• 那种前后运动能调节腿部腹部肌肉

    That back-and-forth movement also adjusts the muscles in your legs and belly.


  • 感觉腹部向外移动

    Feel the hand on your abdomen moving outwards.


  • 看到并且绷起了腹部肌肉

    She sees it coming and flexes her stomach muscles.


  • 彩色扫描电子显微镜下蜜蜂腹部

    Scanning electron micrograph of the end of a bee's (Apis sp.) abdomen showing the stinger.


  • 然后袋子腹部最大一个洞眼中拽出来。

    The bag with the spleen inside is pulled up into one of the small, but largest incisions on your abdomen.


  • 萤火虫属于甲虫类晚上它们通过腹部化学物质放出绿色光亮

    Fireflies are winged beetles and give off a green luminous glow from chemicals in their lower abdomen at night.


  • 肌肉会变空变虚弱,尤其是腹部肌肉,造成我们的姿势变得更

    Muscles lose mass and weaken, especially in the abdomen, which can exacerbate poor posture.


  • 同一种类果蝇腹部刚毛数量不等,杆状的杆状眼长度不等

    Fruit flies from the same species differ in the number of bristles on their bellies; stalk-eyed flies differ in the lengths of their eye stalks.


  • 虽然一些研究指出葡萄酒是个例外,但是过度饮用任何酒类都还是增加腹部脂肪

    Drinking too much alcohol of any kind can increase belly fat, although some research suggests wine may be an exception.


  • 吸入一口气时吸气时注意腹部隆起,呼气时注意通过鼻孔热流

    As you draw your next breath, focus on the rise of your abdomen on the in-breath, the stream of heat through your nostrils on the out-breath.


  • 食物使血糖猛增的容易肥胖尤其是腹部脂肪,容易堆积脂肪的部位。

    People whose diets boost blood sugar the most tend to have more body fat, especially around the abdomen, the most dangerous place for it to accumulate.


  • 不论消除腹部脂肪还是身体其他位置的脂肪,减肥基本方法都是一样

    Whether you're trying to lose belly fat or trim fat from another part of your body, weight-loss basics remain the same


  • 坐在上面时,穿上宽松舒适衣服不要穿任何腰部腹部的衣服

    While you're at it, wear loose, comfortable clothing, and avoid any tightness around your waist and tummy.


  • 随着年龄增大,女性健康关注点随之发生变化腹部脂肪蓄积健康有影响吗?

    And as you get older, your women's health concerns are likely to change. Could belly fat lead to health problems?


  • 部的大量褶皱设计确保看上去绝不会出现在的地方用料省的尴尬。

    The ample ruching on both bust and tummy will ensure that you'll never look like you're stretching too little fabric over too much flesh.


  • 腹部脂肪危害大,因为释放脂肪酸其他物质直接就进入肝脏,”Rohack医生

    "Fat cells in the belly do more damage because they release fatty acids and other substances that travel directly to the liver," says Dr. Rohack.


  • 全身神纹身包括背部蜻蜓腹部一张大蜘蛛网腹部的大小不一的狼图案。

    Her complex single tattoo includes a swarm of dragonflies on her back and a large spider's web etched onto her stomach with tarantulas crawling over her midriff.


  • 几个套管被放在腹部不同的地方,以便于你的外科医生把手术设备放到你的肚子里,切除脾脏

    Several cannulas are placed in different locations on your abdomen to allow your surgeon to place instruments inside your belly to work and remove your spleen.


  • 最佳办法就是通过健康饮食有规律体育锻炼减去身体整体脂肪,进而减去腹部的脂肪。

    The best way to shrink your waist size is to lower your total body fat through healthy eating and regular physical activity.


  • Michael通过找寻附近条电缆,确定自己方位然后腹部纹身进行比对。

    Michael gets his bearings by locating several ducts around him and then lifts up his shirt and compares them to a section of tattoo on his right abdomen.


  • 重心已经发生偏移了所有环绕在腹部增加的重量可能使背部不一致并干扰你的平衡力

    Your center of gravity has shifted and all that extra weight around your middle may be pulling your back out of whack and messing with your balance.


  • 它们在13000英尺(4400)的海洋深处捕猎,自己腹部的发光器官发出生物光诱惑猎物

    They troll the depths up to 13, 000 feet (4, 400 meters) below, luring prey with bioluminescent photophores on their bellies.


  • 大概有橄榄球那么主要部分位于右上腹部横隔膜下方上方还有一小部分肝脏延伸腹部左上象限。

    About the size of a football, it's located mainly in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above your stomach, but a small portion extends into the upper left quadrant.


  • 美国临床营养杂志篇文章称,肥胖者使用五谷杂粮时,为期12的时间中他们减掉腹部的多余脂肪

    A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when obese subjects incorporated whole grains into their diets, they lost more abdominal fat over the course of 12 weeks.


  • 每天都会博上遇到男性健康杂志主编有关减肥小贴士,这些会帮助减少腹部赘肉,而不需要节食。

    Follow me on Twitter for the felt-melting weight loss tips I come across every day as the editor-in-chief of Men's Health magazine-and lose your belly without ever dieting again.


  • 尽管具体作用方式完全明了,但研究人员认为腹部多余脂肪组织限制气道使其发炎,从而增加了罹哮喘的风险

    While the specific pathways aren't crystal clear, excess fat tissue in the abdomen is thought to increase the risk for asthma by restricting and inflaming airways.


  • 许多情况下,超声检查所提供信息外科医生更好地了解腹部病变。这项检查安全、无痛,并且可以提高腹腔镜检查的效力。

    In many cases, information is provided which will allow your surgeon to have a better understanding of the problem inside your abdomen.


  • 狼伙伴,将带到栖息地死去狩猎动物腹部器官撕碎(食物用火加工好放到保护性塑料袋中的)。

    He eats alongside his Wolf brethren, tearing organs and meat from the bellies of dead game animals brought into the habitat (his food has been flashed cooked and placed in protective plastic bags).


  • 化石上痕迹位置腹部曲线印记,化石中缺少翅膀标志研究员猜测那些痕迹浮游笔直的竖起一对翅膀休息留下的。

    From the position of the legs, the curve of the abdomen, and the lack of wing marks, the researchers suspect that the imprint was made by an ancient mayfly that held its wings upright when at rest.


  • 纽曼腹部肌肉绷紧了

    Newman's stomach muscles tensed.


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