• ·艾蒂美术馆在同时举办3场展览

    Galerie St. Etienne is holding three concurrent exhibitions.


  • 艾蒂·多莱特位语言学家。

    Etienne Dolet is a philologian.


  • 立即写了一封信要求弟弟艾蒂大量供应塔夫绸绳子

    He immediately wrote a letter asking his brother Etienne to come with a large supply of taffeta and rope.


  • 约瑟夫艾蒂儿子菲尔都是一次成功纸张制造商皮埃尔·菲尔。

    Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier were both sons of a successful paper manufacturer, Pierre Montgolfier.


  • 巧妙地设置钻石反映尖端概念上设计方法艾蒂贝瑞完全适用两个手指戒指

    Masterfully set diamonds stand alongside conceptual designs that reflect a cutting-edge approach, such as Etienne Perret's ring made for two fingers.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安博诺特德孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smiths opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂•博诺特••孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith’s opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂•博诺特••孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith's opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot DE Condillac and the Baron DE Montesquieu.


  • 打了电话,是艾蒂婶婶接的,然后艾蒂斯婶婶又喊叔叔。霍莫叔叔仓库进来后接听了芬的电话。

    Fern phoned and got her Aunt Edith, and her Aunt Edith hollered for Uncle Homer, and Uncle Homer came in from the barn and talked to Fern.


  • 这种缺乏互信背后潜藏着一种“苏伊士运河战争后遗症”(Suezparadigm),这个术语是法国国际关系研究所艾蒂杜兰德(Etienne de Durand )先生发明的。

    Behind the mutual distrust lies what Etienne de Durand of the French Institute of International Relations calls the “Suez paradigm”.


  • 希拉里相互了解,如果没有那些漫长乘车时间这样的了解是不可能达到的。

    Al, Tipper, Hillary, and I had gotten to know one another in a way that would have been impossible without those long hours on the bus.


  • 睡眠改善项目“睡眠创始人莉森·加德纳如果通常每晚只睡4个小时大大低估了负面影响

    If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night, she would be drastically underestimating the negative impact, says Alison Gardiner, founder of the sleep improvement programme Sleep station.


  • 1945年8月6,驾驶 B-29轰炸机诺拉盖号,并重九炸弹男孩'的保罗·沃菲尔德·贝茨自己家中去世

    Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr., whose B-29 bomber dubbed the Enola Gay dropped the 9,000-pound 'Little Boy' bomb on August 6, 1945, died at his home.


  • 马克思兄弟创立了他们的闹剧品牌,拉里、莫伊克里这个活宝三人组紧随着他们的脚步,现今的喜剧巨头亚当·桑德勒、马丁·劳伦斯·等人则荧幕继承前辈们的传统

    Nowadays, comedy masters such as Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence and Tim Allen carry on the tradition in big-screen comedy features.


  • 谈话之后有了好感,确信我们竞选活动增加大量筹码。

    After our talk, I liked him and was convinced that he, and Tipper, would be a big addition to our campaign.


  • 这本资料收集时候,我读查尔斯.乔纳森.波斯所写的《东山再起小子关于纽约州初选描述

    When I was doing research for this book, I read the account of the New York primary in The Comeback Kid by Charles Allen and Jonathan Portis.


  • 如果任何人·帕西诺有联络鲍勃·哈弗克联系。

    If anyone has a connection to Al Pacino, please get in touch with Bob Haverstick ASAP.


  • “意欲从小到大英雄偶像共事只不过种一闪而念头,而且当时也不知道这部电影会拍成什么样子,但我还是给了电话,”布拉姆斯承认说

    "When I called Steven, it was an instinct to work with someone who was a hero of mine since I was a kid, and I had no idea what the movie was, " admits Abrams.


  • 的“朱丽叶·拉姆弗交换婚,切卡雷利愉快地说:“激动知道结婚能使心情激动,特别是这样一个环境里。”

    "I feel very emotional. You know, marriage always gives strong emotions especially in a situation like this," said a beaming Ceccarelli, before exchanging rings with his Juliet, Irene Lamforti.


  • 立刻打电话给莉森康纳

    She called Allison and Conner and Mandy on the telephone.


  • 诺基亚最近抛弃了芬兰总裁微软公司佼佼者斯富有活力芬·洛普替换

    Nokia recently dumped its Finnish boss and replaced him with a dynamic outsider, Stephen Elop, formerly a high-flier at Microsoft.


  • 第二天,7月17日早晨希拉里坐车新泽西州开始我们跨越全国巴士巡回宣传中的第一次。

    The next morning, July 17, al, Tipper, Hillary, and I drove over to New Jersey to begin the first of several bus Tours across America.


  • 克里斯娜·里奇玛莎·斯图尔特丽西娅·凯斯自从几年她们PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草

    Christina Ricci, Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years.


  • 事实上,詹妮特·麦克尔很真正《杂草》中也相似的巨大转折使一些批评家她在该片的表演为“1999年表演”。

    Janet McTeer, who did a similar no-collar turn in TUMBLEWEEDS that prompted several critics to call hers the performance of 1999, actually looks like the real Erin.


  • 克大姆汽车有一部分朝着铁道格里菲斯后视镜了一下,看到火车灯光正在逼近

    The Grand Am was now partially facing forward on the tracks, and when Griffith glanced in the rearview mirror, she saw the train lights approaching.


  • 影响超越每一个喜剧演员,娜·菲、·波勒桑德拉·伯纳德、罗珊妮·芭尔以及克里斯汀·韦格还有任何一位好莱坞女制片人。

    Her influence reigns over every female comicfrom Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Sandra Bernhard, Roseanne Barr and Kristen Wiig - as well as any female Hollywood executive.


  • 去年莎拉波娃在与对手丽娜·戴蒙娃进行四分之一赛时,跃入中央球场的裸奔者了一大跳。

    Last year, Maria Sharapova was startled by a streaker who leapt on to Centre Court during her quarter-final against Elena Dementieva.


  • 去年莎拉波娃在与对手丽娜·戴蒙娃进行四分之一赛时,跃入中央球场的裸奔者了一大跳。

    Last year, Maria Sharapova was startled by a streaker who leapt on to Centre Court during her quarter-final against Elena Dementieva.


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