• 基底细胞可以出现一些非常奇怪地方包括眼睑在那里经常引起疼痛睫毛脱落的现象。

    Basal cell carcinomas can appear in some pretty strange places, including the eyelid, where it often causes a sore and the loss of eyelashes.


  • 他们干燥唾液皮肤脱落皮屑都是过敏原。

    These come from their dried saliva and skin flakes that they shed.


  • 最后需要小心地进行修饰尤其是裂口周围油漆脱落地方

    Some careful retouching was ultimately required, especially where paint had flecked off around the tear.


  • 脱落冰川碎块峡湾表面混乱的海冰融合一起

    Pieces of glacier that break off become mixed with thin sea ice in a jumble of ice fragments on the fjord's surface.


  • 研究者最近波士顿英格兰水族馆获得了海豹脱落胡子

    The researchers recently acquired whiskers shed by seals at the New England Aquarium in Boston.


  • 剥夺睡眠会减少脂肪脱落机率甚至完全丧失脂肪脱落的能力。

    Sleep deprivation decreases the odds of shedding blubber and keeping it off.


  • 少数几个完整乳牙其他人牙齿脱落的地方露出牙缝。

    A few of them had a complete set of original baby teeth, while others had gaps where teeth had fallen out.


  • 如果遇到发痒变红皮肤脱落现象知道自己鞋子过敏。

    You’ll know you’re allergic to your shoes if you experience dermatitis, itchiness, redness, or flaking skin.


  • 它们大脑神经细胞成长速率神经细胞髓脱落改变产物

    They are the products of changes in the frontal lobe of our brains, in the rate of neuron growth, in the shedding of the myelin sheath around our nerve cells.


  • 研究者们还发现,闯入的捕食者通常都会遭到翅膀脱落的年老蚜虫围攻

    The researchers noticed that invaders were often mobbed by older, wingless aphids.


  • 戒断烟草减少酒精消费可降低口腔癌症牙周疾病以及牙齿脱落风险

    Tobacco cessation and decreased alcohol consumption reduce risk for oral cancers, periodontal disease, and tooth loss.


  • 这些成分轻轻地去除脱落皮肤去除堵塞毛孔形成痤疮细菌污垢

    These ingredients will gently exfoliate skin while removing bacteria and dirt that can clog pores and form acne.


  • 这个团队找到了四个——也许是从认为曾经尸体的帆布上脱落的

    The team also found four brass eyelets - probably from the sail cloth the body was believed to have been wrapped in.


  • 另一件有趣事情是仔细检查盒子时候角落发现一些脱落

    Another funny thing... once I took a good look in the empty box, I did find some loose fur in the corners.


  • 的其中一个儿子还是孩子诊断为铅中毒;他显然处在油漆脱落环境中。

    One of her sons was diagnosed with lead poisoning when he was a toddler; he apparently was exposed from peeling paint.


  • 拆解报废发动机就会发现推杆无一例外地存在严重的麻凸轮轴凸轮脱落的金属磨屑

    On stripping down a damaged motor, the tappets are invariably found to be heavily pitted and bits of metal broken off the camshaft lobes.


  • 在1962年,台红宝石激光器病人脱落视网膜与眼球重新连接,使恢复了视力。

    As early as 1962 a ruby laser welded a detached retina to a patient's eyeball to save their vision.


  • 唯一已知它为这些幼儿警戒的时候,这些蝌蚪饲料只能来自雄性父亲脱落皮肤

    It is the only known frog species where the tadpoles feed off skin shed by the male while he guards the young.


  • 美国宇航局新的燃料箱容易泡沫脱落地方进行改装,同时安装上了加热器防止泡沫胶结

    On the new tank, NASA has reconfigured the struts and fittings where foam was prone to peeling off, and installed heaters to prevent ice from forming.


  • 科学家们认为这个世界冰盖短期内都不会完全消失然而,如今的格陵兰冰盖脱落聚积的冰更多

    Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.


  • 种种迹象都指出构成复杂星体残骸源于两个星体撞击寻常母体星球上脱落的融化冰块

    This leaves open the possibility that the complex debris tail is the result of an impact between two bodies, rather than ice simply melting from a parent body.


  • 皮尔教授理论认为,当地进入彗星脱落密集状碎片,那次灾难性毁灭就发生了。

    Professor Napier's theory suggests the devastation took place when the Earth strayed into a dense trail of fragments shed by a large comet.


  • 基底细胞可以出现在身体上很多意想不到地方包括眼睑上,经常引发此处皮肤溃疡无法愈合睫毛脱落的现象。

    Basal cell carcinomas can show up in some pretty strange places, including the eyelid, where it often causes a sore that doesn't heal and the loss of eyelashes.


  • 第2大谎言,如果乳牙了,只要脱落的牙齿放在枕头,再花上6便士,那么牙齿仙女就会这些牙重新安回你的嘴里。

    Coming second in the survey is the myth that when your milk teeth fall out, if you put them under your pillow, the tooth fairy will replace them with sixpences.


  • 与格陵兰脱落规模有多大速度有多快,研究人员计算出各自不同数字某些地方多达公里(1.7英里

    Researchers have thrown up different figures for how much, and how fast, Greenland is shedding its icy mantle, which is up to three kilometres (1.7 miles) thick in places.


  • 废弃卫星、航天器脱落油漆颗粒、星分离脱落的零件碎片,这些太空垃圾每小时几千公里的速度环绕地球急速飞行。

    Old satellites, chips of paint and jettisoned rocket stages arehurtling around the world at thousands of kilometres an hour.


  • 我们皮肤在不停地剥落——每个四周会更换一次表层皮肤——所有那些脱落皮肤可以帮助减少室内环境中的某些污染物含量

    We shed skin constantlyeach of us replacing our outer layer of skin every two to four weeksand all of those skin flakes may help reduce levels of certain pollutants in indoor environments.


  • 我们皮肤在不停地剥落——每个四周会更换一次表层皮肤——所有那些脱落皮肤可以帮助减少室内环境中的某些污染物含量

    We shed skin constantlyeach of us replacing our outer layer of skin every two to four weeksand all of those skin flakes may help reduce levels of certain pollutants in indoor environments.


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