• 驼色相近米色搭配秋冬冷色服饰,黑色灰色蓝色甚至深棕色,都可以达到一样神奇的效果

    Beige, which is similar to camel, can be paired with cool fall or winter colors like black, gray, blue and even dark brown to achieve the same magical effect.


  • 冰山一般蓝色白色尽管有时因为携带了砾石岩石而变成黑色或者透明

    Icebergs are ordinarily blue to white, although they sometimes appear dark or opaque because they carry gravel and bits of rock.


  • 当时编辑的时候,大多数时间穿衬衫黑色蓝色裤子

    When I was a fashion editor, I mostly wore white shirts and black or navy trousers.


  • 条直立梯子支柱蓝色表示一条黑色表示。

    There are two upright struts of the ladder, one shown in blue here, the other shown black.


  • 调色看到自然中的一种色彩立即做出色彩分析,他们能说出例如那种灰绿是黄色加上黑色蓝色等等

    The colorist is the person who knows at once how to analyze a color, when it sees it in nature, and can say, for instance: that green-grey is yellow with black and blue, etc.


  • 用纸要体面颜色要柔和、不可艳丽,就像奶油或者蛋白一样;黑色棕色墨水——不要蓝色绿色,更不要用红色

    Use decent paper in a neutral, soft colour such as cream or white, and write with classy black or brown ink - no blues, greens or reds!


  • 灰色帽子搭配衣服,可以黑色蓝色深灰色外衣搭配

    Gray hats are quite versatile and can be paired with black, blue, and dark gray suits and coats.


  • 确实所费不菲不过不论用上紫罗兰色、蓝色黑色绿色或者轻盈透明白色邻居们没人你一样轻松适意。

    Yes, it is costly, but whether you gofor violet, blue, black, green or the ethereal translucent white, you can be pretty sure that none of your neighbours will relax like you do.


  • 这种ABS的底料不同种类的颜色包括白色黑色蓝色褐色绿色灰色红色黄色

    The ground ABS comes in different colors, including white, black, blue, grey, green, light grey, red, and yellow.


  • 简单的作品:灰白背景线条以及四个色块——黑色蓝色淡淡的柠檬黄少许橘红色

    It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.


  • 图中红色代表植被白色蓝色黑色部分大洋洋面,灰色区域火山沉积物覆盖的地方。

    Red areas are vegetated, clouds are white, blue/black areas are ocean water, and gray areas are covered by flow deposits.


  • 乔布斯经常标志性黑色圆领衫蓝色牛仔裤出现公众面前,他的崇拜者成功归功于完美的不断追求和奉献

    Famed for public appearances in which he wears his trademark black turtle neck and blue jeans, admirers put Mr Jobs's success down to his dedication to perfection.


  • 黑色波浪里开出蓝色,那是小翠蹿的身影。”诗人玛丽·奥利弗这样赞美哺育期的翠鸟

    "The Kingfisher rises out of the black wave like a blue flower," wrote poet Mary Oliver, paying tribute to the dashing river bird on its feeding rounds.


  • 图中蓝色的宽箭头表示页面转换黑色箭头表示卡片调用桔红色虚线箭头则表示字段引用

    In the diagram, a thick blue arrow stands for page transition, a black arrow stands for card invocation, and an orange dotted arrow stands for field reference.


  • 罗蒂王后吗?那位黑色王冠,王冠上镶嵌珍珠,头上撒满蓝色的女人?

    The CAPPADOCIAN: is that the Queen Herodias she who wears a black mitre sewed with pearls and whose hair is powdered with blue dust?


  • 罗蒂王后吗? 那位黑色王冠,王冠上镶嵌珍珠,头上撒满蓝色的女人?

    THE CAPPADOCIAN: Is that the Queen Herodias, she who wears a black mitre sewed with pearls, and whose hair is powdered with blue dust?


  • 它们遍布于哥斯达黎加巴西热带雨林肤色通常黄色金色铜色红色绿色蓝色黑色

    Depending on individual habitats, which extend from the tropical forests of Costa Rica to Brazil, their coloring can be yellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue, or black.


  • 和驼色相近的米色青色以及奶油色搭配秋冬的冷色服饰,黑色灰色蓝色甚至深棕色可以达到一样神奇效果

    Using camel tones such as beige, stone and cream, all have the same effect when paired with other true winter colours such as blacks, greys, indigo and even darker browns.


  • 凯特在游艇上统一服装海军蓝夹克外加短袖衬衫不过其他女孩一样自己准备黑色或者蓝色短裙

    Kate's official uniform was a navy blue jacket and polo shirt, but, like all the girls, she had to provide her own black or navy shorts.


  • 这条裙子黑色金色针织丝绸制成,上部底边都有翠蓝色镶边

    Thedress is made of knitted black-and-gold silk with turquoise blue bands at thetop and bottom.


  • 平时总是穿着黑色咖啡色蓝色的衣服,不妨试试白色米黄色试一些较亮颜色或是粉红色只要是振作精神的。

    If normally you always wear black, brown and blue then try white, cream, lighter colors, or pink. Just boost yourself up.


  • 黑色蓝色的为水体绿色的为植被覆盖的陆地,棕褐色的为密西西比河周围的赤地,至于灰蓝色则为云层。

    Water is black or blue, while plant-covered ground is bright green. Bare earth around the Mississippi River is tan, and clouds are pale blue.


  • 原因富氧红色,然而,含较少氧气的血变成黑色蓝色调。

    The cause: Oxygen-rich blood is bright red, while blood with less oxygen turns dark and bluish-colored.


  • 五个斑点——-1白色蓝色三个黑色分散地分布在整个行星上半部分。

    Five spots - one colored white, one blue, and three black are scattered across the upper half of the planet.


  • Himba语系一种北方纳米比亚方言中,“zoozu跨越我们认为黑色绿色蓝色紫色serandu色”则包含了粉红、紫色和红色。

    In Himba, a northern Namibian dialect, the colorzoozu,” cuts straight across what we would think of as black, green, blue and purple, whileserandu” encompasses much of pink, purple and red.


  • Himba语系一种北方纳米比亚方言中,“zoozu跨越我们认为黑色绿色蓝色紫色serandu色”则包含了粉红、紫色和红色。

    In Himba, a northern Namibian dialect, the colorzoozu, ” cuts straight across what we would think of as black, green, blue and purple, whileserandu” encompasses much of pink, purple and red.


  • Brown年轻人手表:“种又又厚重防水手表,什么颜色都有- - -透明色,粉色蓝色黄色橙色黑色,”上结实的表带超大表盘

    Brown says teens are only going for one type of watch: "a big, bulky waterproof watch in all colors - clear, pink, blue, yellow, orange, black," complete with a thick band and a large face plate.


  • 考特妮·卡戴珊最爱的Bleulab的“Detour '牛仔裤不仅好看太人喜欢非常实用。”这条牛仔裤可以搭配黑色也可以跟蓝色相配。

    Kourtney Kardashian's favorite Bleulab "Detour" jeans are not only flattering but also practical -they're reversible and can be worn in a blue or black wash!


  • 考特妮·卡戴珊最爱的Bleulab的“Detour '牛仔裤不仅好看太人喜欢非常实用。”这条牛仔裤可以搭配黑色也可以跟蓝色相配。

    Kourtney Kardashian's favorite Bleulab "Detour" jeans are not only flattering but also practical -they're reversible and can be worn in a blue or black wash!


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