• 中方莫方共同努力两国关系不断提高到新的水平。

    He said that the Chinese side is willing to make joint efforts to elevate bilateral relations.


  • 莫方,小编悄然告诉一个炸裂的方式度过圣诞只告诉你哟),来圣诞嘉年华吧。

    Don't worry, I would like to tell you something about how to spend Christmas in a funny way.


  • 莫昆比中国莫桑比克可靠朋友伙伴,长期以来莫桑比克提供了真诚援助莫方对此非常感谢

    Mocumbi said that China is a reliable friend and partner of Mozambique, and has provided sincere assistance to Mozambique. The Mozambican side expressed thanks for that.


  • 一方韦恩认为顿的需求可能削弱有价值产业

    And on the other side, Winn says Morton's demands could unnecessarily cripple a valuable industry.


  • 虽然如此要证明这项指控,控方需要展示莫瑞行为超过一连串错误的范畴。

    Even so, proving the charge will require prosecutors to show that the physician's actions amounted to more than a series of mistakes.


  • 卡里莫夫祝贺本次外长理事会会议取得积极成果表示乌方各方共同努力确保上海合作组织塔什干峰会成功举行。

    Karimov extended congratulations on the positive results of the meeting and noted that his country will make joint efforts with all parties concerned to ensure the success of the SCO Tashkent summit.


  • 莫里斯一方面,拒绝观看因为回想自己那些不良行为

    Maurice, on the other hand, refuses to watch it as he does not want to be reminded of his own bad behaviour.


  • 阿济莫夫,乌方珍视同中国友好合作伙伴关系

    Azimov said that Uzbekistan cherishes the friendly partnership with China.


  • 一方面,莫纳罗亚山测量二氧化碳问题似乎在于活火山

    On the other hand, there would seem to be a major problem with measuring carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa: the mountain is an active volcano.


  • 招标胜利方利弗莫/桑迪亚实验室设计模拟肯定完善可以再造先前试验称为“测试未来”的高招)。

    The models involved in the winning Livermore/Sandia bid are certainly good enough to recreate the results of earlier tests (a trick known ashindcasting”).


  • 这些WajihNaqvi维克多•斯莫塔希克领导研究者给300平方公里海域里面投加了6溶于硫酸铁作为浮游生物的肥料已让他们生长。

    Those researchers, led by Wajih Naqvi and Victor Smetacek, created a bloom of phytoplankton by fertilising an area of 300 square kilometres with six tonnes of iron sulphate, which dissolves in water.


  • 一方面,纽约首席检察官安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)AIG经过提供分红详细信息的最后期限,他在星期一的时候正式发出传票,要求AIG提供分红的相关信息

    On a separate track, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Monday he would issue subpoenas for information on the bonuses after AIG missed his deadline for providing details.


  • 辩方律师先前曾暗示这位流行歌星可能莫里不在身旁,自己注射了过量麻醉剂异丙酚

    Defense lawyers previously suggested the pop star might have self-administered an overdose of the anesthetic propofol while Murray was away from his side.


  • 可以试试克斯威尔莫特所定义第三测试

    Then you have employed what Baxter and Wilmot aptly call asking third party tests.


  • 然而切尔西迅速介入同马尼切狄纳莫队达成份三方协议

    However, Chelsea now look to have stepped in a struck a quick deal with both Maniche and Dinamo.


  • 艾方佐博士针对亨丁顿舞蹈症研究神经退化意外得到这项发现。

    Dr Laura Avanzo and Dr Jennifer Morton were studying neurodegeneration with a focus on Huntingdon's disease when they stumbled on their findings quite by accident.


  • 第二出庭作证检方主要证人杰里米·莫洛克

    On the stand for a second day was chief prosecution witness Jeremy Morlock, once Gibbs' right hand man in the platoon the staff sergeant headed.


  • 一方面,莫丽不能理解我们科学技术基础三维空间物理学

    Molly, on the other hand, can't understand our notion of three-dimensional space and physics, which is based on science and technology.


  • 建于14世纪莫伯方庭牛津剑桥所有学院里古老的方庭

    Mob quad, built in the 14th century, is the oldest quadrangle of any Oxford or Cambridge college.


  • 钻洞子公司于是转向逆向莫里斯信托。 这种交易要求出售方最终需持有收购方多数股权。 这会极大地挫伤买家的积极性。

    Loophole openers begat Reverse Morrises, which require that shareholders of the selling company end up with a majority stake in the acquiring company -- a big disincentive to buyers.


  • 位于莫伯方庭楼上图书馆英国迄今为止使用最古老中世纪图书馆之一

    The old library, located upstairs of Mob Quad, is one of the oldest medieval libraries in Britain, which is still in use today.


  • 我们看到美国犹太人一方面以色列有着密不可分的联系,另一方面不妨碍他们成为优秀美国公民。我们也希望能够这样。”

    "We look at how the Jews in America do it, how that community has the ability to maintain ties with Israel and be good Americans, that is how we want it," says Mr Moudden.


  • 他们来自这个伟大国家四面八方从加利福尼亚州华盛顿州,从俄亥俄纽约州的莫霍克,从夏威夷北卡罗来纳和纽约州的布法洛。

    They came from all parts of this great country-from South Carolina to Washington State; Ohio to Mohawk, New York; Hawaii to North Carolina to Concord, New Hampshire.


  • 前所述,学院拥有大量造型独特建筑包括餐厅、学院前庭、莫伯方庭(民众方庭)和院士方庭等。

    As I have mentioned above, there exist a lot of architecturally distinctive buildings in Merton College, including the Hall, the Front Quad, the Mob Quad, the Fellow's Quad, and so on.


  • 虽然如此要证明这项指控,控方需要展示莫瑞行为超过一连串错误的范畴。

    'Even so, proving the charge will require prosecutors to show that the physician's actions amounted to more than a series of mistakes.


  • 虽然如此要证明这项指控,控方需要展示莫瑞行为超过一连串错误的范畴。

    'Even so, proving the charge will require prosecutors to show that the physician's actions amounted to more than a series of mistakes.


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