• 清楚告诉他们这个城墙被建之后,对人民影响什麽?

    Nehemiah recognized the king's help, but he knew that hand of God was upon him.


  • 922年被建爱尔兰自由邦937年正式成为爱尔兰主权国家

    Established as the Irish Free state in 922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 937.


  • 1922年被建爱尔兰自由邦1937年正式成为爱尔兰主权国家

    Established as the Irish Free state in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937.


  • 人们怀疑如何何时被建为何的同时发现卡塞里格不是一个完整的圆圈,在东北部弄平了。

    A mystery on how, when and why it was built, the Castlerigg is not a full circle and is flattened on the northeast.


  • 重要的是,在大多数情况下,即使巢风之类的摧毁,您也可以一个新的巢,把小鸟放回其中,当父母回来后,他们不会关心他们的孩子在不同的巢里,只要你把新巢放在旧的附近,让它们就可以找到它就行。

    What's more, in most cases, even if the nest is destroyed by wind or something to that effect, you could create a new one and put all the baby birds back in it, and when the parents came back, they wouldn't care their baby birds were in a different nest, so long as you put the new nest near where the old one was so they can find it.


  • 拥挤城市中的土地用尽,解决方案显而易见的:向上

    WHEN you run out of land in a crowded city, the solution is obvious: build upwards.


  • 克鲁斯要求下汤米·戴维斯允许斯皮尔伯格的《世界大战》片场一个帐篷,好达基学习材料放在里面。

    Tommy Davis, at Cruise's request, was allowed to erect a tent on the set of Spielberg's "War of the Worlds," where Scientology materials were distributed.


  • 分析表明很多索引对象已经存储磁带上

    The analysis showed that many objects to be indexed were already stored on tape.


  • 公共设工程几乎没有改善印度糟糕基础设施:许多设施在雨季雨水冲走第二,质量一样

    The public works do little to better India’s awful infrastructure: many get washed away each monsoon, only to be rebuilt, badly, the following year.


  • 中国公司竞投波兰高速公路项目狠狠地扇了一个耳光,部分原因是公司安哥拉一家医院开门营业几个月内便散架了。

    A Chinese construction firm had an ear-bashing when bidding for a Polish motorway contract, in part because an Angolan hospital the company had built fell apart within months of opening its doors.


  • 达吉斯坦其他人来说,他们有的就只是崎岖不平公路废弃农场工厂污染的海洋和点缀着半半毁的房子残败景象。

    As for the rest of the Dagestanis, they are left with potholed roads, derelict farms and factories, a polluted sea and a grim landscape dotted with houses half-built or half-ruined.


  • 杭州环绕西湖。西湖湖面宽阔,四周绿色群山环抱,湖上年代久远的人工岛屿道。

    Hangzhou is based around the West Lake, a vast body of water surrounded by green hills and filled with historic man-made islets and causeways.


  • 对于任何基于委员会工作预算草案来说是个好兆头,它们也许最终众议员参议院束之高阁

    This does not bode well for the fate of any set of budget proposals based on the commission's work that may eventually land on the floor of the House or the Senate.


  • 这项为期一年的活动命名为“机器人250”,而今年也恰逢匹兹堡城250周年。

    The yearlong program, called Robot 250, coincides with the city's 250th birthday.


  • 看到目前使用高兴,希望他家4- 5公里处能再一口井。

    He is pleased the well is now operational, but would like to see another well developed four or five kilometers away, closer to his home.


  • 公司他们已经销售了成千个徽章近来安装纽约公墓中2001年911恐怖袭击而的纪念碑上。

    The company says it has sold thousands of the medallions, which recently were installed at a New York cemetery's memorial to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


  • 身高2.13米纽约鹿队选中并没有与雄鹿官员会面而是前往达拉斯中国国家队会合,准备参加周日的热身赛。

    Rather than meet Bucks officials after the draft in New York, the 7-foot (2.13-metre) Yi traveled to Dallas where he joined the Chinese national team for an exhibition game on Sunday.


  • 李亚红身高175厘米年前关系媒体曝光,那时矢口否认

    Li, 175cm, was exposed as Yi's girlfriend 3 years ago but she denied the relationship then.


  • 尽管826年筑师Kobodaishi以来4,但1644年重后,它一直耸立

    Though burned down four times since it was first erected in 826 by the master builder Kobodaishi, the current building has stood its ground since 1644.


  • 景观基座拆毁一个宽敞中心花园能拉伸场地深度

    The landscape plinths are demolished for a generous Middle Garden stretching the site's depth.


  • 乙醚提取能量所谓'乙醚物理学',基于宇宙'物质充满著',固定不变、永久运转

    Extracting energy from the aether, and the so called 'aether physics', is based on the cosmos being' all filled with substance ', which is in constant, perpetual motion.


  • 印度羞辱了。全世界都知道我们天桥倒了,我们甚至无法保持厕所清洁国家耻辱负责

    India stands humiliated. The world knows the Bridges we build collapse; that we can't even keep loos clean. Who is responsible for the national shame?


  • 范德·维奇告诉《今日美国》,简直训练惊呆了

    Vandeweghe told USA Today he was "blown away" by the Yi workouts he saw.


  • 室内装潢住宅带有复斜式屋顶废弃之后,于2010年重

    INDOORS: The gambrel-roofed house was gut-renovated in 2010 after being left derelict.


  • 收养兄弟最后者离开身房的时候,杰生坐在之一上。

    Jason sat on one of the MATS as the last of his adopted siblings left the gym.


  • 古根海姆最初中央公园一个大的,然而他们的场地到了东南因此他们不得不使变得更小

    The Guggenheim originally wanted to build a much bigger building in central park. They were pushed to the upper east side, so they had to make it smaller.


  • 古根海姆最初中央公园一个大的,然而他们的场地到了东南因此他们不得不使变得更小

    The Guggenheim originally wanted to build a much bigger building in central park. They were pushed to the upper east side, so they had to make it smaller.


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