• 中国指责克里斯蒂拍卖行出售掠夺青铜雕塑品

    China has criticized the sale of two looted bronze sculptures at Christie's.


  • 数以万掠夺艺术品中,绝大多数永远消失私人收藏家手中。

    Most of the tens of thousands of artifacts looted disappeared into private collections forever.


  • 出于英国朋友的尊重不会提到慕尼黑协议出于东道主礼貌我也不会列出由于签订了慕尼黑协议而掠夺波兰领土,比如切申。

    Out of deference to my British friends I will not mention the Munich agreement, and out of politeness to my hosts I will not cite the Polish land grab of Cieszyn that followed it.


  • 掠夺者”第一次是在巴尔干半岛执行任务,在那里,飞机的翅膀就很容易冰冻

    In the Balkans, where Predators were first deployed, their wings tended to ice over.


  • 经过一个半世纪离群索居之后,只老鼠只兔子发现自己正身处涉及它们未来国际风暴之中被掠夺艺术品特有命运

    A rat and a rabbit, emerging from a century and a half of peaceful seclusion, have found themselves in the eye of an international storm about their future, and the proper fate of looted artworks.


  • 数据可能所选领导者有色眼镜扭曲这会掠夺需要感觉到自己的技术过程所有权的授权团队

    The data may be skewed by the rosy glasses of selected leaders, which robs the team of the empowerment needed to feel ownership of their own craft and process.


  • 美国财富也是偷盗而来,那个真正受剥削牺牲品不是而是残酷掠夺可怜的大地母亲生物

    In the United States, wealth was also acquired by stealing, but the real exploited victim was not a human being but poor Mother Earth and her creatures who were ruthlessly plundered.


  • 剥夺人民自由掠夺他们的财富杀害国内外反对者,威胁世界各地无辜人民——包括利比亚特工人员杀害美国人。

    He has denied his people freedom, exploited their wealth, murdered opponents at home and abroad, and terrorized innocent people around the world - including Americans who were killed by Libyan agents.


  • 这种争论认为,事实上可怜波兰一次政失其道,而且出卖掠夺

    In truth, runs this argument, poor Poland is yet again being misruled, betrayed and looted.


  • 他们这些技艺结果意大利查理肆虐路易掠夺斐迪南侵犯以及瑞士侮辱

    The result of their skills has been that Italy has been overrun by Charles, plundered by Louis, violated by Ferdinand, and insulted by the Swiss.


  • 大英博物馆的这次展览倾向于弱化墨西卡时期暴虐统治经常发动战争掠夺贡品战俘,战俘用来祭祀嗜血神灵,他们帮助科尔特斯得到了盟友

    The British Museum tends to play down the more oppressive aspects of Mexica rule: their constant wars in search of tribute and of captives for sacrifice to bloodthirsty gods helped cortes gain Allies.


  • 稿子所遇到情况正如爱德华·所描述拖沓所所掠夺的那样时间无疑偷去了---或者更为恰当的说是时间浪费了

    That was the case with this post - and as the Edward Young quotation so aptly captures, time was definitely stolen - or more accurately, wasted.


  • 那些受影响人中来自津巴布韦索马里埃塞俄比亚其他非洲国家数以千计难民和寻找收容的人,他们家园毁,商铺被掠夺和烧毁。

    Among those affected are thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe, Somalia, Ethiopia and other African countries, whose homes were destroyed and businesses looted, and burned.


  • armless男孩救起掠夺送往医院英国慷慨治疗教育

    The armless boy was plucked out of his plundered hospital and sent to Britain for generous treatment and education.


  • 二十世纪六十年代墨西哥南部修建高速公路过程中模糊废墟发现这块石碑。石碑差点毁;这里大部分上了路面,石碑碎片也被掠夺一空。

    Found at an obscure ruin in southern Mexico during highway construction in the 1960s, the stone tablet almost did not survive; the site was largely paved over and parts of the tablet were looted.


  • 收割者掠夺者虽然已经大肆报道,成为头条新闻,又便宜、而且性能不俗的小型无人机从数量上已经大大超越那些又大知名度又高的无人驾驶飞机。

    Reapers and Predators grab the headlines, but these big, high-profile drones are already outnumbered by small and cheap but capable craft.


  • 经过多次掠夺探险一起加勒比地区他们抓获牙买加机组人员送往审判西班牙

    After several plundering expeditions around the Caribbean together, their ship was captured off Jamaica and the crew were sent for trial in Spanish Town.


  • 新德里——数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——印度北部贾特人掠夺过,英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种侮辱

    NEW delhi-over the centuries, the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks-plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers, among other indignities.


  • 遗传资源利用方式见证人类社会科学技术飞速发展,也见证了人类对生物资源的无情掠夺摧毁

    The utilization of hereditary resources has seen both the rapid development of human society and science and technology, and destroying of the living resources without mercy.


  • 新德里——数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——印度北部贾特人掠夺过,英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种侮辱

    NEW W delhi-over the centuries, the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks-plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers, among other indignities.


  • 价格高于平均可避免成本如果证明产生了排斥市场竞争效果具有掠夺定价意图那么也会构成掠夺性定价。

    Price higher than the average avoidable cost, if exclusive effects of market competition and predatory intention was founded, it would constitute predatory pricing.


  • 今天难道这样坚持看着中国这块属于中国人自己蛋糕别人掠夺吗?

    Is it like this today, you looked at the insistence of China's land belongs to the Chinese themselves being plundered cake it?


  • 工作面试中真正掠夺了。我不得不考卷几十个人自我表现。

    I was really put through the wringer at my job interview . I had to fill out papers, meet dozens of peoples, and do a presentation!


  • 成千上万重载卡车驶过这座掠夺一空的贝拉里,扬起一片片红色尘埃

    Overloaded lorries trundled by the thousands through the despoiled Bellary hills, throwing up clouds of red dust.


  • 成千上万重载卡车驶过这座掠夺一空的贝拉里,扬起一片片红色尘埃

    Overloaded lorries trundled by the thousands through the despoiled Bellary hills, throwing up clouds of red dust.


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