• 网站提供了相关图书馆联合协会与同盟连接

    And the website also provides the links to related library, association, alliance and so on.


  • 全国水烟酒吧联合协会创始人之一,菲尔·约翰逊表示估计还有更多酒吧未算在内。

    Phil Johnson, one of the founders of the National Association of Shisha Bar Owners, reckons there are many more.


  • 钢铁工人联合协会出台56规则手册,用来限制雇主权利,工人们将之奉为“法典”。

    The union had a rulebook with fifty-six pages of what workers called “legislationlimiting the power of employers.


  • 这项研究退伍军人事务部国立卫生院、乔治亚癌症研究联合协会美国泌尿学会基金资助

    The study was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, the Georgia Cancer Coalition and the American Urological Association Foundation.


  • 荷兰-比利时妇女联合协会皮姆詹森:“女性通过网络渠道结识不健康人群风险会大。”

    Pim Janssens of the Dutch-Belgian Woman's Association said; 'The risk for women to meet unhealthy people like this is much greater through the Internet.'


  • 把祖父的临终遗言制成视频脑瘫联合协会的慈善晚会上播放最后的话:“知道自己是不是教了很多东西,我绝对希望到了不少。”

    My grandfather's final words, played in a video that aired at the cerebral palsy benefit, were 'I don't know if I taught him a lot, but I sure hoped he learned a lot.'


  • 2002年,美国实验生物学协会联合建议每个博士后研究员咨询顾问之后制定IDP

    In 2002, the US Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology recommended that every postdoctoral researcher put together an IDP in consultation with an adviser.


  • 通过弗朗西斯·阿尔特莫斯(FrancisAltemose联合,大自然保护协会已经能够地区超过1.4万英亩环境重要土地进行保护

    By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.


  • 年来,在中国国家体育总局的大力支持下,国际武术联合会和中国武术协会都做了很多改进工作。

    Over the years, both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA) have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State General Administration of Sport of China.


  • 他们研究结果于近期美国地质协会山脉科迪勒拉山系联合会议上公布

    Their findings were presented recently at the the Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Joint Meeting of the Geological Society of America.


  • 来自联合自然保护组织协会的这项报告披露出有88种物种的数量减少包括云雀珍珠豹纹松鼠

    The report, from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, revealed that 88 species are in decline, including skylarks, pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies and red squirrels.


  • 所在的机构氏病协会联合几个专家组撰写这份指导标准,第一次是在1984年。

    His institute and the Alzheimer's Association convened several expert panels to write the guidelines, the first since 1984.


  • 是加州大学圣迭戈分校南加州大学联合研究者们521日美国声学协会会议上公布的发现,这次会议俄勒冈州首府波特兰举行。

    [Cantonese audio clip] That’s the finding of a study by U.C. San Diego and U.S.C. researchers presented May 21st at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Portland, Oregon.


  • 维京传媒(Virgin Media)英国唱片产业协会(British Phonographic Industry (BPI))的联合行动,代表主要唱片公司。

    The campaign is a joint venture between Virgin Media and the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), which represents the major record labels.


  • 中国教育国际交流协会中国地方教育国际交流协会联合构成非官方中国教育国际交流的网络

    CEAIE and its local chapters constitute the Chinese international educational exchange network.


  • 今年所大学联合组成国家竞技表演翻滚协会(NCSTA)成为竞技啦啦队运动的管理机构教练协会

    This year eight universities formed the National competitive Stunts and Tumbling association (NCSTA), which will act as the governing body and coaches' association for competitive cheer.


  • 美国民航飞行员协会飞行员联合强烈建议成员要求特定区域实行搜身检查

    The U.S. Airline Pilots Association and the Allied Pilots Association are urging their members to demand pat-downs too — in a private area.


  • 著名也最受好评协会包括美国观鸟联合会,全美奥杜邦协会英国皇家鸟类保护协会

    The American birding Association, National Audubon Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds are some of the most familiar and most well regarded birding organizations to join.


  • 海地动物救济联合(ARCH)地震之后数天里世界动物保护协会(WSPA)以及国际动物救济基金(IFAW)共同建立

    The Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) was formed just days after the quake by the World Society of the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).


  • 因此多年来各种商业协会联合不得不寻找新的目标

    So over the years the various commercial guilds and federations have had to find new purposes.


  • 后来瑞典国家家具经销商协会开始联合抵制普拉德,使不得不寻找供货商室内设计作品

    When the Swedish National Association of Furniture Dealers boycotted him, Kamprad was forced to look outside the country for suppliers and to design pieces in-house.


  • 报告基于调查得出的,该调查UKCOSA英国国际教育协会)英国负责国际教育的协会联合诸如英国文化协会这样的机构进行的。

    The document is based on a survey carried out by UKCOSAUK Council for International Education ― in association with organisations like the British Council.


  • 当地少年棒球联合唯一女生,同时也希望成为全美两职业棒球协会里的唯一女性

    She was the only girl on her Little League baseball team, and wanted to become the first woman in the major leagues.


  • 英国工业联合会的业主组织商业服务协会代表外包商的利益对这次尝试抱谨慎支持态度。

    The CBI employers organisation and the Business Services Association, which represents outsourcers, gave the move a cautious welcome.


  • 欧洲足球协会联合会称塑料喇叭呜呜祖拉淹没了球迷声音,并扰乱比赛情绪,因此呜呜祖拉将被禁止出现足联比赛赛场。

    Vuvuzelas have been kicked out of European competition after UEFA said that the plastic trumpets drowned outsupporters and detracted from the emotion of the game.


  • 印度工商协会联合高级官员安让·罗伊,建设厂房需要大量用地。

    A senior official at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry, Anjan Roy, says industry needs space to set up manufacturing plants.


  • 这种现象的原因女性要比男性容易从睡眠就是“深度睡眠”中获得休息,科学家们在联合专业睡眠协会年度会议上发布了这一消息

    This could be because slow-wave, ordeep sleep’, benefits women more than men, the Associated Professional Sleep Societies’ annual conference heard.


  • 这次中国企业500强排行榜中国企业联合中国企业家协会十次社会发布

    The list is the 10th of its kind to be jointly released by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association.


  • 这次中国企业500强排行榜中国企业联合中国企业家协会十次社会发布

    The list is the 10th of its kind to be jointly released by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association.


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