• 第二继承继承人死亡时开始。

    Article 2. Succession opens on the death of a decedent.


  • 社股受让人继承人承继让与人或被继承人权利义务

    The transferee or heritor of shares shall succeed the rights and obligations of the transfer or ancestor.


  • 第三十五条无人继承遗产归属,适用继承人死亡遗产所在地法律

    Article 35 the laws at the locality of an estate at the time of death of the deceased shall apply to the disposition of a vacant estate.


  • 继承权是一种私法权利丧失的继承权能否恢复应该被继承人决定。

    The right of inheritance belongs to Private law, so the right of restoration to the lost inheritance should bed...


  • 继承人放弃继承,对继承人依法应当缴纳税款债务可以不负偿还责任。

    The successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law.


  • 继承开始知道继承人死亡继承人应当及时通知其他继承人遗嘱执行人

    After the opening of succession, a successor who has knowledge of the death should promptly notify the other successors and the testamentary executor.


  • 财产合并把财产集中起来,以便平均分配全部财产,对无遗嘱继承人遗产的处理。

    The gathering together of properties to ensure an equal division of the total for distribution, as among the heirs of an intestate parent.


  • 第十一继承人子女先于被继承人死亡,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲继承

    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.


  • 第二十三继承开始知道继承人死亡继承人应当及时通知其他继承人遗嘱执行人

    Article 23 After the opening of succession, a successor who has knowledge of the death should promptly notify the other successors and the testamentary executor.


  • 关于继承权本质被继承人角度观察,主要家族本位说、后抚养说、意思说、无主财产归属说四种见解。

    As to the nature of succession right, there are four doctrines of family standard, postmortem maintenance, intention and unclaimed property attribution from the deceased's viewpoints.


  • 继承生前所欠债务如何处理,我国继承法采取了有限责任继承原则,致使债权人合法权益难以得到有效保护

    As to how to deal with inheritee's debts, inheritance principle of limited responsibility is adopted in Chian's law, which cannot protect effectively creditor's rights.


  • 两种继承方式中,法定继承仍然占绝对优势继承方式,人们大多习惯法律处理自己身后事。而遗嘱继承更便于继承人按照自己的意志处分遗产。

    Among the two methods of inheritance, inheritance by operation of law is still the dominant one because most of the people are accustomed to disposing of their own property after death by law.


  • 为了兼顾共同继承间的公平,在分割遗产时将参与继承之继承人所受的由被继承人生前作出无偿性赠与归入遗产总额,并继承人继份中加以扣除。

    Deduction is to find balance between heirs. It should be cut from the total heritage heirs getting from decedent. The deduction system is derived from the Roman Law.


  • 列为非物质文化遗产的中国结制作技艺的继承人柳成为了一名直播节目主持人。

    Lyu, an inheritor (继承人) of the art of making Chinese knots, which is listed as an intangible (非物质) cultural heritage, became a livestreaming host.


  • 迪斯尼公司目前宗长达14年洛杉矶诉讼案困扰,米尔经纪公司的继承人上诉迪斯尼他们数百万美元的版税

    Disney is still battling an appeal of a 14-year-old Los Angeles lawsuit by heirs of Milne's agent, who claim they are owed millions in royalties.


  • 1995年,古财富继承人公司创办人莫里齐奥-古驰,在米兰办公室谋杀。

    In 1995, Maurizio Gucci, heir to the Gucci fortune and grandson of the company's founder, was murdered outside his Milan office.


  • 一直相信自己也是埃及真正绐者,就拉姆西斯二世图塔摩斯三世那样神灵选定正当继承人

    But he considered himself the true ruler of Egypt as well, the rightful heir to the spiritual traditions practiced by pharaohs such as Ramses II and Thutmose III.


  • 老年人可能孩子帮忙立遗嘱,如果这个子女本身就是继承人可能质疑,他的其他兄妹可能会质疑。

    Elderly parents may ask their children to help, but if this child also inherits it could be challenged, perhaps by other siblings.


  • 索科尔本来掌管着伯克希尔两家子公司中美(MidAmerican)奈捷特(NetJets),广泛地认为巴菲特的法定继承人一位巴菲特的传记作者“奥马哈的贤者”(指巴菲特)还特意栽培了他。

    Sokol, who used to run Berkshire subsidiaries MidAmerican and NetJets, was widely seen as Buffett's heir apparent, an image Buffett biographers say the "Oracle of Omaha" cultivated.


  • 最后不仅片中扮演主角相继拍摄了斯科塞斯的4部电影,2008年拍摄《禁闭》,认作马丁斯科塞斯的御用演员罗伯特德尼罗继承人

    He was not only picked for a major role in that film, but filmed his fourth Scorsese movie, Shutter Island, in 2008, and is often said to have replaced De Niro as Scorsese’s go-to guy.


  • 年轻继承人警告说,如果再挥金如土,将会很快破产。

    The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he continued to be lavish with money.


  • 当时,家族年轻继承人芒戈·贝欧巴似乎不清大形势因为总是不负责任的事情分散注意力

    At the time, the young heir to the dynasty, Mungo Baobab, seemed incapable of seeing the bigger picture, as his attentions were scattered by irresponsibility.


  • 奥尔公爵?次继承人路易十五摄政王摄政时期,宫廷礼节俗套逐渐不拘形式舒适气氛取代

    During the regency of Duke of Orleans, regent for the minor heir Louis XV, the formalities of the court gave way to a more casual and intimate atmosphere.


  • 小说讲述葛若恩王权继承人的故事,尽管第一本书的故事开始时,还是个婴儿歌门鬼城伯爵领地长大,因此命名为泰忒斯,他后来开拓了这个世界之外地方

    The books follow the heir to the Groan throne, although the first takes place during his infancy, named Titus as he grows in the Earldom of Gormenghast, and later explores the world outside it.


  • 查尔斯伊丽莎白二世长子英国王位继承人。1969年确立威尔士亲王

    Charles: the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne. He was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969.


  • 查尔斯伊丽莎白二世长子英国王位继承人。1969年确立威尔士亲王

    Charles: the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne. He was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969.


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