• 认为可以这样评价所有皇室结婚礼服——他们都已经成为能够表达穿着那个年代很多讯息的令人叹为观止文档

    I think you can say that about all the royal wedding dresses-they have become amazing documents that can say a lot about the year when they were worn.


  • 我们集市所有穿着破衣烂衫脏孩着看。

    We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us.


  • 穿着汗水浸透T恤衫,拥到台前,狂舞着,摇滚音乐会上所有体验

    Moshing down the front, crushed against the stage in a sweat-drenched T-shirt, is all part of the gig experience.


  • 最后看到一位母亲穿着设计师设计西装没有口水鼻涕是什么时候

    When's the last time you actually saw a mother in a designer suit that wasn't stained with spit or snot?


  • 狄恩穿着虫蛀大衣特意买来抵御东部寒冷气候的。

    Dean was ragged in a moth-eaten overcoat he bought specially for the freezing temperatures of the East.


  • 虽然女式格呢褶裙看作典型高地服饰,但如今一些低地城市人们穿着

    Although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands.


  • 住着豪华的房子穿着最讲究的衣服,当然还拥有世上最闪亮柔顺的飘柔(原文Timotei为国际知名洗护品牌)彻底护理过的丝般的秀发

    He gets the best house, the best outfits and of course the silkiest, shiniest, most thoroughly-Timotei'ed hair.


  • 那些通过穿着表达自己的人也希望穿着视为过时的衣服。

    People who express themselves through their clothes don't want to wear something viewed as passe.


  • 茜尔维穿的是棕色春季夹克棕色大口袋裤子,而的棕色头发编成了个马尾辫,还穿着薰衣草色雨披

    She had a brown spring jacket and brown cargo pants. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she wore a lavender poncho underneath.


  • 狗可以进入餐馆公共场合任意活动,穿着搞笑外套甚至成像凶猛老虎

    Dogs are brought into restaurants, fussed over in public, dressed up in ridiculous outfits and dyed to look like ferocious tigers.


  • 看到这位人高马大外国人穿着睡衣冲上走廊双臂大声喊叫,她们当然吓坏了,像我朋友老鼠吓坏了那样。

    The sight of this large, noisy foreigner running down the corridor in his pajamas with arms waving wildly no doubt shocked them as much as the rat had shocked him.


  • 重要细节分为两个版本其中包括抢劫犯穿着每个人都认为自己看到同样录像

    Crucial details diverged in the two versions, including what the robber was wearing, but everyone thought they saw the same video.


  • 萨拉布朗穿着的“红色露跟楔形凉鞋”赢得观众喝彩,卫报誉为竞选最棒鞋子

    Sarah Brown wowed onlookers with herred slingback wedge sandals”, hailed by the Guardian as the campaign's best footwear so far.


  • 整个城市联合国教科文组织授予世界遗产称号,其中有一屋子改建成了博物馆,里面摆放着穿着当时服装模特人像。

    The whole town has been granted Unesco World Heritage status and one of its larger houses has been turned into a museum, complete with mannequins decked out in the costumes of the time.


  • 这么多年以来,“伊一直视为是“落伍”代名词——穿着长长的碎花垫肩的马甲以及奶奶那个时代皮鞋短袜。

    Over the years, Elaine has stood out as a beacon of a faded era, in long floral skirts, blazers with padded shoulders and granny shoes with socks.


  • 幸运是,还有好几种可行穿着的白色礼服模式而且这些模式还能各种各样的方式装饰。

    Luckily there are several patterns obtainable that feature a white base, and yet which are embellished in a lot of means.


  • 研究者猜测身体厚重穿着精确放在石板平台上后来洪水冲到了地。

    The study suggests that his body and bulky accoutrements were deposited precisely on the small stone platform and later borne by flowing water to the depression.


  • 赶到时候乘客正不断送过来,人们穿着以及其他适合在气候温暖的航班目的地穿着的衣服

    By the time Chief Peruggia arrived to the staging area, passengers were streaming in — people dressed in suits and clothes for a flight to a warmer climate.


  • 格外胆小的植物学者帕米拉伊斯雷疯狂科学家,变成一个带着乳胶手套、穿着乳胶紧身衣的辣妹。

    After extra-mousy plant researcher Pamela Isley is done in by a fellow mad scientist's toxins, she trades in those latex gloves for a skin-tight latex suit.


  • 许多阵亡卡扎非士兵军装下面穿着平民服装——临近地区,也有居民报道发现丢弃军装

    There were multiple accounts of dead Qaddafi fighters found wearing civilian clothing under their fatigues - and in some neighborhoods, residents reported finding discarded military uniforms.


  • 凯特在宣布婚讯媒体会上穿着宝蓝色洋装在几天之内疯抢一空

    The royal-blue dress she wore when her engagement was announced to the media also sold out within days.


  • 这部电视剧中,(扮演苏格兰警察的)演员允许穿着真正警服能够承受外部压力的防弹背心

    The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force's crest.


  • 炼金术士穿着金丝织成衣服吊死在镀金的绞刑架上

    The alchemist would be dressed in a tinsel suit and hanged from a gallows covered in gold-colored foil.


  • 虽然方格呢裙看作典型高地服饰,但如今一些低地城市人们穿着

    And although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands.


  • 照片里社会特征掩盖住了所以志愿者只能根据他们穿着进行判断

    The facial features of the man and woman in the pictures had been obscured so the volunteers were only making judgements about what they were wearing.


  • 女士们要求看40彩色照片,其内容为穿着款类型名人不出名人士,且他们认为具有相似程度吸引力

    The women were presented with 40 colour photographs of famous and non-famous women deemed to be similarly attractive, and wearing the same footwear.


  • 如果建议接受,这些变革允许教区神父穿着牛仔裤T恤主持教堂某些仪式。

    The changes would have allowed vicars to carry out certain church duties in jeans and T-shirts.


  • 本书些小情节发生切尔西酒店那里出场了一些怪人——包括穿着天使翅膀婚纱男人——他们要求带着便宜运费

    The book's few lesser moments occur at the Chelsea Hotel, where a cast of eccentrics - including a man who wears angel's wings and a wedding dress - are asked to carry cheap metaphorical freight.


  • 本书些小情节发生切尔西酒店那里出场了一些怪人——包括穿着天使翅膀婚纱男人——他们要求带着便宜运费

    The book's few lesser moments occur at the Chelsea Hotel, where a cast of eccentrics - including a man who wears angel's wings and a wedding dress - are asked to carry cheap metaphorical freight.


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