• 海水反射阳光使这些洞穴呈现出蓝色使它们成为划船潜水的好去处。

    Sunlight reflecting off the water gives these caves their blue hue, making them popular for boating and diving.


  • 清新绿色山坡沐浴灿烂的阳光满了蓝色黄色

    The fresh green mountain-side was bathed in brilliant sunlight, and many blue and yellow flowers had opened.


  • 分析表明溶解有机物质吸收了足够来自线蓝色波长使看起来是绿色的。

    Analysis shows that the dissolved organic material absorbs enough blue wavelengths from solar light to make the ice appear green.


  • 我们看到蓝色时,我们看到的是蓝色阳光

    When we see blue, we are looking at the blue sunlight.


  • 我们踩着蓝色滑板,沐浴在阳光下,气温大约在-35-38之间。开始出发到现在,我们已经努力前进了182公里以上——大家的感觉开始起来了。

    We've got blue skies and the sun is shining, temperatures are running around -35C to -38C, and we've managed to pack over 182km in since the start – which is beginning to feel pretty good.


  • 鲜艳的蓝色和红色玻璃,阳光流淌进来,教堂里斑斑光点像一个大万花筒。

    The sunlight streams in, dappling the interior in a kaleidoscope of colours.


  • 就是人们通常熟悉蓝色部分阳光照射所有鱼类色彩斑斓珊瑚礁家园

    That's the familiar blue part, penetrated by sunlight, home to the colorful reefs and just about every fish you've ever seen.


  • 已经像这样重新上演生活10多年了包括她的出生,她一个阳光明媚蓝色普利茅斯”中失去童贞祖父葬礼

    She has been re-enacting events from her life for more than 10 years, including her own birth, losing her virginity in "a sunny blue Plymouth" and her grandfather's funeral.


  • 现在线蓝色海洋吸收不是具有反射性的反射太空

    The sun's rays are now absorbed by dark-blue sea rather than bounced back into space by reflective ice and snow.


  • 是因为通过地球大气层呈现蓝色阳光仍旧间接抵达月球

    This is because some indirect sunlight still reaches the moon after passing through the Earth's atmosphere, which scatters blue light.


  • 水面阳光反射水面呈现出银白蓝色

    Sunlight reflecting off the water's surface gives it a pale, silvery blue color.


  • 天王星蓝色因为海拔甲烷吸收阳光红色部分

    Uranus appears blue because methane at high altitudes absorbs the red part of sunlight.


  • 他们到了湖边,他们好奇凝视着阳光熠熠生辉湖水,明亮蓝色天空沿着湖边挺立的树木。

    When they got to the lake, they gazed curiously at the water sparkling in the sun, at the bright blue sky and the trees standing along the lake.


  • 标志主体绿三色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩蓝色象征海洋绿色代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


  • 蓝色郁金香,结着肥皂泡一样发亮的果实的苹果树。 你想想这些在太阳光中该是多么光彩夺目啊。

    apple-trees, the apples of which looked exactly like large soapbubbles: so only think how the trees must have sparkled in


  • 天空映照水面上,给塞纳河染上了一怡人蓝色朦胧阳光透过两岸叶茂树枝,照得河水波光粼粼。

    The sky reflected in the water turned the Seine into a lovely shade of blue which trembled in the hazy sunshine filtering through leafy branches of the trees lining the river's edge.


  • 第二,日出的光线早就唤醒。夜晚的星星都被阳光蓝色的天空下。但是它们仍然从天上看着他。

    The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the stars kept watching him from above.


  • 如果我们地球上看天空蓝色是因为地球周围的大气层使阳光的一部分蓝色射线散射的缘故。(物给人的一种表面印象)

    If the sky appears blue to us on earth, it is because the earth's atmosphere scatters a certain number of blue rays of sunlight.


  • 美丽,是阳光雨水收集梵语,化作眼神抹深蓝色忧郁存留挥之不去心底

    Do not fade the beauty of sun and rainwater harvesting in Sanskrit, into a blur of dark blue eyes Lane remain in the lingering melancholy heart.


  • 面前白色牌匾,固定在人行道柱子上,图片梵高画作各种色调的金黄干草新鲜奶油阳光彩手法绘出的蓝色天空之下

    In front of me was a white plaque affixed to a pole that stood on the sidewalk, with an image of van Gogh's painting, all shades of golden hay, fresh butter and sunlight, under a stippled blue sky.


  • 我们海边蓝色天空沙滩上沐浴阳光下,真是件愉快

    We went to the seaside, the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.


  • 渴望随同眼光心灵一块去旅行,往去,去南方蓝色天宇之下,越过阴霾的天地,进入那美好阳光国土

    She longed to travel as her eyes and her mind travelled, south, south to the azure skies, to the lands of beauty and sunshine beyond the greyness .


  • 这里湛蓝天空蓝色大海洁白云朵白色沙滩金色石头阳光,当然,这里清澈海水美味海鲜友好人们

    It has blue sky, blue sea, white clouds, white beaches, golden sand and golden sunshine here. Of course, it also has clear water, delicious seafood and friendly people.


  • 四岁蓝色的眼睛阳光闪闪发亮

    Her four-year-old blue eyes shined in the sun.


  • 蓝色光环实为太阳光照射大气层雾霭,人们所看到的只是光环反射光

    The ring of blue seen in the image, is created by the light of the sun hitting the hazes in the atmosphere, reflecting light.


  • 终于有天,那双蓝色眼睛已能认出周围,看得见卡琳坐在身旁捻着念珠祈祷早晨阳光照着金黄头发

    The day came when his pale blue eyes, perfectly cognizant of his surroundings, fell upon Carreen sitting beside him, telling her rosary beads, the morning sun shining through her fair hair.


  • 终于有天,那双蓝色眼睛已能认出周围,看得见卡琳坐在身旁捻着念珠祈祷早晨阳光照着金黄头发

    The day came when his pale blue eyes, perfectly cognizant of his surroundings, fell upon Carreen sitting beside him, telling her rosary beads, the morning sun shining through her fair hair.


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