• 公司裁员上周收到了解聘书

    They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week.


  • 我们我们顾问颁发聘书我们优秀学生颁发证书

    We will provide our adviser for us, awarded the excellent student certificate.


  • 薪酬、聘用条款服务条件应以发出聘书规定为准。

    The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.


  • 薪酬、聘用条款服务条件,应以发出聘书规定为准。

    The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.


  • 如果找到了另一份工作辞职确保已拿到了正式聘书

    If you have another job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign.


  • 对外不再存在教授、副教授资格证书,只有明确聘期教授、副教授聘书

    The appointed professor or associate professors can enjoy treatment concerned only in the period of appointment.


  • 本人明白接受聘书,杜邦中国集团有限公司有权查询以上信息真实性

    I understand after my accepting the final offer, the Company has the right to take investigation of the above information for purposes of verification.


  • 意向协议书销售确认书代理协议书,合同文化交流协定聘书规约等。

    Contract or deed includes the intention agreement, sales confirmation, agency agreement, contract, cultural exchange agreement, letter of appointment, stipulation of agreement.


  • 格雷认为遴选过程改组重点放在承认加拿大雇主聘书的熟练工人

    Grady argue that the selection process should be revamped to focus on admitting skilled workers who have job offers with Canadian employers.


  • 审批后,由沈阳铸造研究所受聘者签订聘任合同,颁发聘书,每届聘期5

    After approval, Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry (SRIF) will sign the employment contract with the employee, providing the letter of appointment. The duration of employment is 5 years.


  • 现在许多客户希望银行提供服务聘书里面阐明关于银行中途放弃的相关条款。

    Some clients now want engagement letters for the services of Banks to spell out what would happen if the Banks failed in the interim.


  • 截止到5月毕业,已有77%学生获得了聘书比例达到了87%。

    By graduation in May, 77 percent of the class had job offers; three months later the figure reached 87 percent.


  • 入选者到位后,公司与其签订咨询顾问聘用协议书》,颁发《国家电网公司咨询顾问聘书》。

    Once admitted, we will sign an Employment Agreement of Consultants and award you with SGCC Consultant Appointment Letter.


  • 尽管招聘程序行业公司甚至部门而异,结果却是一样的:众多应聘者只有一会拿到聘书

    While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the result is the same: One person out of many receives an offer.


  • 尽管招聘程序行业公司甚至部门而异,结果却是一样的:众多应聘者只有一会拿到聘书

    While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the result is the same:One person out of many receives an offer.


  • 里克·弗里德曼莱恩·比奇这本紧随《咨询业务》之后那些合同聘书者不可或缺之物”。

    Rick Freedman says that Elaine Biech's follow-upto The Business of Consulting is"indispensablefor those who write their own contracts or engagement letters."


  • 网上看到公司招聘启事加入因为有信心特写希望百忙之中抽空阅读

    From the Internet to see your company's recruitment notices, I would like to join, because I am confident that this candidate close-up book, I hope you can busy schedule to find time to read.


  • 晴空镇镇长大先生颁发给蓬蓬聘书,他聘为小镇计划设计师专门咱们绘制有用特性

    Skies town grew up like Mr. Puff also awarded a letter of appointment, he was hired as a designer planned town hall, designed for another painting we draw useful characteristics.


  • 他联络10家公司,其中5回音,后来拿到聘书,今年5月接受了GannettDigital一个职位

    Reaching out to 10 companies, he heard back from five, got two offers and accepted a job with Gannett Digital in May.


  • 年前O'Neal获得这个最高职位聘书,成为史上第一个掌控华尔街公司的非洲美国人,承诺会彻底改变美林保守形象

    When he was appointed to the top job four years earlier, o 'neal, the first African-American to run a Wall Street firm, had pledged to shed the bank's conservative image.


  • 持有学位的申请人如在获发聘书时持有综合招聘考试英文运用中文运用两张试卷所需成绩同等成绩,便符合资格获取学位持有人的起薪点。

    Degree holding applicants will be eligible for the degree pay point if they possess the requisite results in the UC and UE papers in the CRE or equivalent at the time the offer of appointment is made.


  • 持有学位的申请人如在获发聘书时持有综合招聘考试英文运用中文运用两张试卷所需成绩同等成绩,便符合资格获取学位持有人的起薪点。

    Degree holding applicants will be eligible for the degree pay point if they possess the requisite results in the UC and UE papers in the CRE or equivalent at the time the offer of appointment is made.


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