• 细胞每周死亡更新一次

    Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.


  • 外科医生虹吸管吸出液体

    Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.


  • 其实数千细小管状器官构成的。

    The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.


  • 任何有心血液循环问题的人都应该飞行寻求医生建议

    Anyone with heart, lung, or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.


  • 鱼类陆上动物类似

    The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.


  • 分别需要心脏以及胰腺移植。

    One needs a heart, one a lung, one a kidney, one a liver, and the fifth a pancreas.


  • 可能几个小时几天制造的。

    It may have been manufactured hours or days ago in your lungs.


  • 朱老巩明白过来,调虎离山计,一时气

    So this had been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage.


  • 可以肝脏结肠一部分,或一个存活

    You can live with just part of a liver or a colon, or only one kidney or lung.


  • 有些吸烟上瘾香烟就会他们造成伤害

    Some are addicted to smoking cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lungs.


  • 凉爽晨风吹拂他们脸颊每一次呼吸都充满了纵树的芳香

    A cool morning breeze fanned their cheeks, and the spicy fragrance from the fir-trees filled their lungs with every breath.


  • 我们长出新的肝脏肾脏心脏,这些东西就汽车零部件一样。

    We'll grow new livers, kidneys, hearts, and lungs like spare parts for a car.


  • 不会地球上散播神经毒性;它不会烟尘堵塞城市空气和呼吸

    It does not distribute neurotoxic mercury around the planet; it does not clog city air and the lungs of those who breathe it with soot and sulfur.


  • 骨头终于里取出来了女子非常高兴因为不再受到那种恼人咳嗽的折磨。

    With the bone finally removed from her lung, the woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.


  • 研究者发现流感病毒普通流感更深部结合,这可以解释为什么有时致命的原因。

    Researchers discover that the swine flu virus binds far deeper in the lungs than ordinary flu, possibly explaining why it is sometimes fatal.


  • 名22岁中国女子患有长期咳嗽,当得知自己里卡着一骨头时,她感到非常震惊。

    A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent cough was shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung.


  • 这个黄体酮魔鬼可能影响到,让走一段长路时、上楼梯时甚至碗时都会喘气不断。

    That little devil progesterone may also be affecting your lungs causing you to huff and puff on long walks, upstairs or even doing the dishes.


  • 几十年来,为了让菜凉,狭小封闭空间里生火,里面几乎没有新鲜空气,这对他的造成了致命的伤害。

    Decades of working over coal fires in tight, closed spaces with little fresh air (to ensure his dishes would not get cold) had fatally damaged his lungs.


  • 包含数百万

    The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.


  • 可以把它们当作来使用。

    The fish can use them as lungs ().


  • 医认为,人参对有好处,能有净化血液等许多功效。

    Doctors of Chinese medicine believe that ginseng can help your lungs () , clean your blood and do many other thing.


  • 实上,亚马逊雨林是“地球之”,因为它为地球供给了20%的氧气。

    In fact, the Amazon Rainforest is the "lungs of our planet" because it produces 20% of the world's oxygen.


  • 林是地球之,储存了大量的二氧化碳,并为世界生产了大量的氧气。

    Rainforests are the lungs of the planet storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world's oxygen.


  • 提到用于电子构型正确顺序得到轨道能量

    Here's the pneumonic I mentioned for writing the electron configuration and getting those orbital energies in the right order.


  • 假设被拿出来约翰斯的进去,我接受移植还是

    Suppose we rip out my lungs and put in Johns' lungs, I've gotten a lung transplant, and it's still me.


  • 因为亲爱的土拨鼠一个粗心大意的木偶——粗心大意,没心没

    Because, my dear little Dormouse, I am a heedless Marionette--heedless and heartless.


  • 这里没心没托德不禁暗笑起来随后振作起来,竭力装出一副特别严肃的样子。

    Here the unfeeling Toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn.


  • 1616-1619年,可能是淋巴腺鼠疫鼠疫流行病席卷了英格兰沿海地区人中有人因此死亡

    In 1616-1619 an epidemic, possibly of bubonic or pneumonic plague, swept coastal New England, killing as many as nine out of ten.


  • 在读几个小时关于草属的资料后,突然意识到,家里门槛处就一棵呢。

    After reading for a few hours on lungwort, it dawned on her there was on the threshold.


  • 康拉德死了特洛伊了下来,被刺破需要胸腔里一个释放压力

    Conrad dies but Troy survives with a punctured lung, requiring a flutter valve in his chest to relieve pressure.


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