• 不管这些数据误差多大自由开源软件肯定一方面存在问题

    No matter the error of these data has how old, free software opening a source exists on one hand in this for certain problem.


  • 阅读获奖感言时,我想到自由开源软件于是把他的部分感言运用到了最爱的主题上

    As I read his acceptance speech, I thought about Free and Open Source Software, and applied parts of his speech to my favorite subject.


  • 开源提倡者用户带到我们社区我们自由软件积极分子应当挑起重任自由这个议题带到他们关注点中

    As the advocates of open source draw new users into our community, we free software activists must shoulder the task of bringing the issue of freedom to their attention.


  • 这次活动自由开源软件实际操作示范还有各种有趣的演讲

    There will be practical demonstrations of Free and Open Source Software in action, as well as various interesting talks.


  • 开源阵营措辞说服了一些商业公司个人使用甚至开发自由软件扩大我们的阵营-但浅显实践层面上

    The rhetoric of open source has convinced many businesses and individuals to use, and even develop, free software, which has extended our community-but only at the superficial, practical level.


  • 这个标准自由软件定义同样也开源的定义弱得多。

    That criterion is much weaker than the free software definition, much weaker also than the official definition of open source.


  • 许多致力于自由开源软件地方团体在一起筹办活动

    Many of the local groups which focus on Free and Open Source Software get together to organise events.


  • 因此开源许可协议可能某些方面用户有所限制,而自由软件却不一定会。

    Thus, open source licenses may restrict users in ways that free software licenses may not.


  • 红帽子分发版、红帽子企业版,它们包含自由开源软件FOSS),他们从中获取利益已经时间了。

    Red Hat's distribution, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, is comprised of free and open source software (FOSS) and they've been turning a profit for some time doing so.


  • 版权被证实还有其他好处而且那些认同开源实用价值自由软件道德理想的人经常都选用GNUGPL

    Copyleft turns out to have other benefits, and people who endorse the practical values of "open source" rather than the ethical ideals of free software have often used the GNU GPL.


  • “ 2020年FLOSS路标这份报告作者就2020年自由开源软件(FLOSS)作用作出若干预测,并业界推荐80项建议。

    The authors of the report, "2020 FLOSS Roadmap", made a number of predictions about the role of free, libre and open-source software (FLOSS) in 2020, and 80 recommendations for the industry.


  • 安装开源软件自由多,无需付会员费而且文件格式数据结构都是公开

    But with open-source software there was much less of a lock-in. There are no licence fees, and the file formats and data structures are open.


  • 自由开源软件许多拥护者宁可他们使用支持建立哲学推理上,而不时尚优雅iPhone维持现状Windows操纵。

    Rather than being guided by the fashionable elegance of iPhones or the status quo of Windows, many champions of Free and Open Source Software base their usage and support on philosophical reasoning.


  • 就是现在Linux运行起来Unix几乎一模一样并且可以运行同样自由开源软件而且已经证明与Unix之间不存在知识产权冲突

    The result was Linux, which worked nearly the same as its forebear and could run the same free and open-source software, but had been purged of conflicts with Unix's intellectual property rights.


  • 而言之一些认为这些软件应该自由开源分发,这样软件就可以自由分享了——而且你甚至可以修改它

    The short answer is that some people think that software should be distributed under free and open source licenses that allow the software to be freely Sharedand even modified!


  • 二者理解错了因为GNUGPL开源许可证资格,多数开源许可证也有自由软件许可证的资格。

    These are both mistaken, since the GNU GPL qualifies as an open source license and most of the open source licenses qualify as free software licenses.


  • 软件可能使用开源开发方法因而是开源的,不是自由软件因为尊重实际使用它的用户自由

    This software might be open source and use the open source development model, but it won't be free software since it won't respect the freedom of the users that actually run it.


  • 世界各地人们互相交流机会现有自由开源软件用户闲谈探索发现更多自由开源软件

    It gives people all over the world the opportunity to interact with and chat with existing Free and Open Source Software users and explore and find out more about Free and Open Source Software.


  • Moblin的主要组件遵循开源软件协议(opl),意味着其他人可以自由修改重组

    Moblin and its various components are distributed under open source software licenses, which means that it can be freely modified and redistributed.


  • 芒果微软开发专有软件Android作为自由开源软件分发的。

    Mango is proprietary software developed by Microsoft while Android is distributed as free and open source software.


  • 怎样公平计算Linux一样开源自由软件全部价值或一代码的价值?

    Just how do you put a value on an open source, free for all, piece of code such as Linux?


  • 开源软件正式定义(开源创始人们发布,由于在此引用)是从我们关于自由软件标准间接得来的。

    The official definition of "open source software" (which is published by the open source Initiative and is too long to include here) was derived indirectly from our criteria for free software.


  • 近年来,Sun公司集成开源社区开发者们相当大一部分的自由软件希望使用这些软件公司能够继而购买昂贵硬件设备

    In recent years Sun has put together a sizeable portfolio of these free programs written by communities of developers, hoping that firms using this software would then buy its expensive hardware.


  • 获得一些最新自由开源软件例如给Windows用户TheOpenDisc,给Mac用户的OpenSourceMac。

    Some of the latest Free and Open Source software, such as TheOpenDisc, which is software for Windows users and OpenSourceMac for Mac users, will be available.


  • 不过这种估量名不副实因为大量自由开源软件应用程序运行Windows上

    But that's not a great evaluation since plenty of FOSS apps run on Windows.


  • 不过这种估量名不副实因为大量自由开源软件应用程序运行Windows上

    But that's not a great evaluation since plenty of FOSS apps run on Windows.


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