• 然而温格却坚持欧文不在考虑之内,因为埃拉转投尤文之后,一直致力于加强中场力量。

    However, Wenger insisted Owen was not in his thinking because he was focused on strengthening his midfield options, following Patrick Vieira's move to Juventus.


  • 今天以上特征已不再被大家关注,因为在它已经成为一个良好的自维护系统后,这些特征已经不那么重要了。

    Today these characteristics of the Web are easily overlooked as obvious, self-maintaining, or just unimportant.


  • 科克&尔克斯公司1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术设备领头企业。

    Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment.


  • 这部卡梅隆泰坦尼克号》以来首次执导的大型故事片标志着三电影时代到来——这种具有长宽的影像。

    Instead, Cameron's first full-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.


  • 首次疫情中,利亚及其周边城市影响严重的地区2011年1月以来,报告350麻疹病例。

    In the first outbreak, the most affected areas are Sevilla and surrounding municipalities, where more than 350 measles cases have been reported since January 2011.


  • 控制正是师从垂直整合顶向下媒体世界存留一些对于思考互联网使用

    The control the Web took from the vertically integrated, top-down media world can, with a little rethinking of the nature and the use of the Internet, be taken back.


  • 坎宁安作用发挥最好的,就是尝试解答无法很容易地描述出来的问题的时候,那些存在一个不言结构使你明白接下来你需要了解些什么的领域。

    Ward Cunningham : A wiki works best where you're trying to answer a question that you can't easily pose, where there's not a natural structure that's known in advance to what you need to know.


  • 姆贝基权力理解,“权力得阴谋,亦失于阴谋,”基如此写道

    Mbeki's understanding of power is that "it is both gained and conceded through conspiracy," Mr Gevisser writes.


  • 1936年至1941年,位于马里兰州贝兹·美国农业部研究中心饲养员培育一种小型火鸡满足当时的烤箱家庭的需要。

    From 1936 to 1941 breeders at USDA's Beltsville, Md., Agricultural Research Center created a smaller Turkey that would fit the era's smaller ovens and families.


  • 演讲完之后一位莱克尤的年轻黑人律师吉米·威尔森站起身发言

    After I finished, a young black lawyer from Lakeview, Jimmy Wilson, got up to speak.


  • 以后的数年里,瓦洛夫设想一直予以修正

    Vavilov's ideas have been modified in the years since.


  • olap数据集具有特定类似但却更多限制性的、衍生数据集模型元数据对象,这些对象包括数据集、多数据集层次结构、多数据集一个多数据集事实对象

    An OLAP cube has a specific set of similar but more restrictive metadata objects derived from the parent cube model, including cube dimensions, cube hierarchies, cube levels, and a cube facts object.


  • 2001年以来格鲁吉亚成为格鲁吉亚公民赢得语言方面奖赏(“每一天都在提高”,卡·什先生如是说)。

    She has lived in Georgia since 2001, has become a Georgian citizen and gained a command of the language (it is "improving every day", says Mr Saakashvili).


  • 位于北卡罗来纳州艾西·尔市的国家气象数据中心德科·阿恩特指出,20091880年以来气温最高的年之一。

    Deke Arndt of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., noted that 2009 will rank among the 10 warmest years for Earth since 1880.


  • 1863年430日56日的塞洛斯战役公认邦联Roberte .Lee将军的一次胜利

    The Battle of Chancellorsville, fought from April 30 to May 6, 1863, is widely considered to be Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's greatest victory.


  • 埃德·勒(EdWeiler)美国宇航局首席天文学家,他1979年以来一直“哈勃”项目密切合作

    Ed Weiler is NASA's chief astronomer. Mr. Weiler has worked closely with the Hubble program since nineteen seventy-nine.


  • 1184年,亨利国王桑(Wissant位于加莱(Calais)布伦(Boulogne)之间)启程前往多佛,这是1156年以后第一使用多佛港口

    In 1184 he sailed from Wissant (located between Calais and Boulogne) to Doverthe first time since 1156 that he had used the port of Dover.


  • 本月起,人们只需简单地手机一扫二码,便租用公共行车

    And starting this month, one can also rent public bikes simply by scanning the QR code with a smartphone.


  • 发现耦合腔结构中,可以实现信号泵浦-信号类型双稳态开关,且后者具有使泵浦和信号在频率和空间相分离的优点。

    It shows that the self-pumping type and pump-probe types bistable switching can both be realized in the same structure, and the latter can separate the pump and signal in frequency and space.


  • 深陷丑闻的斑马军团降级之日起已经五位球员离开,但俱乐部坚持声称转会国际米兰的埃拉最后一个。

    The scandal-hit Turin side have already lost five players since their relegation, with the club insisting Patrick Vieira's departure to Internazionale will be the last.


  • 然而那时起年内阿拉巴马州汉斯·马歇尔航天飞行中心资金已经到位而且设计工作已经开始,同时缩尺模型空气动力测试也在进行

    In the two years since, however, funding has been forthcoming and design work has begun, with aerodynamic testing on scale models under way at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.


  • 上市以来,门窗就始终畅销市场成为消费者产品

    Since listing, vilan has Windows anti fog and haze selling market, consumers become hot pet products.


  • 目的探讨回归趋势模型技术疾病时空动态分析预测中的应用价值。

    Objective to explore applicability of tri dimensional auto regression trend surface model in studying the space time dynamic of disease.


  • 这个宇宙宇宙物理,约略类似于三全像影像其实于二的全像

    The three-dimensional universe would emerge from the physics of the two-dimensional universe somewhat like a holographic image arising from a hologram.


  • 870年代末以后京人开始永久定居英格兰马恩北部西部群岛、法群岛和冰岛上建立起殖民统治。

    From the late 870s Vikings settled permanently in England, and also founded colonies in the Isle of man, the Northern and Western Isles, the Faroes, and Iceland.


  • 究竟会当地人造福,还是太过于冒险安德烈·尔切基伍湖畔报道

    Reporting from its shores, Andre Vltchek asks if this is a blessing for localsor a risk too far.


  • 究竟会当地人造福,还是太过于冒险安德烈·尔切基伍湖畔报道

    Reporting from its shores, Andre Vltchek asks if this is a blessing for localsor a risk too far.


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