• 通过标注一个组合结构图可以理解行为是如何影响模型静态结构

    You can understand how the behavior will affect the static structure of the model by annotating a composite structure diagram.


  • 异步通信模型支持缺乏客户端开发Web框架集成标记使用IDE的使用以及线程行为影响

    Lack of support for the asynchronous communication model can have an impact on client-side development, integration with Web frameworks, use of tag libraries, ide use, and threading behavior.


  • 这样模型计算疾病传播中的行为影响有效明显,只有当行为知道了解的情况下才有效。

    Such models are effective at calculating the impact of behaviour on the spread of disease, but only-obviously-when the behaviour in question is known and understood.


  • 本文建立博弈模型出发,分析不同经济约束假冒行为影响,最后对政策制定提供相应理论依据。

    Based on establishment of game model, this paper analyzes the influence of different economic restrictions on counterfeit behavior and provides related theoretical analysis for making policy.


  • 运用演化博弈论思想方法,构建演化博弈模型分析不同条件下演化稳定策略探索用工单位的挽留措施建筑工人流动行为影响

    The paper analyzes the various conditional evolutionary stable strategies and explores how employer behavior influences construction workers' mobility behavior by use of evolutionary game theory.


  • 建立相应定量分析模型,分析了某些关键因素参与人均衡行为影响

    The quantitative analysis models are established, and the impact of some key factors on the equilibrium action of the players is analyzed.


  • 本文银行博弈模型中,综合考虑了银行管理者的费用规模偏好对于银行市场行为影响

    This paper shows the effects on banking behavior of banker's cost and scale preference by applying an interbank Cournot game model.


  • 利用传染病学SIR模型,研究网络连接扰乱几率小世界网络动力学行为影响

    The influence of connection degree and harassment probability of network to the dynamic behavior of small-world network is studied by using SIR model of lemology.


  • 电弧统一模型基础研究池上表面变形电弧行为特征影响

    This paper studied the effects of weld pool surface deformation on welding arc behavior characters basing on unified arc pool mathematical model.


  • 目的观察菖欢胶囊慢性利血平孤养抑郁性神经症模型大鼠行为影响

    Objective To investigate the effect of ChangHuan capsule on behavior in the separation and chronic reserpine-induced depressive neurosis rat model.


  • 导电模型解释均相玻璃态快离子导体显微结构电导性质影响,较好预言了非均相玻璃态快离子导体的导电行为

    The conduction model can be used to explain the effect of the microstructure of heterogeneous GFIC on its conduction property and to predict its conduction behaviour.


  • 为了评价地下水水流条件变化对放射性核素迁移行为影响该文双重介质理论的裂隙迁移模型为基础,提出了非恒定流条件下单裂隙核素迁移模。

    To assess how such changes may affect the nuclide transport behavior, the paper proposes a single fracture nuclide transport model under time-varying groundwater flow conditions based on t.


  • 本文基于消费者行为理论中的消费态度模型,在文献回顾基础上,探索了大学生购买电脑影响因素

    On base of consumption attitude models in consumer behavior theory and literature review, this paper explored the influencing factors of computer purchase of college students.


  • 模型综合考虑各种影响空中目标航迹因素飞行控制人员的控制行为进行了分析。

    All the factor that affected target trajectory and the control behavior of flight control staff were considered.


  • 本文通过一个双寡头模型分析了差价合约厂商市场行为影响

    This paper analyses the influence of contracts for differences upon the market for the manufacturers through a Cournot model.


  • 本文通过分析股利增长率影响因素建立股利变化的非线性动力学模型讨论了股利变化的各种动态行为

    By analysing the affecting factors of dividend increasing rate, we construct the nonlinear dynamics model of dividend changing, and discuss all kinds of dynamical behaviors of dividend.


  • 最后提出了在群体影响主体行为调整结构模型

    Finally, behavior adjustment model of agent' s reaction to the influence of coalition is presented.


  • 采用裂纹深度修正非线性闭裂纹模型研究影响下挠性裂纹转子动力学行为

    A nonlinear crack modal, modified by the crack depth, is used to study a cracked rotor with the influences of whirl speed.


  • 结果显示研究模型具有良好预测性感知风险信任消费者网上购买行为的重要影响变量。

    The result showed that the model had a good prediction, and Perceive Risk and Trust were the driving forces to lead online shopping.


  • 目的研究同种异体肾上腺髓质植入蛛网膜下腔对慢性模型大鼠行为影响及其发生机制。

    Objective: to study the antinociceptive effects of adrenal medullary allografts into the spinal subarachnoid space in chronic pain model rats.


  • 目的观察中药复方制剂脉通胶囊大鼠脑出血水肿模型行为相关细胞因子的影响讨论作用机制

    Objective: to observe the effect of compound preparation cents Naomaitong capsule edema in rat model of cerebral hemorrhage and related behavioral effects of cytokines, and discuss its mechanism.


  • 目的建立拟血管性痴呆动物模型探讨针刺VD模型的学习记忆行为NO含量NOS活性及VD大鼠血液流变学影响

    Purpose To make the rats model of VD and to study the effect of acupuncture on Hemorheology and activity of NOS and content of NO in brains of VD rats.


  • 利用所建立闪光对焊热力耦合模型计算了顶过程中顶锻接触行为主要影响因素规律

    The mainly effective factors and rules of contact forging by using the heat-mechanical coupling model were computed.


  • 利用牧草生长-消费模型引入贴现影响分析了牧民接手草地承包前期中期放牧行为

    The grazing behavior in early and intermediate stage of grassland contract was analyzed by employing the model of growth and consumption in pasture system, into which the discount rate was introduced.


  • 在第二章,我们研究了密度依赖生育脉冲对单种群阶段结构离散模型的动力学行为影响

    Firstly, we propose and study the single-species discrete population model with stage structure and birth pulses.


  • 采用数值模拟手段,结合水模型实验研究中间底部吹气过程对中间包内流场夹杂物传输行为影响

    The fluid flow and transport process of non metal inclusion in tundish under bottom blowing are studied by numerical simulation and water model experiment.


  • 许多研究者已提出了考虑不同影响因素模型理论上实验室试验模拟胶体运移行为

    The models considering different factors were developed and used to simulate colloidal transport behavior in theory or in laboratory with column experiments.


  • 模型求解过程中,本文同时分析股东关联贷款行为中小银行利益相关者的影响

    In the process of solving the theoretical model, meanwhile we analyze the influence of related lending to shareholders on interrelated interestors of small and medium-sized banks.


  • 模型求解过程中,本文同时分析股东关联贷款行为中小银行利益相关者的影响

    In the process of solving the theoretical model, meanwhile we analyze the influence of related lending to shareholders on interrelated interestors of small and medium-sized banks.


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