• 捕获罪犯们展示在电视摄像机

    Captured prisoners were paraded before television cameras.


  • 喷水孔周围的这区域也是特别敏感的,捕获动物往往强烈反对触摸那里

    The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there.


  • 如果处于群体边缘个体由于捕获风险更大而变得更加警惕那么个体通常较小群体必须更加警惕。

    If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups.


  • 颗远距双星有可能星团解体时捕获

    The origin of wide binaries may be capture during cluster dissolution.


  • 捕获的乌龟金雕从高空抛岩石从而击裂龟壳

    Tortoises are dropped on to rocks to crack their shells.


  • 随后,研究者捕获蛋白质分离出来进行鉴定

    The researchers then separated out the captured proteins and identified them.


  • 警犬追踪他在自己走过小道留下气味而捕获

    He was captured by the hound tracing the scent he left over along the path he had followed.


  • 如果捕获的话,输入到表单数据浏览器服务器,再到数据库

    Data entered in the form travels from the browser to the server and to the database if it is captured.


  • 1960年代起已有200头捕获的杀人(译注:又名逆戟鲸)死去

    Since the 1960s, 200 killer whales have died in captivity.


  • 阳光的日子里捕获的企鹅找到回家的但是在阴天迷失方向

    If captured on a sunny day they will find their way home, but if it's cloudy they tend to lose their way.


  • 曾经捕获鸟儿似乎特定科学家戒备心强,再次抓获它们的难度也更大。

    Previously trapped birds seemed more wary of particular scientists, and often were harder to catch.


  • 弗罗里达州看到鳄鱼到处漫游平常只却是在罗德捕获的

    It's thought a usual to hear about alligators roaming around Florida, but this one was caught in Rhode Island.


  • 一个典型的摄像机记录光照射平面上的方式工作——通过镜头捕获的光线区域

    A typical camera works by recording where light strikes the focal plane-the area onto which rays passing through a lens are captured.


  • 许多广播系统发起——比如,宣布屏幕关闭,电量不足,或者照片捕获的广播通知

    Many broadcasts originate from the system-for example, a broadcast announcing that the screen has turned off, the battery is low, or a picture was captured.


  • 记住一个中子一定生存期产生时间捕获的时间,能够远处测量它。

    Remember a neutron has a certain lifetime from the time it's born to the time it gets captured and you can measure that in distance as well.


  • 自然流动经常电流捕获监管机构3他们将规范紧张和电流,然后导演使用台灯。

    Natural flow and constant currents will be captured by the regulators , Figure 3; they will regularize in tension and in amperage and then directed to use in table lamps.


  • 捕获秃鹫初次生于野外之时,这些秃鹫还是会频繁地栖身塔之上飞走之前触电而死

    When captive condors were first released into the wild, they frequently perched on electrical towers and got electrocuted on take-off.


  • 捕获品,战利品有时武力取得的作为战利品而取得的东西战时海上捕获的及其货物

    Something seized by force or taken as booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime.


  • 话说,逃走在2002年捕获日心轨道之前这个物体可能这个时期地球飞行。

    In other words, this object was very likely orbiting the Earth during this period before escaping into the heliocentric orbit from which it was captured in 2002.


  • 亲诺克三文鱼钓鱼运动者的欢迎,同时它也是每年在安大略湖捕获的超过60%鱼种

    Chinook salmon are popular with sport fishermen and account for over 60% of the fish caught in the Lake Ontario boat fishery.


  • 捕获品,战利品:有时武力取得的作为战利品而取得的东西战时海上捕获的及其货物

    Nautical Something seized by force or taken as booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime.


  • 配置运行Web服务我们需要创建一个服务模型捕获体系结构设计决定一致的实际实现

    To deploy and run a Web service, we need to create an actual implementation that is consistent with the architectural and design decisions captured in the model.


  • 这种奇怪设置可能由于盘状星系捕获途径的星系中的物质,而捕获物质形成了这个旋转环形所致。

    The bizarre configuration could have been caused by the chance capture of material from a passing galaxy by the disk galaxy, with the captured debris strung out in a rotating ring.


  • 这些捕获电子相距很远时,它们之间的相互作用因而在某种程度上表现相互孤立负电荷

    When the trapped electrons are far apart, they do not interact strongly, and so behave somewhat like an array of isolated negative charges.


  • 捕获平均重量在减小正是研究机构大为担忧的,尽管产卵鱼的总存量1985年以来略微增加

    The mean weight of fish caught is also dropping, which worries the research institute greatly, though the biomass of spawning stock has increased slightly since 1985.


  • 这种猛禽捕食大型猎物的时候会空中猎物抛下。捕获的乌龟金雕从高空抛岩石从而击裂龟壳

    The eagles kill large prey by dropping it from a great height. Tortoises are dropped on to rocks to crack their shells.


  • 这个例子使用响应时间崩溃选项(测试调度下面选中的),在测试运行收集捕获页面元素统计数字

    This example USES the response time breakdown option, which is selected under the schedule, to collect statistics on a captured page element when the test runs.


  • 简单说来就是,同步请求期间所有portlet相关页面捕获的状态下PocketPC上变得可以访问。

    Simply put, all the pages associated with a portlet are made available on the Pocket PC in the state they were captured in during a synchronization request.


  • 一个月亮可能帮助稳定火星轨道但是它也两个卫星,很可能捕获小行星,他们根本没有足够的引力能束缚。

    A big moon likely could have helped stabilize Mars' orbit, but the planet has just two small moons, most likely captured asteroids, that don't have much gravitational muscle.


  • 无论如何一个好的时间精力的分配已经进入SOW,可以理解ASDI希望我们能够确保不会遗漏任何SOW中捕获东西。

    However, a good deal of time and energy had gone into the SOW, and ASDI understandably wanted to be sure we weren't missing any ideas that had been captured in it.


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