• 一些大型投资银行新兴市场表现活跃,实现了艰难增长,但是没有本地银行表现令人满意

    The big investment Banks are also active in emerging economies but may find the going increasingly tough as local Banks get better.


  • 统治德国魔兽很久合并之后我们给了一些压力,以便他参加世界大赛表现令人满意

    Miou – Well known for dominating the German Warcraft scene we put some pressure on him after the merge to also focus more on international competition and what he showed there was quite satisfying.


  • 但是哈桑·赫雷谢,这位我行我素议会首要成员法塔赫成员则表示立法会不能在近几个月召开,除非哈马斯选举预备阶段的表现令人满意

    But Hassan Kherisheh, self-styled chief clerk of parliament and a Fatah man, says the council cannot be reconvened for months, and only then if Hamas behaves itself in the run-up.


  • 当然面试表现非常好的后来发现非常令人满意员工

    There are also, of course, people who interview extremely well, but are later found to be very unsatisfactory employees.


  • 保持一个令人满意工作表现不过不要全身心地投入进去需要练习深思有助于

    Maintain a satisfactory job performance, but de-invest emotionally. This one takes practice, and meditation helps with this.


  • 保持一个令人满意工作表现,不过不要全身心地投入进去需要练习,深思也有助于

    This one takes practice, and meditation helps with this.


  • 这个公司情绪高涨除了信服反弹令人满意之外,诺基亚强有力财政表现对于雇员意味着更多的红利

    The mood at the company is buoyant: in addition to the satisfaction of having bounced back so convincingly, Nokia's strong financial performance meant big bonuses for many employees.


  • 1870年至1930年间——第一次全球化伟大时期——拉美表现比较令人满意,并已略微缩小与其北部邻国人均收入上的差距

    Between 1870 and 1930-the first great period of globalisation-latin America did reasonably well, slightly narrowing the income gap with its northern neighbour.


  • 看来思科交换业务市场上占有80%的市场份额,毛利率75% - 80%之间,表现似乎令人满意

    A snapshot view of the switching business makes things look great for Cisco. It has an 80% market share.


  • 老师我们课堂上令人满意表现满意可以脸上满意表情看出来

    The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied expression on her face.


  • 一季度AOP各项关键指标的表现不能令人满意

    In the first quarter, we did not perform well on the key elements of our AOP.


  • 但是球队持续令人满意表现不是取决于个人优秀程度而是成员如何自己看成是一个整体一部分,如何完美合作

    However, a continuously satisfactory performance relies not on individual excellence, but on how each member regards himself as part of a whole union, and how well they collaborate.


  • 科尔的攻门相当令人满意大卫·贝克·汉姆的跨大西洋之旅没有带来任何负面表现

    Joe Cole too can be reasonably satisfied with his efforts, while there was no sign David Beckham's trans-Atlantic trip had taken any toll.


  • 我们这些相信伊拉克战争能够并且必须胜利看见一些安全基准方面取得令人满意表现,从而将其作为一项追求乐观事业

    Those of us who believe the battle in Iraq can and must be won see the satisfactory performance on several of the security benchmarks as a cause for optimism.


  • 受聘人合约届满后会否获得续约聘用,将视乎服务需要以及工作表现品行是否令人满意而定。

    The offer of further appointment beyond the existing contract is subject to the service need and the satisfactory performance and conduct of the candidate.


  • 受聘人合约届满后是否获得继续聘用,将视乎服务需要以及工作表现品行是否令人满意而定。

    The offer of further appointment beyond the existing contract is subject to the service need and the satisfactory performance and conduct of the appointee.


  • 米兰一会儿,没有球队表现也很令人满意所以没法抱怨什么

    I didn't get too long in Milan but I was impressed with the way the team played without me so I can't really complain too much!


  • 这两部分的表现不能令人满意过去为了使伯克希尔的内在价值保持一个可以接受增长率我们需要各个领域获得相当好的收益。

    Both of these performances are unsatisfactory. Over time, we need to make decent gains in each area if we are to increase Berkshire's intrinsic value at an acceptable rate.


  • 保持一个令人满意工作表现不过不要全身心地投入进去。

    Maintain na satisfactory job performance, but de-invest emotionally.


  • 希望自己通过努力三月复赛中能令人满意表现

    I cannot expect terrific performance in the next round without hard work, can I? So, let me reap what I sow in the contest due in March.


  • 这场胜利美国登月成功以来,举国上下通力合作,最令人满意的一次表现

    The victory was as satisfying as anything Americans have done together since landing on the moon.


  • 本文采用方法解决大规模训练问题(如11000个训练样本表现性能令人满意

    When used to solve the convex quadratic programming problems with super large scale of training samples(11000 training samples), the algorithm designed in this paper works better.


  • SQL语言数据库精确查询出较佳的性能模糊查询却不令人满意

    SQL shows a fine performance in database for exact queries, but not for fuzzy queries.


  • 我国目前包装现状不能令人满意,突出表现回收利用率低、过度包装、包装工业落后而且平衡、包装安全存在问题等方面。

    There exist problems with the rate of renewal and reuse, over packing, under-developed and unbalanced packing industry, and packing safety.


  • 美国经济相比世界其他经济大国的增长率不大令人满意了,尤其是日本经济增长了2%,欧洲表现则更差

    Experts are predicting just a modest slowdown in growth this year. By contrast, the world's other big economic regions grew less robustly, with Japan's economy up only two percent and Europe less.


  • 美国经济相比世界其他经济大国的增长率不大令人满意了,尤其是日本经济增长了2%,欧洲表现则更差

    Experts are predicting just a modest slowdown in growth this year. By contrast, the world's other big economic regions grew less robustly, with Japan's economy up only two percent and Europe less.


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