• 然而由于自身缺乏严格逻辑推理决定无法取代期望效用理论规范化决策中的作用

    However, because oneself lacks the strict logical inference, I think that it is unable to substitute for the expected utility theory in the standardized decision-making function.


  • 然而由于自身缺乏严格逻辑推理决定了无法取代期望效用理论规范化决策中的作用。

    However, because oneself lacks the strict logical inference, I think that it is unable to substitute for the expected utili...


  • 是否要将产品推向国际市场自身缺乏经验及能力?电子商务将为您解决许多类问题

    Do you want to promote your products on the international market but can not do it by yourself? E-commerce can solve many of these problems.


  • 这种爱批评别人的,其实他们本身很自卑,他们总是抱怨自己的伴侣是因为他们自身缺乏安全感。

    Behind a chronic criticizer is a person whose low self-esteem leads them to find faults in their partner because of their own insecurities.


  • 我国证券交易所虽形似会员制然而行政色彩浓厚自身缺乏独立自主性,国外会员制交易所绝不相同

    In our country the stock exchange system is similar to the member system, but its administrative color is strong and it is lack of the independence, which is totally different from the system abroad.


  • 经常真正不对劲害怕情绪本身不仅泄露了你对对方的不信任也是自身缺乏自信自尊表现

    But often, what's wrong is the fear itself. Not only does it betray a lack of trust, but it shows a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem.


  • 白血病患者和进行外周血骨髓造血干细胞移植的患者,由于自身缺乏巨细胞病毒抗体他们输注的成分必须巨细胞病毒抗体阴性的。

    Patients with leukemia and those undergoing blood or marrow stem cell transplantation, who themselves have no antibodies to CMV, should receive blood components that are negative for CMV antibodies.


  • 做完以上这些事情之后我们反而会觉得越来越糟糕因为我们自身并未因此而有所提升却依旧在延续自己可怜形象一如既往缺乏自信

    By doing these things, we end up feeling worse because part of us feels as though we don't measure up and are constantly reinforcing our poor self image and lack of self worth.


  • 由于开发团队缺乏知识技能以及掌控自身权利,从而导致这种过多分支过高级别上管理的结果。

    This is likely a result of too many branches being managed at too high a level because the development teams lack the knowledge, skills, or empowerment to handle them themselves.


  • 现在技术角度上说,万维网自身转变成熟媒体形式缺乏一个完全了解媒体的

    Now, on the technology side, what the Web has lacked in its determination to turn itself into a full-fledged media format is anybody who knew anything about media.


  • 纽约时刻》所报道人们自身缺乏平衡,身体健康而不是因为写博文造成

    The people in the NY Times article weren't as healthy as they could be because of their own lack of balance. Not because of blogging.


  • 巴贝尔精彩进球后作出无声庆祝或许出于自身沉默寡言性格但这也有可能是他对球队教练缺乏信心不满。

    Babel's muted celebration of his marvellous goal may have been the expression of a naturally reticent temperament, or it may have been a comment on his manager's lack of faith.


  • 反之,如果缺乏早期接触,免疫系统可能出现紊乱,做出过激反应,如对食物花粉宠物过敏等或者引发人体机理问题,出现自身免疫失调

    Without such early instruction, the immune system may go haywire and overreact with allergies to foods, pollen and pet dander or turn on the body's own tissue, setting off autoimmune disorders.


  • 怎样应对那些自身未来确定因为缺乏了解,对同样不确定的员工

    What about dealing with employees who were uncertain about their future and uncertain about you, because they didn't know you.


  • 印度蓬勃发展高科技产业似乎已经深刻意识到自身所面临的一系列问题保守主义社会排斥缺乏差异性

    COMMENT India's booming tech industry seems acutely aware of the problems it faces - conservatism, social exclusion, lack of diversity.


  • 突出印度非常缺乏东亚南亚的供应链作为它自身全球化例证

    Most glaring of all, India is largely absent from those supply chains in East and South-East Asia that have come to exemplify globalisation itself.


  • 虽然我们充分意识痛苦来源在于我们自身我们仍然把形而上学缺乏变成个人的缺陷

    Though fully aware that the source of unhappiness is in us, we nevertheless turn a personal defect into a metaphysical deficiency.


  • 自身弱点安全感缺乏处理

    Dealing with your weaknesses and insecurities.


  • 造成这些情感问题原因在于缺乏自身敏锐度潜能了解

    The cause of these emotional problems is your lack of understanding of your own sensitivity and potential.


  • 他们令人“晕菜”的对算术缺乏信心妨碍自身判断力及至前途

    their debilitating lack of confidence with arithmetic hampers their judgment and prospects.


  • 城市弱势群体之所以弱势”的原因多方面的,但是自身能力差文化水平缺乏竞争优势其中非常重要方面

    Urban vulnerable groups was a "weak", there were many reasons for, but their own poor, low literacy levels, lack of competitive advantage is one very important respect.


  • 由于物质资源社会关系资源自身人力资源缺乏Q只能打短工维持生存具有认真工作经济理性

    Owing to the lack of material resources, social connections and personal qualities, A Q could live only on temporary work though he had an economic rationality of diligence at work.


  • 他们身体容易将卡路里转化脂肪同时他们普遍缺乏肌肉因为自身新陈代谢率

    Their bodies don't allocate calories into adipose but generally lack muscle mass due to the same reason, high metabolism.


  • 他们身体容易将卡路里转化脂肪同时他们普遍缺乏肌肉因为自身新陈代谢率

    Their bodies don't allocate calories into adipose but generally lack muscle mass due to the same reason, high metabolism.


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