• 我们一个经典传记片序幕开始,快速穿梭至图灵先生家里闯入的未来

    We begin with a classic biopic preamble, fast-forwarding to the future, where Mr Turing's home has been broken into.


  • 两个女儿一伙闯入家中的歹徒持枪挟持。

    She and her two daughters were held at gunpoint by a gang who burst into their home.


  • 上周维多利亚街上报刊亭礼品店人强行闯入虽然金钱没有拿走,但这些商铺遭受严重的损失

    The newsagent and the gift shop on Victoria Street were both broken into last week, and although no money was taken, the properties have suffered some serious damage.


  • 最近听到案件有个人闯入一所房子偷了一些指控有罪。

    A recent case I heard was of a man accused and found guilty of breaking into a house and stealing some money.


  • 因此夕阳产业解雇劳工或许闯入朝阳产业争取份工作

    So workers fired from a sunset industry may have to break into sunrise industries to get a job.


  • 闯入地球小行星一般认为白垩-第三纪灭绝,即恐龙遭受大灭绝的主要原因之一。 那次毁灭性事件灭绝了地球上超过一半的物种,为哺乳动物成为地球上的首要物种扫清了道路。

    The extinction was caused by a massive asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in Mexico.


  • 大部分闯入病毒随意的涂鸦野蛮的腔调书写的“我们到此一游”。 它们没有大自然图书管理员——自然选择抹去

    Much is the scribbling of vandals who have broken in and scrawled, “We woz ’ere”, in the barbarian tongue of viruses, not yet erased by nature’s librarian, natural selection.


  • 美国认为是一个擅自闯入阿拉伯中心区域特殊目标

    America is deemed a special target for having trespassed on the Arab heartland.


  • 有一个传说这样的,古代有一位神界天鹅闯入人间猎手误杀。

    According to one legend, once in ancient times, a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter.


  • 这个年轻人一开始对自己闯入当地一家办公室内并偷走台电脑的行为矢口否认方向展示了其窗户玻璃割断截手指后,此人立即对相关犯罪事实供认不讳。

    The youth initially denied breaking and entering into an office to steal a computer but confessed when police produced the digital remnant, which had been severed on a broken window.


  • 布拉福德先生之前指控持枪非法闯入一个位于纽约布鲁克林的有着1390公寓的庞大住宅区,然而事实上当时正在8英里远的曼哈顿父亲

    Mr Bradford was accused of breaking into a sprawling 1, 390-apartment complex in Brooklyn, New York with a gun, when in fact he was eight miles away at his father's Manhattan home.


  • 他正暴风骤雨般击打之前享有冠军的TommyBurns时警察闯入拳台终止比赛摄影机关掉以免全世界看到黑人击倒一个白人赢得王冠的画面。

    As he pummeled reigning champ Tommy Burns, police stormed the ring to stop the fight, and film cameras were shut off to spare the world the sight of a black knocking out a white for the crown.


  • 除此之外,汽车配制的心跳传感器可以检测出是否有人闯入汽车,以及孩子宠物是否留在车里。

    In addition to this, a heartbeat sensor can detect whether someone is breaking into the car, or if a child or pet is left inside.


  • 翁山苏姬怂恿一个不请自入闯入违反软禁法条例。5月14号周四

    Miss Suu Kyi was charged on Thursday May 14th with having violated the terms of her house arrest by having abetted an uninvited intruder, John Yettaw, an American man.


  • 名非法闯入一处教堂窃贼抓获,因为衣服发现了少量这种可能来自教堂使用蜡烛

    A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, had come from the sort of the candles used only in churches.


  • 根据法院锁闭赶出后他有没有闯入房屋

    Did he break into my house or not after he was locked out by a court order?


  • 几个闯入安琪房子杀死父母他们暴露出来

    Several thieves broke into Angela's house and killed her parents upon they were exposed.


  • 有一个传说这样的,古代有一位神界天鹅闯入人间猎手误杀。

    According to one legend, in ancient times, a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter.


  • 有一个传说是这样的,古代有一位神界天鹅闯入人间猎手误杀。

    According gto one legend, once in ancient times, a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter.


  • 维吉尼亚议员吉姆·韦伯名助手昨天逮捕后面临着武器违规处罚据称力图携带杆手枪闯入议员办公大楼

    An aide to Virginia Senator Jim Webb faces weapons violations following his arrest yesterday for allegedly trying to carry a gun into a Senate office building.


  • “真理”已经制定与知晓关于你们提升每个面向并且特别是关于更多近期闯入你们整个生活中的事件。

    The truth is to be made known about every aspect of your evolution, and particularly regarding the more recent period that has played a part in all of your lives.


  • 清楚如何闯入劫匪组建的马帮旅行队,继而匪徒带走贩卖的。

    It is not clear how she was traveling in a caravan that was set upon by robbers. She was taken by the robbers and sold into slavery.


  • 增加面临人类闯入住宅或者寻找食物轧死危险

    It increases the risk that bears could confront humans, enter homes, or be killed by cars as they look for food.


  • 最初Pascal严格设计成教学之用,最终,大量的拥护者促使闯入商业编程中。

    While the original Pascal was designed strictly for teaching, it had enough advocates to eventually make inroads into commercial programming.


  • 最初Pascal严格设计成教学之用,最终,大量的拥护者促使闯入商业编程中。

    While the original Pascal was designed strictly for teaching, it had enough advocates to eventually make inroads into commercial programming.


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