• 艾利克漫谈

    Lynne made desultory conversation with Irene and Alex.


  • 为什么艾利克昨天买给漂亮鲜花放到花瓶里去呢,”悦耳的声音到。

    "Why, Alex, I'm just going put the pretty flowers you brought me in a vase," she said in dulcet tones.


  • 利克斯,你整个下午都在外面?

    You're out the whole afternoon, Alex?


  • 艾利斯·格莱迪一位武术家,他肩部受伤复出代表美国对抗韩国

    Alex Grady is a martial expert chosen to come out of retirement after a shoulder injury to represent America against Korea.


  • 水手队队长艾利克·斯威尔·金森将被租借中超踢球

    Mariners captain Alex Wilkinson will also play in the Chinese Super League on a loan deal.


  • 好的女士艾利克斯布兰特先生什么时间抵达,需要晚?

    Fine, madam. When will Mr. Brent be arriving, and how many nights will be staying?


  • 迪士尼版本里,结局是爱丽尔人鱼变成艾利克王子结婚

    In the Disney version, the film ends with Ariel the mermaid being changed into a human so she can marry Eric.


  • 伍斯特伍德律师。我想艾利斯·布兰特先生间房间。

    Yes. I'm calling from Westwood Attorneys. I need to make a reservation for Mr. Alex Brent.


  • 遇见艾利克几天特地去参加一个派对因为知道一定也参加的。

    Several days after meeting Alex, I attended a party I knew he would be at. As I had hoped, he asked me to have dinner with him afterwards.


  • 3月14日,贝尼特先生店员艾利克.道森还有布迪店里等待买家光顾。

    Mr. Bennett, with one of his salesmen, Eric Dawson, and Buddy the dog waited for customers on March 14.


  • 所以例如这回不仅艾利克得到加持,所有一起参与竞赛的人也都得到加持了。

    So, e. g. , this time not only Eric got the blessing but all participated in the tournaments he attended.


  • 室内设计师早安名字艾利克来自ABC厨房设计公司。我听说装修厨房。

    Decorator: Good morning! My name is Eric. I'm from ABC kitchen Service. I heard that you want to have your kitchen renovated.


  • 艾利克-普斯美国麻省大学提供荣誉课程联邦学院助理教授院长研读课程的负责人

    Alex Phillips is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Dean's Book Course at Commonwealth College, the honors college at the University of Massachusetts.


  • 突然艾利克有了强烈不祥预感仿佛看见架飞机起飞不久便空中爆炸变成一团火球

    Suddenly, Alex had a strong premonition of an ominous, as if to see him off the plane exploded in the air will soon be changed each fireball.


  • 亲爱的艾利斯,今天好吗?通知你,我有点喜欢你。不准,这件事非常严肃。真诚的,莱恩

    Dear Alexis, how are you today? I want to inform you that I kind of like you. Don't laugh, this is serious. sincerely, Ryan.


  • 亲爱的艾利斯,今天好吗?通知你,我有点喜欢你。不准,这件事非常严肃。真诚的,莱恩恩

    Dear Alexis, how are you today? I want to inform you that I kind of like you. Don't laugh, this is serious. sincerely, Ryan.


  • 影片为人还是挺丢人,但是罗伯茨好地扮演学院“为取胜不用其极”之名的艾利·维拉德

    It was a shame that not many people knew about this film because Roberts does a good job of portraying Alex Villard, who runs the academy with a "win at all costs" mentality.


  • 对外暴君形象掩盖了他父亲般慈爱的形象。会责备那个艾利克”的小伙子赞赏精神乐对生活

    The dictator he presents to the world conceals the father figure who tells a lad off for calling him "Alex" but still admires his spirit and sees life as rich in comedy.


  • 场破坏性飓风场热带暴风雨艾利斯”、“伊万”、“弗朗西斯”、“查理”和“珍妮”曾短时间内接连发生

    Four destructive hurricanes and a tropical rain storm Alex, Ivan, Frances, Charley and Jeanne have occurred in a sequence, within a short period of time.


  • 2009年9月艾利斯·雅布伦斯基和迈·托特恩给他们自己定了野心十足目标一年内每个制作一部纪录片。

    In September 2009, Alex Jablonski and Michael Totten set themselves an ambitious goal: to make one documentary every month for a year.


  • 艾利克斯·霍夫曼美国的一个物理学家,他过去十年里很多人一样,放弃纯粹科学研究转而创造更多神秘金融工具

    Alex Hoffmann is an American physicist who, like many in the past decade, has grown rich by turning away from pure scientific research to create ever more arcane financial instruments.


  • 这个思想首先为佛落里州立大学心理学家安得斯·艾利克森所拥护说法为:任何个人大约1万小时练习,方能成为专家

    This is the idea, first espoused by K. Anders Ericsson, a pyschologist at Florida State University, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before any individual can become an expert.


  • 工作很忙的时候,经常外卖的人来出现办公室午饭之类的,不用说,当然艾利的,他怕我起来就忘了吃饭

    Not infrequently, during a demanding day at work, I would find a deliveryman standing in my office with a boxed lunch Alex had ordered for me, to make sure I remembered to eat.


  • 艾利”、“伊万”、“弗朗西斯”、“查理“珍妮”(2004年8 - 9月):场破坏性飓风场热带暴风雨时间内接连发生

    Alex, Ivan, Frances, Charley and Jeanne (August-September 2004) : Four destructive hurricanes and a tropical rain storm occur in a sequence, within a short period of time.


  • 2004年马丁姆郡牛顿··诊所被捕。他的三个手术之一一位老年癌症家属在病人收到警方关注

    Martin was arrested in May 2004 at his practice in Newton Aycliffe, co Durham - one of his three surgeries - after relatives of an elderly cancer sufferer raised concerns with police after his death.


  • 利克诅咒女人追求》,作者詹姆斯罗伊。

    The Hilliker Curse: My Pursuit of Women. By James Ellroy.


  • 罗德还消费者保护更加靠谱。正是巴马周三北卡罗来纳州洛大会上着重谈到的问题。

    Mr. Axelrod added that 'consumer protections are a lot more tangible,' and that's what Mr. Obama focused on Wednesday at a town-hall meeting in Raleigh, n.c..


  • 罗德还消费者保护更加靠谱。正是巴马周三北卡罗来纳州洛大会上着重谈到的问题。

    Mr. Axelrod added that 'consumer protections are a lot more tangible,' and that's what Mr. Obama focused on Wednesday at a town-hall meeting in Raleigh, n.c..


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