• 认知行为策略可能治疗非常重要部分

    Cognitive and behavioral strategies may be important treatment components.


  • 创建消息引擎之前需要定义通过集群请求处理行为策略

    Prior to creating the messaging engines, a policy defining the behavior of request processing across the cluster needs to be defined.


  • 研究表明只有博弈双方选择对等行为策略才能促进网格资源公平分配

    The studies show that only reciprocal behavior strategies selected by two game sides can promote equitable allocation of grid resources.


  • 这种教法学法新课理念一体动态行为策略正是有效途径

    This kind of dynamic act and strategy of gathering the style of teaching, the style of learning and the new course reform idea into one just is the effective way for teaching how to fish.


  • 算法蚂蚁根据不同聚类情景而采取不同的行为策略,同时赋予蚂蚁多载功能。

    In the new algorithm, ants act differently according to the clustering scenes and they can multi-load.


  • 根据资源分配理论人工选育及其选育方向程度都会导致动物行为策略产生变化。

    According to the resource allocation theory, artificial selection, the direction of selection and the degree of selection can all affect the behavioral strategies of animals.


  • 一定制度条件外部环境下一种农业经济组织存在决定限制农民行为策略空间

    Certain system conditions and the external environment, an agricultural economic organizations and the existence of restrictions on the peasants decided to conduct space strategy.


  • 有些而言,简单地在作出可能让人后悔的事情之前首先从110就已经足够好的行为策略了。

    For some people this strategy can be as simple as counting to 10 before doing something that they might regret later.


  • 能够有效地发挥作用或者冲突非常严重时,人们需要学习一定行为策略更好地应对情绪反应

    When this brain region does not efficiently activate or when the intensity of the conflict is very high, people need to learn behavioral strategies to cope with the emotional response.


  • 通过确定目标不是具体行为反应模式基因遗传更加展现能够增强适应性的可能的行为策略

    By specifying goals rather than particular behavioral patterns of responses, genes leave much more open the possible behavioral strategies that might be required to increase fitness.


  • 强化学习需要先验知识,而是通过环境的不断交互获得知识,改进行为策略具有自学习的能力。

    Reinforcement learning does not need priori knowledge and improves its behavior policy with knowledge obtained by interaction with the environment.


  • 网络人际信任交往双方对方能够完成自己所托付之事一种概括期望心理预期行为策略的统一。

    Net interpersonal trust can be treated as a combination of psychological expectation and behavior strategy or a conceptual expectation for reaching respective goals of communicative parties.


  • 笔者有效教授教养行为实践意义影响有效教授教养行为因素有效教授教养行为策略方面入行研讨。

    I research in three areas: the practical significance of effective teaching behaviors, the influencing factors of effective teaching behaviors and the strategies of effective teaching behaviors.


  • 通过语料研究将教师批评言语行为策略分为两类:直接策略间接策略,分析教师评语中批评策略使用情况

    Based on the corpus, strategies of criticism are classified into direct strategies and indirect strategies, which contributes to the understanding of the usage of the strategies.


  • 这种行为策略定义爬虫哪些页面带入索引程序、以什么样的频率回到Web站点上再次进行检查以及一种礼貌原则

    The behavior policies define which pages the crawler will bring down to the indexer, how often to go back to a Web site to check it again, and something called a politeness policy.


  • 如果每个坚持自我中心化行为策略,不一切地追求自己利益最大化每个利益不可能得到真正实现

    Each person's interests are impossible to realize if everyone insist on self-centered behavior-oriented strategy, desperately seeking to maximize their own interests.


  • 企业社会契约发生变化原因在于社会环境变化,环境变化改变契约参与人行为策略通过重复博弈重新形成新的契约条款。

    The enterprise and social contract varies owing to the change of social environment, which changes the behavior strategies of the participants and forms new contract by means of repetitive game.


  • 沉默权问题侦查讯问紧密相关,沉默权制度实施直接影响侦查人员犯罪嫌疑人侦查讯问中行为策略的实施和利益分配

    The right to silence links tightly with interrogation, and the administration of this system will have direct effect on strategy and allocation of profit of police and suspect under interrogation.


  • 通过问卷调查,了解学生直接批评间接批评态度批评言语行为策略效果,提出批评言语行为策略的应用结合学生的个性特点。

    Then students' attitude to direct and indirect criticism and the effect of the strategies are explored through a survey, whose result indicates that teachers should a…


  • 随着时间的推移,妻子可能使用破坏性策略退缩丈夫这些行为的使用多年来保持不变

    Over time, wives were less likely to use destructive strategies or withdraw, while husbands' use of these behaviors stayed the same through the years.


  • 酒店经营者必须采用收益管理价格策略充分利用顾客行为及分销趋势

    Hoteliers must adapt revenue management and pricing strategies to take advantage of new trends in customer behaviour and distribution.


  • 我们了很多话题个人理财行为变化劝说心理营销策略媒体及出版等行业

    We were spinning on all sorts of topics, from personal finance to behavioral change, the psychology of persuasion, marketing, strategy, media, publishing.


  • 扩展框架允许覆盖缺省策略行为激活事件有效负载提取上下文信息

    The extension framework lets you to override default policy behavior, fire events, and extract context information from the payload.


  • 现在可以通过更改注册中心策略来动态更改行为并且需要进行任何代码更改代码重新部署

    This behavior can now be changed on the fly by changing the policy in the registry, and no code changes or redeployment of code is required.


  • 在参考一些经济学学术论文行为心理学书籍公司策略之后,我们总结出了以下几点

    We've looked into economics academic papers, behavioral psychology books and strategies that worked for companies to come up with the key concepts below.


  • 目前为止心理学家重点主要集中行为改变策略上。

    To date, the emphasis from psychologists has largely focused on behaviour-change strategies.


  • 多个线程需要同时获取同一个的时候,锁定策略常常会影响执行行为

    A locking policy is intended to affect execution behavior when more than one thread wants to acquire the same lock simultaneously.


  • 确定是否支持订阅以及其他影响订阅提供行为功能相关策略订阅的持续时间

    Determines whether subscription is supported and other related policies affecting the behavior and capabilities provided in subscription, such as the duration of a subscription.


  • 确定是否支持订阅以及其他影响订阅提供行为功能相关策略订阅的持续时间

    Determines whether subscription is supported and other related policies affecting the behavior and capabilities provided in subscription, such as the duration of a subscription.


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