• 身穿灰色西服深蓝色衬衫、打着蓝色领带方面俨然一副生意人模样

    He looks every inch the businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.


  • 总是穿着西服,我喜欢颜色鲜艳衬衫有图案领带

    I usually wear a suit, and I like colorful shirts and patterned ties.


  • 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦学术上是天才小事注意例如穿西服常常忘了领带甚至穿着拖鞋讲课

    Albert Einstein was a genius in science, but he did not care about everyday things. For instance, he often wore a suit without a tie, and he even went to class in slippers.


  • 正如看门人所说的“衣着讲究”,全身黑色西服,系着

    He was very well dressed, as the porter had said, entirely in black, in perfectly new garments, and with a white cravat.


  • 身着定制灰色西服蓝色衬衣深蓝领带;脚上是一双擦得铮亮定制皮鞋

    He wore a tailored gray suit, a light blue shirt with a darker blue silk tie, and polished, custom-made shoes.


  • 不到合适领带搭配今天的西服于是商店开门后去买一条

    I couldn't find the right tie, so I had to wait for the stores to open so I could buy one.


  • 葡萄牙人正式社交场合十分注意着装整洁男子身穿深色西服领带蝴蝶结,风度

    Portuguese in a formal social occasion great attention to dress and clean, the man wearing a dark suit and tie or tied bow, a very good demeanor.


  • 任何成功人士都会自己特别关注西服西裤,从领带皮鞋

    And any successful personages definitely paid more attention to their appearance extremely, from coat to the trousers, from tie to leather shoes.


  • 应该梅西百货公司看看他们可能西服领带

    You ough to go and try Macy's. They may have some right ties to go with your suit.


  • 男士可以穿轻质亚麻套装一身浅色西服上衣和长裤,当然也可以选择打领带

    Men can wear a lightweight linen suit or dress pants-and-blazer combination in a light color, necktie optional.


  • 如果别人都不西装革履,那么也没必要非得穿西服领带

    They don't expect you to wear a tie and a suit to jobs where nobody wear a suit.


  • 如果你所应聘的公司职员穿西服领带那么应该穿西服领带去面试。

    If they are all dressed in a suit and tie, then you should dress in a suit and tie.


  • 男士来说选择的领结意味着如果喜欢的话穿无尾晚礼服不会有错但是,如果你愿意选择深色西服领带这样不会随便。

    For men, black tie optional means it's not wrong to wear a tux, if you likebut if you'd be happier in a dark suit and tie, you won't be underdressed.


  • 商店特点毛绒座椅,可以订购整个衣柜西服衬衫皮带皮革制品领带袖扣

    Visitors to the shop, which features plush armchairs, can order an entire wardrobe from suits to shirts, belts, leather accessories, shoes, ties and cufflinks.


  • 着装及装备:黑色西服衬衣,黑色领带、黑色腰带、黑色袜子皮鞋根据店方要求携带使用对讲机

    Uniform: Black suit, black shirt, black tie, black leather belt, black cotton socks and black leather shoes. According to the store requirement to equip and use walkie-talkie.


  • 这位冉冉升起新星穿着一件剪裁考究西服打着领带,脚下一双闪闪发亮的黑色皮鞋,显得帅气十足。这样的穿着打扮著名足球运动员父亲身上常常看见

    In a style that's often seen on his famous footballer dad, the rising star wore a tailored suit and tie, complete with shiny black shoes.


  • 男人妇女一样,也会感受到冲击时尚引导男人胡子净胡子、使用还是领带选择单排扣还是双排扣的西服

    Men, as well as women, feel the impact of fashion. Fashion leads men to grow beards or be clean-shaven, to wear wide or narrow ties, to choose single -or double -breasted suits.


  • 如果婚礼上穿的是英式长尾礼服正式西服那么就该选择和衣服风格相似相配领带当做礼物

    If you are wearing a morning suit or a formal suit give your wedding party ties that are similar but do not match.


  • 中年中等个,中等身材,佩雷斯穿着一贯穿的蓝色衬衫、蓝色领带深灰色西服次惹眼地选件蓝色外套

    Middle-sized, middle-height, middle-aged, he was wearing his usual blue shirt, tie and dark grey suit, though he has been known in moments of sartorial rashness to switch to a blue blazer.


  • 毕业典礼即将来临的时候,学生告知穿西服领带而沃伦拒绝了

    When graduation day came and the students were told to show up in a suit and tie, Warren refused.


  • 所以喜欢每天穿得漂漂亮亮的猴子西服领带就像自动机器人一样。告诉你,办公事隔断里面克了曲棍球

    So you wanna dress up in a monkey suit and tie every day?Like an automaton robot?Trust me, you can't play hockey in a cubicle. Kind of awkward.


  • 所以喜欢每天穿得漂漂亮亮的猴子西服领带就像自动机器人一样。告诉你,办公事隔断里面克了曲棍球

    So you wanna dress up in a monkey suit and tie every day?Like an automaton robot?Trust me, you can't play hockey in a cubicle. Kind of awkward.


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