• 生命意义什么是否一切事出有因为何苦难降临到世间

    What's the meaning of life? Does everything happen for a reason? Why is there suffering in the world?


  • 但是正如佛教心理学暗示的一样,我们试图抓住快乐一直厌恶痛苦,我们遭受苦难会更多

    But as Buddhist psychology suggests, we create more suffering for ourselves when we try to cling to pleasant things and maintain an aversion toward painful feelings.


  • 流行的观点经历苦难他们生活中很强人格相反有些研究者声称苦难苦难让人产生误导

    Contrary to the very popular belief that people who have suffered from hardship in their lives have stronger personalities, some researchers claim that hardships can be very misleading.


  • 可能认为艺术变得更加怀疑幸福因为当今时代已经看到了如此多的苦难

    You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen so much misery.


  • 意味着如果我们快乐的时光获取幸福的话,我们疲于处理一些苦难

    This means that if we expect to gain happiness only from pleasure, we are ill equipped to deal with suffering.


  • 大部分这些生者来说苦难有限的- - -他们痛苦一段时间,当然并不是如此无能以至于在220年后这个只能勉强早起

    For most of these people, the suffering is finite - painful and lasting, of course, but not so disabling that 2 or 20 years later the person can barely get out of bed in the morning.


  • 转基因技术可以用于拯救生命减轻病痛苦难改善人类生存状况例子怎么可能有人反对呢?

    A: it's a great example of how this technology can be used to save lives, relieve pain and suffering and improve the human condition. How can anyone be opposed to that?


  • 报告认为这个数字增长至1亿,对于这些孩子,这意味着苦难;对于其他人,这意味着更多暴力犯罪

    It thinks the number could rise to 100m, meaning misery for them and more violent crimes for others.


  • 人类苦难总是导致抑郁症如今活着忍受苦难的人要比过去更多

    Human misery has always caused depression, and there are now many more humans alive to endure misery than in the past.


  • 尽管问题严峻,但是这些漫长苦难某种程度上金钱粉饰了:欧盟提供的紧贴航运业兴旺、2004年的奥运盛事

    Serious as they are, many chronic woes have been masked, to some extent, by easy money: European Union subsidies, a boom in shipping, construction for the 2004 Olympics.


  • 母亲——永远只记得苦难坚信未来变得更糟——整天说早就这么告诉了。

    My mother, who never recalled anything but trouble, and was sure the worst was yet to come, would be saying, I told you so, all day long.


  • 世界粮食计划署每天暂停小时空袭稍微缓解加沙受困居民苦难不过不够。

    The World Food Program says the three-hour daily pause in military air strikes will provide a bit of relief to the beleaguered population of Gaza, but, it is not enough.


  • 一千年之后一个短暂苦难基督再来并且施行审判建立永恒国度

    Christ will come at the end of this time and, after a brief time of Great Tribulation, will judge the world and establish his eternal kingdom.


  • 一个有了远大理想就是苦难的时候,感到幸福。——徐特立

    A person with lofty ideals, is in the most difficult of suffering, will also feel happy. — Xu Teli.


  • 一方面,那些容易忘记恐惧历史人们难道频繁遭受类似苦难作为惩罚么?

    On the other hand, are those who easily forget the horrors of history condemned to repeat them?


  • 长远来讲,财富如同健康完全没有,带来苦难但是了却不一定能够保证幸福

    In the long run wealth is like health: its utter absence can breed misery, but having it doesn't guarantee happiness.


  • 此举凸显出许多巴人承认犹太人苦难敏感心理,他们担心如此一来削弱巴人历史上以色列人的强烈不满

    The move highlights the sensitivity of many Palestinians over acknowledging Jewish suffering, fearing it would weaken their own historical grievances against Israel.


  • 坚信通过阅读人们更加清晰地理解整个国家遭受苦难希望引发一些改变

    I have no doubt that people reading it will more clearly understand the tragedy that befell a whole nation and hope that this may yet lead to some redress.


  • 知道鉴于人类苦难贫穷甚至气候变化人们怀疑为什么要担心只猫科动物

    And I know, in the light of human suffering and poverty and even climate change, one would wonder, why worry about a few cats?


  • 可能觉得双重痛苦苦难令人心碎的痛苦

    You may feel your twin's pain and suffering in heart-wrenching anguish.


  • 没有苦难我们骄傲,没有沧桑,我们同理心安慰不幸的人。

    If there were no suffering, we would be conceited; no vicissitude, we won't comfort the unfortunate with compassion.


  • 青年时代轻率地对待学习,将来感到苦难过。

    A man who neglects his studies in youth will regret it in later years.


  • 工作场所,总是欺侮下属的老板员工生活变成苦难近期一项研究显示他们还有可能破坏下属婚姻

    Bullying bosses can make life a misery in the workplace. But research shows they could also wreck a marriage.


  • 比起补偿经历过所有苦难烦恼你们感觉到更多

    You will feel more than compensated for all of the hardships and troubles experienced.


  • 黄金开采越来越苦难引起了其他问题,开采工人面临更多危险并且环境影响增加

    The fact that gold is more challenging to access raises additional problems: the miners are exposed to additional hazards, and the environmental impact is heightened.


  • 黄金开采越来越苦难引起了其他问题,开采工人面临更多危险并且环境影响增加

    The fact that gold is more challenging to access raises additional problems: the miners are exposed to additional hazards, and the environmental impact is heightened.


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