• 那位女孩跳 完舞后随即走向敞开窗边呼吸新鲜空气

    The girl finished dancing and walked over to the open windows for some fresh air.


  • 在学12芭蕾一个朋友去一家专业剧团试演

    After 12 years of studying ballet a friend of mine auditioned for a professional company.


  • L表演描述会一圈圈地转,搅蛋器一样

    Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than Turing round and round like an eggbeater.


  • 跟随蜜蜂30分钟以后的,我终于意识到他们了一段浅舞后起飞。

    After following bees for 30 minutes, I finally realized that they do a little dance before they take off.


  • 舞台上得到机会有足够长的时间表演踢踏舞旋地舞后人人都迷上了欣喜若狂

    When he was allowed on the stage for long enough, tap-dancing and pratfalling all over the place, everyone loved him and the audience went wild.


  • 也许不如其它城市那般拥有直观浪漫,但浪漫表现冬天傍晚欣赏芭蕾舞后,就可以穿着厚厚的毛皮大衣着雪橇回家

    Perhaps not as straightforwardly romantic as other cities it represents the romance of winter evenings at the ballet, returning home by sleigh wrapped in furs together.


  • 那天晚上以后我们再也没有一起跳过舞寻找别的舞伴父亲舞后总是坐在心爱的椅子上穿着法兰绒睡衣等候着

    We did not dance together after that night, I found other partners, and my father waited up for me after dances, sitting in his favorite chair, clad in his flannel pajamas.


  • 好的,可以这么说,我们搭配西班牙米饭玉米粉蒸肉吃了火鸡土豆泥跳完cumbias和萨尔萨舞后了查理·布朗感恩节

    We ate Turkey and mashed potatoes - with a side of Spanish rice and tamales. We watched a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, after dancing to cumbias and salsa.


  • 功地跳完一次“林波舞”后,他们把杆子放低,再做一次。

    After a successful "limbo", they put the pole lower and do it again.


  • 入场盛典结束,聚会参加者观众应邀加入中去,参加不同部落间的共舞

    Following the grand entry, both participants and spectators were invited to join the dance circle for an intertribal dance.


  • 显然精通舞蹈大概12年后,科伊娜·米特拉成一位极为出色舞者

    Apparently Koena Mitra is a fantastic dancer after she practiced dancingfor about 12 years.


  • 的确是毫无疑问的,妮可·基德曼女士的职业生涯一个新的开始,并主演了大卫·海尔斯由《轮舞改编蓝色房间跃上了新的轨道

    But there's no question that Nicole Kidman's professional life was kicked into a new, loftier orbit after she starred in "the Blue Room," David Hare's adaptation of "La Ronde."


  • 斯威兹进入德克萨斯州社区大学杰斯图学院(SanJacinto)学习纽约学习舞蹈成为Eliot Feld芭蕾舞团一员。

    After attending San Jacinto, a community college in Texas, Mr. Swayze moved to New York to study dance, becoming a member of Eliot Feld Ballet.


  • 去年12月古巴芭蕾舞演员前往墨西哥的途中叛逃。后来,一名古巴电视台的资深工作人员访问加拿大寻求庇护

    Last December, a group of Cuban ballet dancers defected during a trip to Mexico, and a top Cuban television personality sought asylum after a visit to Canada.


  • 解放后赫本伦敦所芭蕾舞学校获得了学位之后就开始了她的模特生涯

    After the liberation, Audrey went to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career.


  • 那次他买回一打舞裙就再也去买真正急需大衣我一直向往的新溜冰鞋。

    After the dress incident, there was no money for the winter coat I really needed — or the new ice skates I wanted.


  • 马克打趣,麦拉一定会接的班,当一名职业高尔夫球手。不过早已有了培养计划,她已经预备女儿两岁后就送她学芭蕾舞。

    Mark teases her, saying she's bound to end up a professional golfer, but Hannah already has plans to sign her up to ballet classes on her second birthday.


  • 他们小时候没跳过舞教师培训后他们迷上跳舞

    Neither of them danced as children, but they caught the dancing bug while training to become teachers.


  • 对夫妻已经结婚30年了此次在观看场芭蕾舞演出俄罗斯国家电视台公开他们离婚的消息。

    The couple, who had been married for 30 years, made their divorce public on Russian state television after attending a ballet performance.


  • 成为一个舞者发现大量时间来练习后,就对上踢踏舞芭蕾舞失去了兴趣

    She wanted to be a dancer but became apathetic towards tap and ballet classes when she discovered it took a lot of practice.


  • 他们自动点唱机那儿学会跳摇摆舞

    I learnt to jive there when they got the jukebox.


  • 靠做护理工作了一些后,世界各地旅行多年,到处跳舞——澳大利亚的弗拉曼柯酒吧,在西班牙的弗拉曼柯学校,在印度海滩

    After saving money doing care work I travelled around the world for years, dancing in flamenco bars in Australia, flamenco schools in Spain and on beaches in India.


  • 扭秧歌无需特定舞伴,只要绕着或是组成类似茄舞的队形就可以扭起来。小学生放学后,也常常一路扭着秧歌回家

    The Yangko was danced without any specific partner, either in a circle or in a kind of conga line which primary-school boys and girls often formed on the street as they came home from school.


  • 扭秧歌无需特定舞伴,只要绕着或是组成类似茄舞的队形就可以扭起来。小学生放学后,也常常一路扭着秧歌回家

    The Yangko was danced without any specific partner, either in a circle or in a kind of conga line which primary-school boys and girls often formed on the street as they came home from school.


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