• 联机系统辅助我们顾客供给疾速正确服务

    On-line computer systems help us provide speedy and accurate service to our customers.


  • 本文介绍一种TRS—80微型机系统Tp—801板机联机系统

    A connected computer system of TRS-80 microcomputer and TP-801 single board computer is introduced.


  • 结合开发成功实时软件中英文综合录井联机系统软件》,探讨实时软件开发方法可靠性

    Based on the practice of developing real time software "chinese-english well logging on-line system", this paper describes the method of developing the real time software and its reliability.


  • 重点阐述了多联机空调系统设计应用,研究了经济性能论证了联机系统优势发展前景。

    The design and application of VRV air-conditioning system are expounded with its economic performance, demonstrating the advantages and the prospects of VRV air-conditioning system.


  • 企业使用美国专利商标局的联机系统搜索所有联盟商标登记册记录,看看提议名称有没有使用

    Businesses should first use the USPTO's online system to search all state and federal trademark registers to see if their proposed name is being used.


  • MEDLARS代表医学文献分析检索系统最初1964年引进于1971年进展联机系统称之为MEDLINE (MEDLARS联机)。

    MEDLARS stands for Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval system, which was first introduced in 1964 and evolved into an online system in 1971 called MEDLINE (MEDLARS online).


  • 如果数据库用于脱机处理数据(例如数据仓库)用于联机处理的数据存储在一起就会降低系统速度。

    In the case of a database, data used for offline processing (such as data warehousing) might slow down the system if stored along with data for online processing.


  • 一个联机事务处理(OLTP)应用程序10,000位用户访问系统发送技术问题

    It was an online transaction processing (OLTP) application with 10,000 users accessing the system in order to dispatch technical problems.


  • DB 2EEE体系结构可以提高决策支持联机事务处理系统性能

    DB2 EEE architecture can improve the performance of decision support and online transaction processing systems.


  • 门户工具包内容部分提供插件系统,以便在没有深入钻研许多技术细节情况下,使设计人员大量联机服务挑选服务时变得更容易。

    Portal toolkits could provide a plug-in system for content sections to make it easier for designers to pick from a wide range of on-line services without delving into a lot of technical details.


  • 数据库服务器处于联机状态执行操作时,如果虚拟区的初始尺寸太小,数据库服务器自动向虚拟区附加其他操作系统

    When the database server is online and performing operations, it automatically attaches additional operating-system segments to the virtual portion, if the initial size is too small.


  • 此外通过需求表单核心系统整合起来,保险公司可以快速高效业务流程转换成联机的业务流程。

    In addition, by integrating claims forms with core systems, insurance companies can quickly and cost-effectively move business processes online.


  • 传统上BI数据仓库系统(常常操作性联机事务处理[oltp]系统)接收数据,但是从不它们返回数据。

    Traditionally, a BI data warehouse receives data from source systems (usually the operational online transaction processing [OLTP] systems) but never provides data back to them.


  • 对于大型批量系统备份一个挑战如果系统7x24小时联机并发运行时,更是如此。

    In large batch systems backups can be challenging, especially if the system is running concurrent with on-line on a 24-7 basis.


  • 此外Microsoft今年早些时候开发SOAP合同语言(SOAP Contract Language,SCL),基于SOAP的应用程序提供联机服务说明系统

    Additionally, Microsoft developed the SOAP Contract Language (SCL) earlier this year to provide a system for on-line service descriptions for SOAP-based applications.


  • VirtualDocuments恢复联机后,就会将更改发送RDBMS系统

    When the Virtual Documents server comes back online, the changes would then be sent to the RDBMS system.


  • 如果调整文件系统的大小,那么只有ext3支持联机调整(意味着不必安排维护窗口)。

    If you resize your root file system, only ext3 is supported for online resizing (which means you don't have to schedule a maintenance window for the system).


  • 如果使用的是reiserfs需要获取reiserfs - utilstar文件包含了一个称为“ reiserfs_resize ”的程序——允许reiserfs文件系统联机调整大小。

    If you're using reiserfs, you'll want to grab the reiserfs-utils tarball, which contains a program called "reiserfs_resize" — allowing online resizing of reiserfs filesystems.


  • 这种情况下可以管理服务器数据备份其他活动系统,可以通过手动设置备份系统联机以便接管管理工作(如果有必要的话)。

    In this situation, you can back up the management server data to another live system, which you can bring online manually to take over management if necessary.


  • 这项技术,是个联机补充燃料系统能避免在补充燃料的时候,将反应堆关掉需要

    The technology again this is an online re-fuelling system which basically avoids the need to shut down the reactor when you re-fuel.


  • 对于图书馆联机目录,是越大好的一个包含了所有书库信息系统其他许多一些的系统表现得好。

    With library catalogs, bigger is better, and one all-inclusive silo is preferable to lots of little ones.


  • 系统滞后时间低:联机处理服务器更新必须快速到达处理服务器。

    The system should have low latency: updates at the online processing server must reach the batch processing server quickly.


  • 联机存储器可以对存储数据自接进行处理系统

    Online storage is the system in which stored data is directly accessible for processing.


  • 斯先生已经发现数以万计联机企业供暖空调通风系统很多控制软件都存在黑客可以利用漏洞

    Mr Rios has already found tens of thousands of corporate heating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems online, many with vulnerabilities in their software that a hacker could exploit.


  • AndreasDilger参与了LinuxLVM项目,他一个看上去不错的联机ext2文件系统大小调整器。

    Andreas Dilger is involved with the Linux LVM project and has a nice-looking online ext2 filesystem resizer.


  • 联机试验表明本文研制的基于DSP的数字化超声冲击电源可以使系统工作谐振状态,冲击过程稳定

    On-line testing shows that, this digital ultrasonic peening power supply based on DSP can make the system work at the resonance state, and the peening process is stable.


  • 综合应用数据仓库联机分析处理技术开发了外资管理决策支持系统

    By the use of data warehouse and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), a decision support system for foreign investment management was developed.


  • 许多互联网冒险是始于美国在线(AOL),CompuServe联机数据库系统或者Prodigy联机服务系统提供的网上服务包括电子邮件聊天室讨论等等

    Many people first ventured onto the internet from AOL,CompuServe and Prodigy, which were subscription-based online services that offered e-mail, chatrooms, discussion boards and so on.


  • 本文数据仓库基础目前流行联机分析处理、数据挖掘等技术相结合,提出了基于此的决策支持系统设计

    Take data warehouse as foundation, with the aid of on Line Analytical Processing and data Mining technology, the composition and design of enterprise Decision Support System are put forward.


  • 数据仓库系统广泛用于联机分析处理系统为了多个数据仓库集成一起,需要解决技术上语义上一些问题

    Data warehouse systems are nowadays widely spread approach for OLAP. In order to integrate several data warehouses into a data warehouse, the technical and semantic problems must be solved.


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