• 不能控制你,你必须自己起来

    And you can't always let her control you. You have to stand up for yourself.


  • 起来微笑着对亲爱的自己起来的吗?

    She sat up, smiled at me and said, Hello sweetie. Did you stand up all by yourself?


  • 起来微笑著:“亲爱的自己起来的吗?”

    She sat up, smiled at me and said, "Hello sweetie."Did you stand up all by yourself?


  • 起来微笑着对:“亲爱的自己起来的吗?”

    She sat up, smiled at me and said, "Hello sweetie. Did you stand up all by yourself?"


  • 过去的岁月中国已经遭受太多苦难,需要我们自己站起来

    This country suffered so much in the past, need to be able to stand on their own feet.


  • 抱歉能不能麻烦起来穿着雪橇不太容易自己起来

    Sorry. Can you please help me up! I have trouble standing up by myself with the skis on.


  • 那个小孩摔了一跤父母没有而是让他自己起来

    Though the little boy tumbled, his parents didn't help him but encouraged him to stand up on his own.


  • 一个士兵选择战场自己站起来净灰尘,重新上路

    You're a good soldier, choosing your battles. Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off, and back in the saddle.


  • 一次主人没有驴子起来反而,过了一会儿,驴子自己站起来

    This time, the Master didn't help the Donkey get up. Instead, after a while, the Donkey tried to get up by itself.


  • 虽然遇到挫折失败但是坚信自己起来次数永远倒下去一次

    Although I encountered setbacks will fail, but I firmly believe that their number will never stand up in the fall more than once.


  • 是因为蚂蚁了,需要很少肌肉自己站起来留下其他力气搬东西

    This is because ants are so light they only use a small amount of their muscles to hold themselves up, leaving the rest of their strength for lifting.


  • 偶尔真理绊倒多数自己站起来匆匆离去,好像什么事都发生过

    Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.


  • 难道看不到每次被打倒后都自己起来不是哭泣这种勇气不是想要拥有吗?

    Don't you see that each time he falls down; he stands up again instead of crying? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have.


  • 布达佩斯动物园小家伙看上去很活泼,在出生一个小时,小犀牛已经能自己起来了。

    Budapest zoo said: "The little one seemed active and vital. An hour after being born it stood on its own legs".


  • 可能不会腼腆胆小,我应该会想当然地认为不但没有受伤而且还能自己站起来

    Maybe not, as a shy and timid boy. I should think he didn't hurt seriously and could stand by himself.


  • 然而葡萄洒盛宴已经严重宿醉,许多投资者认为在未来很长一段时间里它不能自己起来

    Yet its wine binge has left it with such a nasty hangover that many investors think it will not be able to stand on its own for long.


  • 开始走路时候,我经常摔倒但是爸爸从来不起来因为他们想让自己起来

    When I just learned how to walked, I fell down frequently, but she or my father never helped me to stand up, because they wanted me to stand up by myself.


  • 无意浏览到上看到过这样一个类比,我们就像一个试图自己起来婴儿,扶着起来

    One site I came across used the analogy of a baby trying stand up by himself, hanging onto a table leg, and can't stand up.


  • 首先相信自己起来

    For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up.


  • 从地上站起来,告诉自己:“我能做到!”

    He rose up from the ground and said to himself, "I can do it!"


  • 许多起来说话谈些关于自己事,以及抢劫取得的成就。

    Many people rose up to speak, and talked about themselves and all their achievements in the world of armed robbery.


  • 演讲大约进行了20分钟时,起来打断了演讲,要求在座的每个人必须解释为什么他们创办自己公司

    About 20 minutes in, he interrupted the lecture, stood up and demanded that everyone explain why, for God's sake, they would ever want to start their own companies.


  • 他们知道自己可能一直时候,他们会起来,还可能到处恰当乱跑进行捣乱

    They may get up when they know they are expected to stay seated and may create a disturbance by running around inappropriately.


  • 他们女人房间角落里着他们的谈话,站起来发表自己观点,“还是进来吧,这样我们满屋了。”

    " But, their daughter was listening from the corner of the room. She jumped in with her own suggestion. "Wouldn't it be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"


  • 譬如,努力学习不再不停地把现在遇到问题归咎于那些在我小时候尚没有能力自己伤害起来的时候伤害过的人们。

    For I did learn to stop the constant blaming of present problems on those who harmed me when I was so young and unable to stand up for myself.


  • 譬如,努力学习不再不停地把现在遇到问题归咎于那些在我小时候尚没有能力自己伤害起来的时候伤害过的人们。

    For I did learn to stop the constant blaming of present problems on those who harmed me when I was so young and unable to stand up for myself.


- 来自原声例句

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