• 了张第2凌晨5:30飞往纽约的剩余廉价机票6个小时飞往肯尼迪机场

    He bought a standby ticket to New York at 5:30 a.m. the following morning and flew to JFK airport six hours later.


  • 游客在曼哈顿旅行时搭乘往返于肯尼迪机场24小时大巴

    If one is visiting Manhattan, he or she can take advantage of the 24-hour shuttle to and from Kennedy Airport.


  • 有一次纽约肯尼迪机场海关检查员冷冷地让打开

    Once, at New York 's Kennedy airport, a customs inspector coolly asked that I open my bag.


  • 纽约肯尼迪机场买了一张去往迪拜的机票试图逃回巴基斯坦

    He fled to New York's Kennedy Airport and bought a ticket to Dubai. He was on his way to Pakistan.


  • 警方意外在发现了卡恩下落当时肯尼迪机场旅店打电话询问他落在那里的东西

    Police discovered Mr Strauss-Kahn’s whereabouts by chance, when he rang the hotel from Kennedy airport to ask about things he’d left behind.


  • 最小的一座桥纽约市肯尼迪机场主要把滑行飞机跑道上服务的。

    The smallest bridge in New York City's Kennedy Airport, it is primarily the aircraft taxiing onto the runway to the service.


  • 研究区域内有约1000只海龟,而肯尼迪机场附近海龟数量10

    About 1000 turtles live in the region that he studies; the population near JFK is 10 times that.


  • 离开纽约肯尼迪机场之前祖母警告,那里蚊子是如何对待我这样来宾的。

    Right before leaving Kennedy Airpo in New York, my grandma warned me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the visitors like me. She said, "


  • 几百万繁忙的日子纽约三个机场起飞:拉瓜地尔亚机场纽华克机场肯尼迪机场

    Millions of people fly on the busiest days from the three New York airports: LaGuardia Airport, Newark Airport, and Kennedy Airport.


  • 这样机场可能发现自己正坐在漏水屋顶去年纽约肯尼迪机场遭遇的那样

    Given such new airports, it is unlikely you'll find yourself seated under a hole in the ceiling leaking big drops of water as I did in new York's JFK airport last year.


  • 肯尼迪机场飞往以色列特拉维市的航班昨天下午5:30就准备起飞了,只能柏油跑道上待着超过小时

    One flight from Kennedy to Tel Aviv, Israel boarded at 5:30 pm yesterday, only to sit on the tarmac for over nine hours.


  • 由于携带来自也门货物阿联酋国际航空公司客机飞往纽约肯尼迪机场途中加拿大美国喷气式战斗机护送

    An Emirates Airlines passenger jet on its way to New York's Kennedy airport, carrying cargo from Yemen, was escorted by Canadian and American fighter jets.


  • 神经质尼尔(史蒂夫·马丁饰)被列入了纽约肯尼迪机场禁飞名单,一时间,芝加哥感恩节机会渺茫了

    When neurotic Neal (Steve Martin) is put on the no-fly list at JFK airport in New York City, chances he'll make it home to Chicago for Thanksgiving are slim to none.


  • 目前一个主要问题是尽管拥有第四航站楼公司通知航空公司这个问题,但是航空公司依然约翰肯尼迪机场

    A major problem now. The company that owns terminal 4 also says it informed the airlines of this problem. But nonetheless they send their planes to JKF anyway.


  • 周一中午时分发生肯尼迪机场(John F. Kennedy Airport)的事件社交网站上引发了人们的强烈兴趣

    The incident, which took place shortly after noon on Monday at John F. Kennedy Airport, sparked immense interest on social networking sites.


  • 英国航空公司法国航空公司使用协和飞机,在伦敦希思罗机场巴黎戴高乐机场纽约肯尼迪机场华盛顿达拉斯机场之间飞行

    The Concorde was used by British Airways and Air France to fly between London's Heathrow Airport or Paris' Charles de Gaulle and New York's JFK or Washington, D.C.'s Dulles.


  • 每个交配季节海龟们都会离开它们肯尼迪机场边上湿地中的家园成长,前往附近空旷沙地产卵它们埋入

    Every mating season, he says, the turtles leave their home and breeding ground in the salt marshes near JFK and take to the nearby sandy, open areas to lay their eggs and bury them in the ground.


  • 尽管如此,沙赫·扎德仍然设法在康涅狄格州纽约肯尼迪国际机场之间某个地方甩掉了监视联邦调查局小组

    Yet Shahzad still managed to outsmart his FBI surveillance team, losing them somewhere between Connecticut and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.


  • 天后沙扎德约翰·肯尼迪国际机场前往迪拜飞机起飞几分钟被转移。

    Two days later, Shahzad was removed from a flight at John F.Kennedy International Airport minutes before its scheduled departure to Dubai.


  • Cohen女士短片位忠诚顾客之一,段短片由Firstborn分别航空的机舱肯尼迪国际机场捷蓝航站楼拍摄。

    Ms. Cohen is among four loyal JetBlue customers who appear in the video clips, which Firstborn taped on JetBlue aircraft and in the JetBlue terminal at Kennedy International Airport.


  • 低廉价格建立NASA估价上的,这些估价包括把航天飞机肯尼迪航天中心运输个主机场,还有将展示在一个气候可控制的建筑中。

    The lower price is based on NASA's estimate of the cost for transporting a shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to a major airport, and for displaying it indoors in a climate-controlled building.


  • 根据联邦航空局野生动物撞击数据库肯尼迪国际机场每年都会发生喷气式飞机撞上海龟事件,通常是六月末七月初

    Jets hit turtles a few times each year at JFK, usually in the final days of June or earliest days in July, according to the FAA's wildlife strike database.


  • 当时官方已经得知IMF总裁已经肯尼迪国际机场飞往国外的飞机上。

    Authorities then learned that the IMF managing director was on an outbound flight at Kennedy airport.


  • 肯尼迪国际机场的一法国航空公司的飞机即将起飞,在飞机上的国际货币基金组织的总裁米尼克∙斯特劳斯∙卡恩逮捕了。

    Strauss-Kahn was arrested when he was already aboard an Air France plane at Kennedy International Airport, just minutes before it was due to take off.


  • 行李传送带出错像滑稽闹剧浪漫喜剧激动人心突发事件,只是现实并没有送回肯尼迪国际机场

    The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to j.f..


  • 行李传送带出错像滑稽闹剧浪漫喜剧激动人心突发事件,只是现实并没有送回肯尼迪国际机场

    The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to j.f..


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