that 7% threshold.


  • BBC财经编辑 罗伯特·佩斯欧洲央行购买意大利还是西班牙国债的问题内部产生分歧

    BBC Business Editor Robert Peston says the ECB was split on whether to buy Italian and Spanish debt.


  • 欧洲央行干预起到了显著的效果西班牙意大利两国的国债收益率回落至5%。

    In Europe the ECB's intervention certainly had an effect where it mattered: yields on Spanish and Italian bonds came back down to 5%.


  • 欧洲央行没有告知购买哪个国家的欧元分析者认为那些高债务负担的国家购买,比如意大利西班牙

    The bank did not say which bonds it would buy but analysts expect them to be from Italy and Spain.


  • 同时德国媒体欧洲央行购买西班牙意大利债券的决定反应冷淡

    The German press, meanwhile, has been wringing its hands over the European Central Bank’s decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds (see article).


  • 没有提供详细的国家分项不过市场参与者表示欧洲央行购买了葡萄牙西班牙爱尔兰发行的债券。

    It doesn't providea country breakdown, but market participants say the ECB has also purchasedbonds issued by Portugal, Spain, Italyand Ireland.


  • 因为,整个欧元区还有欧洲央行正处于“”乱肆虐的水深火热之中(“猪”指的是:葡萄牙爱尔兰希腊以及西班牙四个国家〈它们首字母组合而成〉。

    The euro area and the European Central Bank are now dealing with what markets are calling thePIGS” crisis: Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.


  • 最近意大利西班牙国债收益率一路飙升年期债券收益率一度高达6.3%,幸而欧洲央行强力干预使其稍微下滑。

    The rates on sovereign debt for Italy and Spain have recently jumped, hitting 6.3% for 10-year notes, until the ECB intervened to wrestle them back down.


  • 欧洲央行(European CentralBank)大量购买意大利西班牙国债暂时缓解市场的焦虑。

    The European Central Bank (ECB) has restored calm in Italian and Spanish government-bond markets for the moment by making big purchases of their debt.


  • 短短3月内欧洲央行购入高达1,700亿欧元意大利西班牙债券

    In just three short months the ECB has had to purchase a whopping 170 billion euros of Italian and Spanish debt.


  • 当一家叫CajaSur储蓄银行5月22日西班牙银行接管后(尽管央行实践此举努力数月),银行业的神经早已紧了。

    Nerves had already been frayed by the bank of Spain's seizure of CajaSur, a savings bank, on May 22nd (despite the central bank's efforts to telegraph this for months).


  • 欧洲央行购买希腊葡萄牙爱尔兰8月份以来购买西班牙和意大利的债券

    It has bought Greek, Portuguese and Irish debt; since early August, it has also purchased Spanish and Italian bonds.


  • 日前,欧洲央行买进爱尔兰葡萄牙国债投资者财富》(Fortune)杂志表示,未来几天,这一机构还将会大笔买进意大利西班牙国债

    The ECB was seen buying up only Irish and Portuguese bonds yesterday, but traders tell Fortune that they were looking into buying large blocks of Italian and Spanish debt in the coming days.


  • 要求今天晚些时候已经得到回应西班牙债券收益压力已经缓和,截止报导时,欧洲央行正在购买西班牙债务。

    His request appeared to have been answered by late in the day as pressure on Spanish bond yields relaxed amid reports that the ECB was buying Spanish debt.


  • 日前,欧洲央行决定二级市场大量买进无人问津的意大利西班牙债券正式成为欧洲所有国家最终贷款人。

    The ECB officially became the lender of last resort to all of Europe this morning as it moved to buy up unwanted Italian and Spanish bonds in the secondary market.


  • 日前,欧洲央行决定二级市场大量买进无人问津的意大利西班牙债券正式成为欧洲所有国家最终贷款人。

    The ECB officially became the lender of last resort to all of Europe this morning as it moved to buy up unwanted Italian and Spanish bonds in the secondary market.


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