• 乳酪制作过程中重度充入流通气体加入青霉菌而成的,不同纹乳酪在酸味、口感强烈乳脂颜色上各有千秋,不过共同特点在于有着色或绿色的纹理和美妙的味道。

    Deeply pierced for air circulation and exposed to certain penicillium bacteria, blue-veined cheeses vary widely in tartness, intensity, and creaminess.


  • 文本设置为海军添加一个淡紫色背景颜色以便这个图像这个页面背景中凸显出来但是不管是否使用背景颜色,得到的图像大小相同

    We've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.


  • 而言之,所有事情非常成功后面贵妇的最小的女儿开始觉得房主人的胡子不是那么了,觉得一个强大文明绅士

    In short, everything succeeded so well that the youngest daughter began to think the master of the house not to have a beard so very blue, and that he was a mighty civil gentleman.


  • 他们大约十二三个人,看起来很有气魄高大皮肤那种完美无暇,很有男子气概,他们身穿,黑白色的长袍。

    They were a dozen or so, and they looked truly magnificent, tall and graceful with skin of flawless black, and swathed in robes of blue, black and white.


  • 奥尔特怀疑自己不会需要第二本了,因为笔迹改变了——我的字体曾经凌乱而有生气,现在却是

    At Ault, I doubted I would ever need a second blue book because even my handwriting had changed-once my letters had been bubbly and messy, and now they were thin and small.


  • 如果宇宙洪荒之始重造这个世界,然后让今天早上以前所有事件跟从一模一样接着也照样短袖梳发盖秃头。

    If you recreated this universe starting with the Big Bang and let all events proceed exactly the same way until this same morning, then the blue shirt is as inevitable as the comb-over.


  • 有些质疑夹克真实性,连酋长夹克的家人表示,夹克萧尼族印地安人,而不是白人

    Some people doubt the accuracy of the Blue Jacket story, including family members of Chief Blue Jacket, who say he was a Shawnee Indian, not a white man.


  • 最近捕捉到破纪录有意思,因为意味着可能过去几十任何时候长寿并且长得更大

    The recent catch of several record-breaking fish is interesting because it implies that blue catfish may be living longerand growing largerthan at any time in the last few decades.


  • “大家喜欢绿色是因为遮挡污垢更好吧,”静文(音译),他是以经营下水为特色吉士一家大排档的摊主。

    Green is popular because it hides dirt really well, ” said Lam King-wing, the owner of a dai pai dong on Gutzlaff Street that specializes in beef innards.


  • 我们见过演示里面图片—各种罗盘、布满计算机的地球、拿着图表等等

    We've all seen pictures in presentations - stock photos of compasses, globes with computers on them, generic blue figures holding hands, and so on.


  • 多士博士指出,90%努沙河日地孵场产鲈鱼鱼苗呈现畸形,48小时内全数死亡

    Dr Landos said about 90 per cent of larvae spawned at the Sunland Fish Hatchery from bass taken from the river were deformed and all died within 48 hours.


  • 凯文·马丁整个夏天花费健身房苦练身体

    Kevin Martin has put in more weight room work and tweaked his shooting form this summer.


  • 一切完完全全地交给了阿根廷”,周四,4比1,在世界杯赛中轻取了韩国,一心只装着白军团,只求的战将能顺利出线,挺进第二老马如是说

    I'm giving my everything for the Argentine team, "he said after a 4-1 World Cup victory over South Korea on Thursday that all but assured the Albiceleste of advancing to the round of 16."


  • 万绿丛中国旗各种旗帜上处处闪烁南部联盟以红两色为背景璀璨星星

    And everywhere amid the greenery, on flags and bunting, blazed the bright stars of the Confederacy on their background of red and blue.


  • 忘记古老说法,“绿色应该同时出现”。海军任何颜色搭配包括绿色。棕色黑色可以搭配。

    Forget the old saying, "blue and green should never be seen." Navy goes with everything, including green. Feel free to mix brown and black, too.


  • 所有队员印有数字帽子一队白帽个队就戴帽。

    All players wear numbered caps. One team wear white caps, the other blue.


  • 发亮头发背后,手指带着银光闪闪的石头,脖子至少十二根绿色珠子串起来的项链。

    Each of his fingers bears a blue chunk set in silver, and at least a dozen strands of blue and green beads hang from his neck.


  • 整个葬礼中,科尔默默站在乔舒亚灵柩旁看着爱他的人们放飞气球气球,纪念他短暂的人生

    Cole stood by Joshua's casket for the entire service and watched as loved ones released red and blue balloons in mark the boy's life.


  • 所有熟睡了——樱草花、小蝴蝶花夹竹桃

    All the sleeping stuff wake up? Primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.


  • 所有酣眠了——樱草花、小蝴蝶花夹竹桃

    All the sleeping shelling wake up - primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.


  • 每个战俘身着同样灰色长袖子的衬衫以及黑色裤子。录像中,一共有16美军战俘。

    Each prisoner is dressed in identical blue-gray, long-sleeved shirts and dark pant and up to 16 U. S. POWs are seen.


  • 他身上一切显得古老除了那双眼睛它们海水普通痛快不肯认输的。

    Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.


  • 所有熟睡花木了——樱草花、小蝴蝶花夹竹桃

    All the sleeping things wake up - primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.


  • 一路上觉得好像以前云朵好像比以前更花儿草儿我点头微笑一切显得那么美丽

    Along the way, I feel as if it is more than blue, the clouds, as more white than ever before, the flowers are in the grass with I nodded and smiled, everything is so beautiful.


  • 肯尼海水那么那么静许多喜欢海边休息

    Kenny: the water is so blue and calm. Many people Iike to relax themselves at the beach.


  • 但是几乎人人承认暖色绿冷色

    However, almost everyone agrees that red, orange, and yellow are warm and that green, blue, and violet are cool.


  • 走廊里匆忙经过孩子穿着制服,上身为白色衬衫,下身为海军裤子短裙

    Children scurried through the hallways in uniforms — a white or blue shirt, navy pants or a skirtwearing name tags with their full name and class neatly printed in pen.


  • 条低回兰,使我们牧师回兰的时候充当替补治疗为啥我们一整天赋为了作个二奶?

    With such a small mana pool, and little to no mana regen, we can hop in to patch heal while priests are regening, but why have an entire tree of our talents dedicated to patch healing?


  • 条低回兰,使我们牧师回兰的时候充当替补治疗为啥我们一整天赋为了作个二奶?

    With such a small mana pool, and little to no mana regen, we can hop in to patch heal while priests are regening, but why have an entire tree of our talents dedicated to patch healing?


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