• 他们天文时候,他不仅仅行星名字利用这些名字教神话学。

    When he was teaching them astronomy, he didn't just teach them the names of the planetshe used it as a way to teach mythology.


  • 然而如果行星处于好的位置天文学家寻找三样关键东西空气岩石

    However, if the planet is in a good position, astronomers look for three key things: water, air and rock.


  • 例如希腊学家对行星运动进行了非常出色精确观察这些观察暴露了一点问题

    For example, Greek astronomers made excellent, very accurate observations of the movements of the planets, but the observations revealed a bit of a problem.


  • 天文学家怀疑成对行星参与这种弹弓活动使它们处于不规则的椭圆轨道上

    Astronomers suspect that pairs of planets also engage in this slingshot activity, leaving them in disturbed, elliptical orbits.


  • 现在许多天文学家正在寻找新的行星未来人类居住地方

    Now, many astronomers are looking for new planets and new places of humans to live in the future.


  • 近年来,天文学家已经发现了400颗新的行星恒星

    In recent years, astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars.


  • 经过多年仔细研究学家发现了一颗与地球相似行星

    After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth.


  • 我们太阳系有序特性使大多数天文学家得出结论,这些行星基本上同一时间形成,且物质来源太阳的一样。

    The orderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun.


  • 学家距离地球不远处发现颗小行星,它与地球在同一轨道围绕太阳运行。

    Astronomers have detected an asteroid not far from Earth, moving in the same orbit around the Sun.


  • 天文学家试图通过估计太阳质量产生多少必需解释这些行星液态水

    Astronomers tried to estimate what solar mass could produce the required luminosity to explain liquid water on these planets.


  • 第二行星距离它恒星20个天文单位,这相当于太阳系天王星位置

    The second asteroid belt lies at about 20 astronomical units from the star, or a position comparable to Uranus in our solar system.


  • 即使这样较小质量下,鉴于恒星行星诞生环境不同许多天文学家依然划分质量恒星不是行星

    Even at this smaller mass, however, many astronomers would still classify it as a low mass star rather than a planet, since the circumstances of birth for stars and planets differ.


  • 假如旅行36光年或者大约212万亿英里学家发现行星上去,您一定会走运的。

    If you can travel 36 light-years - roughly 212 trillion miles - to a new planet discovered by astronomers, you might just be in luck.


  • 行星地球威胁最大然而天文学家在这一点上很难说木星作用好是坏。

    Asteroids pose the greatest danger of all to Earth, however, astronomers say, and here Jupiter's influence is hardly assuring.


  • 首次发现太阳系以外行星不到20天文学家们准备打造一个重要里程碑——第500个外星世界发现

    Less than 20 years after first finding a planet beyond our solar system, astronomers are poised to hit a big milestone - the discovery of alien world no. 500.


  • 认为,人类运用雷达天文探测行星金星天体,早已经发射可以外星智慧生物接收信号

    He argues that radar astronomy, which is used to probe things like asteroids and the surface of Venus, already gives off signals that could be picked up by aliens.


  • 业余天文学家们参与寻找有趣的行星观测太阳风暴

    They have also looked for interesting asteroids, and kept an eye out for solar storms.


  • 发现行星同样天文学家早些时候发现一颗行星行星海王星类似,是一颗巨大气体行星围绕恒星运转的周期为5.4

    The same team of astronomers who discovered it had earlier found another planet, this time a gaseous giant similar to Neptune, orbiting the same star every 5.4 days.


  • 荷兰学家克里斯蒂安·更斯发现土星以及第一已知土星卫星——土卫六“泰坦”之后,行星逐渐成为天文学家的关注焦点

    The planet was only just beginning to come into focus, in the metaphorical sense: The Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens had just recently revealed Saturn's rings and its first known moon, Titan.


  • 通过测量星光金额行星天文学家可以计算相对明星

    By measuring the amount of starlight a planet blocks, astronomers can also calculate how big it is relative to the star.


  • 学家们猜想行星存在个绕着恒星满是尘埃的圆盘中的一个

    Astronomers inferred the planet's presence from an enormous hole in the dusty disk that girdles the star.


  • 但是经过更多的观察数字演算之后天文学家注意到这个行星2029年撞击地球可能性微乎其微

    A few additional observations and some number-crunching later, astronomers noted that the chance of the planet-killer hitting Earth in 2029 was nearly zilch.


  • “格格雷分析报告目前披露完全统计分析数据,”佛罗里达大学太阳系外行星专家、天文统计学家——艾瑞克福特如是说。

    "The Gregory paper is by far the most complete statistical analysis to date that has been made public," said exoplanet and astro-statistics expert Eric Ford of the University of Florida.


  • 搜寻行星通常年轻恒星排除在外,因为它们强烈的磁场,会产生包括耀斑在内恒星活动,这使得天文学家很难分辨行星活动信号。

    Young stars are usually excluded from planet searches because they have intense magnetic fields that generate a range of phenomena known collectively as stellar activity, including flares and spots.


  • 第一系外行星1995年载入天文记录,到目前为止天文学家确认了515颗戏外行星探测其中大部分都是类似木星行星

    The first exoplanet was catalogued in 1995 and astronomers have so far confirmed the detection of 515. Most are giant planets thought to resemble Jupiter.


  • 但是撇开这些争议冥王星始终是一颗迷人行星,无论是天文学家还是公众迫不及待想要一窥其究竟。

    But regardless of the controversy, Pluto remains an intriguing object that astronomers and the public alike can't wait to learn more about.


  • 长期以来天文家们推测行星因为碰撞粉碎类似的景象以前从未观测到。

    Astronomers have long thought that the asteroid belt is being ground down through collisions, but such a smashup has never been seen before.


  • 通过研究过滤后恒星光,学家确定行星大气组成以及气体被吹入太空方向以及速率

    By studying the filtered starlight, astronomers can determine such a planet's atmospheric composition and also the direction and velocity that any gas lost to space is moving.


  • 通过研究过滤后恒星光,学家确定行星大气组成以及气体被吹入太空方向以及速率

    By studying the filtered starlight, astronomers can determine such a planet's atmospheric composition and also the direction and velocity that any gas lost to space is moving.


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