• 这些线条蚀刻如此精细远点都看不出来。

    The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.


  • 碘化银纸照相法可以连续印刷,因此等同于蚀刻雕刻

    The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving.


  • 现代微处理器需要十亿美元的被称为fab工厂表面蚀刻出使其得以运作微型电子元器件

    A modern microprocessor requires a billion-dollar plant called a fab to etch onto its surface the tiny electronic components that make it run.


  • 蚀刻素描不同是,他们的技术需要刮擦

    Unlike the etch a Sketch, their technique did not involve scraping.


  • 制作那个物体用到技术金属管弯曲木料蚀刻

    The technology used for making the objects is that of bending metal tubes and wood etching.


  • 对面墙上镶嵌作战前线士兵脸部蚀刻版画。

    The opposite wall is lined with etchings of the faces of the soldiers who fought on the front lines.


  • 贺卡上圣诞树图案一小玻璃蚀刻而成的。

    The image, which measures 200x290 micro-meters, features a Christmas tree, and is etched on a tiny piece of glass.


  • 绘制线条时候,需要用蚀刻素描玻璃屏幕底部铝粉

    To draw lines, the etch a Sketch's stylus scrapes aluminum powder from the underside of a glass screen.


  • 例如现在使用壁纸小时慢慢屏上蚀刻图案

    For instance the Substrate wallpaper I'm using presently will slowly etch a pattern on the home screen over the course of an hour.


  • 相信扩展超导体的范畴,广泛应用X射线蚀刻电路

    He also believes it should be possible to extend the principle beyond superconductors, to use X-rays to etch out electronic circuits more generally.


  • 令人印象深刻的是Dix蚀刻画在由前线寄出明信片素描

    Most impressive are Dix's etchings and the sketches on postcards which he sent from the front.


  • 这些蚀刻标准硅晶圆中的渠道直径大约50微米(一根头发丝直径)。

    These channels, which have a diameter of 50 microns (about the width of a human hair) are etched using standard silicon fabrication.


  • 他们因为斯卡线条闻名于世:蚀刻沙漠广阔复杂的图案,可能是神圣路径

    They are best known for the Nazca lines: vast, intricate drawings etched on the desert floor, possibly sacred pathways.


  • 普世的ipad设计观点就是用各种各样平面图片拼满屏幕就好象蚀刻的一样。

    The prevailing aesthetic is very much that of flat images thatfill the screen as if they were etched.


  • 所谓的水印广告-蚀刻玻璃一样内嵌部分网页图片-又到底能创造多少购买动机

    How well do so-called watermark ads - an image that sits on part of a Web page like etched glass - affect buyer intent?


  • 但是他们所提供清晰度可读性,对比度则乏善可陈效果相当灰暗,就像蚀刻素描

    But what they offer in clarity and readability, they lack in contrast: Their look is decidedly gray, like an etch a Sketch.


  • 四周沙丘呈现出褐色米黄色粉红色黄褐色,沙丘上被风蚀刻精美的指纹般的纹样

    The dunes on either side presented a palette of tan, butterscotch, pink and russet, and were etched with delicate fingerprint-like whorls and ridges.


  • 尹志尧1991年至2004年间曾在应用半导体公司担任多种职位,蚀刻产品集团总经理等。

    Yin held various positions at Applied from 1991 to 2004, including general manager of the etch products group, according to the suit.


  • 蚀刻技术每个阶段固定高度的阻材料层消失,暴露不同部分电路进行化学物质的侵蚀。

    After each stage of the etching process a fixed depth of this is dissolved away, exposing a different part of the circuit to the etching chemicals.


  • 一家销售蚀刻水泥地盐酸的公司以为盐酸产品可以合法地冲进下水道因此环保产品。

    One company selling hydrochloric acid for etching cement floors reckoned that, because it was in gel form and could legally be washed down the drain, the product was environmentally friendly.


  • 星期三将于伦敦拍卖物件包括一部1870版莎士比亚作品集卢西安·弗洛伊德蚀刻版画。

    LONDON - the items up for bidding on Wednesday included an 1870 collection of the works of William Shakespeare and two etchings by Lucian Freud.


  • 早期竞选海报通常绘有候选人政客模样的蚀刻画像使用木质金属板材印刷有时还会使用油墨着色。

    Early campaign posters featured etched portraits of the candidates looking statesmanly and were printed using wood or metal plates, sometimes inked in color.


  • 大部分电子产品集成电路制成也就是晶体管一些蚀刻到硅片上的小零件共同组成微小芯片

    Most electronics are made in the form of integrated circuits, which are tiny chips that contain transistors and other components etched onto silicon wafers.


  • 脸上蚀刻几十年冬天风霜夏天劳作使变得又粗有厚,她说:“我们以前就是干活吃饭

    We used to work and eat,” Ms. Devi said, her face etched by decades of blistering winters, her fingers thick from summers of tilling the soil.


  • 余下的大部分各种形式,如底片幻灯片玻璃蚀刻版画印刷画片等等,放置在尘封档案

    The rest have been sitting in dusty archives in the form of negatives, slides, glass plates, etchings and prints.


  • 大写印刷体标语候选人姓名替代了19世纪晚期蚀刻印刷中的细长草书色调代替橄榄灰和日光黄。

    Big, block-letter slogans and candidate names replaced the lengthy cursive script seen in the etched prints of the late 1800s, and primary colors replaced their dusty olives and sun-yellows.


  • 等于公开让那些早已把车价抬得过高经销商再继续以内部保护剂车窗蚀刻添加内涂层借口而加价。

    It's an open invitation for overpriced dealer add-ons such as interior protectant, window etching or undercoating.


  • 然后猫眼石结构表面用电沉积膜,之后猫眼石蚀刻经过电解抛光,增加这些镍膜空隙度。

    After that, a layer of nickel was electrodeposited on the opal, which was then etched away. The porosity of the nickel layer was then increased using electropolishing.


  • 然后猫眼石结构表面用电沉积膜,之后猫眼石蚀刻经过电解抛光,增加这些镍膜空隙度。

    After that, a layer of nickel was electrodeposited on the opal, which was then etched away. The porosity of the nickel layer was then increased using electropolishing.


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