• 开始院长发生接连不断的争执。

    He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.


  • 编辑办公室曾经创始人德惠特·华莱士占用,妻子莱拉··华莱士1922年推出了读者文摘》,其中收录了其他出版物缩编版文章

    The editor's office used to be occupied by founder Dewitt Wallace, who, along with his wife, Lila Acheson Wallace, launched Reader's Digest in 1922 with condensed articles from other publications.


  • 自埃文河畔斯特拉特福镇的一号和二号约翰·克赛尔巴士将乘客送到我们一英里长的车道尽头。

    The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel-bus from Stratford-upon-Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile-long drive.


  • 如果金钱财产名望地位会带来幸福的话,那么米·怀恩·豪斯仍然歌唱,迈克尔·杰克将仍然在跳舞好莱坞将会是地球幸福的地方

    If money, possessions, fame, and status, brought happiness then Amy Winehouse would still be singing, Michael Jackson would be still be dancing, and Hollywood would be the happiest place on earth.


  • 博士的做法是志愿者们背后看着他们自己

    Dr Ehrsson did it by making his volunteers look at themselves from behind.


  • 工作公关部门那·萨姆来自雅虎,CNN记者埃里克撒·米丽·克尔顿,及其他一些人

    He'll be working in the Communications Department with Jenna Sampson, who came from Yahoo!, former CNN correspondent Alexa Lee and Emily Pinkerton, among others.


  • 因为如果博士兰科博士所试验的方法能够用于大脑放射性扫描仪志愿者进行复制那么这种方法就可能被用于研究相关联的神经网络组织

    For, if the methods Dr Ehrsson and Dr Blanke have come up with can be reproduced on volunteers inside a brain-scanner, then it might be possible to study the neurological network involved.


  • 第一种志愿者背后看到自己身体一个立体的“化身”,就像博士试验结果一样。

    The first was a three-dimensional "avatar" of his own body-viewed from behind, as with Dr Ehrsson's experiment.


  • 伦。次格,杰克固定的私人医生,他杰克忍受严重的睡眠问题”已经有1520了。

    Allan Metzger, a longtime primary physician for Jackson, testified that for 15 to 20 years, Jackson had suffered from a "profound sleep disorder."


  • 博士先前实验中依赖于一种称为橡胶”的错觉

    Dr Ehrsson's previous experiments have relied on an illusion called the rubber hand.


  • 直到天后蚂蚁经过·威尔发现尸体似乎放出化学信号戏剧性地改变(其他)蚂蚁行为

    That is until about two days after an ant's passing, Ed discovered, when the corpse appears to emit a chemical signal that changes the living ants' behavior dramatically.


  • 昨天卫生大臣伦·约翰表示达菲墨西哥被证明是有效治疗药物。

    The health secretary, Alan Johnson, said yesterday that Tamiflu had proved effective on patients in Mexico.


  • 胖子沃勒顿公爵塞隆尼斯 蒙克音乐很大程度上要归功于詹姆斯P约翰发明

    The music of Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, and Thelonious Monk is due in large part to the innovations of James P. Johnson.


  • 马文当然愿意首发球队除了约翰霍福德约什史密斯之外,仅有第四选择

    We know Marvin prefers to start, but he's only the fourth option in a lineup with Joe Johnson, Al Horford and Josh Smith.


  • 当不良少年太过正派,完摇滚年事已高,伦·约翰成了政界职位最高的摩德派成员。

    TOO nice to be a Teddy Boy, too old for punk, Alan Johnson is the highest-ranking mod in politics.


  • 警察摩托车到达杰克在贝尔·住处关闭门前道路,以阻止人流车辆但是有一些聚集门外

    Outside Jackson's Bel Air home, police arrived on motorcycles. The road in front of the home was closed in an attempt to hold traffic back, but several people were gathered outside the home.


  • 结果伦·约翰果断地抨击乔治·奥斯本削减开支经济复苏中低阶层收入者造成威胁

    As it turned out, Alan Johnson did a manful job denouncing George Osborne's spending cuts as a threat to economic recovery and low-to-middle earners.


  • 同样在戛纳亮相而不参加角逐还有伍迪-执导的影片《最后一》。 这部由斯佳赖特-约翰主演的电影伦敦为背景,不是退伍老兵喜欢曼哈顿

    Also appearing out of competition is Woody Allen, whose "Match Point" is set not in the veteran's favored Manhattan but in London, and stars Scarlett Johansson.


  • 其中一个成功的例子就是朋友同事,著名博客“改变想法”的作者史蒂夫.

    One good example is my friend and colleague Steve Aitchison of Change Your Thoughts.


  • 而在这个访谈辩护律师马特·阿尔伏德一位关键证人,杰克保镖托·阿尔瓦·里兹进行攻击

    In the interview, attorney Matt Alford criticized a key prosecution witness, Jackson's bodyguard Alberto Alvarez.


  • 亚军得主是美国纽约扬基棒球队运动员兰迪·约翰接下来上榜的人有美国著名影评人罗杰·伊伯特、美国心理学家兼电视节目主持人菲尔·麦格福克斯电视台主持人·考姆斯。

    New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson came in second followed by film critic Roger Ebert, television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and Fox television co-host Alan Colmes.


  • 德·O·威尔,现今世界上最有名望蚂蚁学家知道这个答案。

    Wilson, now the most celebrated, most eminent ant scholar in the world, wanted to know.


  • 早二十世纪七十年代,梦境研究者伦霍普哈弗医学院同行们提出人在做梦大脑同时也在产生电脉冲。

    In the mid-1970s dream researcher J. Allan Hobson and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School proposed that the brain spontaneously generates electrical pulses while dreaming.


  • 6月9日ComRes投票显示内务大臣布朗可能继任者伦·约翰(Alan Johnson)可能拒绝承认保守党议会多数派

    A ComRes poll on June 9th suggested that Labour under Alan Johnson, the new home secretary and possible successor to Mr Brown, would deny the Tories an overall parliamentary majority.


  • 迪丝·威尔102日事件的叙述中,煞费苦心地证实·胡佛的叙述是假的。

    In Edith Wilson's account of Oct. 2, she takes great pains to discredit Ike Hoover's account.


  • 流行巨星蜜西·莉特Twitter上发布了一个名为“迈克尔杰克最佳舞步youtube视频链接

    The pop star Missy Elliott posted a link on Twitter to a YouTube video called Michael Jackson Best Dance Moves, adding the message: "A little something to remember the KING by".


  • 流行巨星蜜西·莉特Twitter上发布了一个名为“迈克尔杰克最佳舞步youtube视频链接

    The pop star Missy Elliott posted a link on Twitter to a YouTube video called Michael Jackson Best Dance Moves, adding the message: "A little something to remember the KING by".


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