• 不想看到风头镜头

    I don't want to catch you pushing yourself into the picture to get some personal publicity.


  • 当时电视转播镜头很清楚主裁助理裁判站位佳,未能看清这个球。

    Television cameras showed clearly - in real time - what the referee and his assistant were not in position to spot.


  • 窗户眼镜片反光会造成重叠的影像,例如相机镜头这样精密的光学系统点状光源扩散看似现象

    Reflections from Windows and eyeglasses produce superimposed views, and complex optical systems, such as camera lenses, can turn point sources of light into apparently saucer-shaped phenomena.


  • 坐在大巴上靠窗位子,对蜂拥镜头不予理会,只是整理他棒球他们眼。

    He ignored most of the cameras, glancing in their direction a few times as he adjusted the fit of his baseball cap.


  • 购买成本非常,非常低的,实际上显微镜物镜我们用来观看原子图像的非常强大的镜头CD播放机拆下来的。

    So this is very, very low-cost to buy, and actually, the objective lens in the microscope, the very powerful lens we use to image the atoms, is also from a CD player.


  • 发现女性普遍喜欢男性不看镜头照片(假设:这样不太吓人),男性正好相反(他们想要女性全神贯注)。

    He found that women generally prefer it when in photos men are looking away from the camera (hypothesis: less intimidating), and that men prefer the opposite (they want a woman's full attention).


  • 罗杰斯还说弯曲传感器阵列镜头相匹配可以减少失真传统的平面相机所具备的平面传感器阵列经常发生失真现象。

    Matching the curved lens with a curved sensor array reduces distortions that can occur when using the flat sensor-arrays found in most cameras, says Dr Rogers.


  • 没有场战争断然就了结通过在这儿旅行可以看到电视镜头曾经发生的事情已经成了过去,人们现在面临战后重建艰巨浩大的任务

    No war ends abruptly. By traveling here, you can see what happens after the TV cameras are gone, and people are faced with the huge task of rebuilding.


  • 新泽西州狄斐利大学一项最新调查显示,仅有百分之二十六受访者会认为曝光于镜头之下或有损最高院威严

    In the new poll by new Jersey's Fairleigh Dickinson University, only 26 percent of respondents believed that cameras would undermine the court's authority and dignity.


  • 21岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特在MV中看着镜头放空,MV处理为黑白

    The 21-year-old actress looks blankly at the camera as her features are washed away in white and black imagery.


  • 因拍摄《华氏911》一举成名的美国导演迈克尔·摩尔会把镜头对准最近袭击美国新奥尔良地区的卡特里娜飓风吗?

    Will Michael Moore turn his cameras on Katrina?


  • 珍妮特·到处宣传当拍摄洗浴镜头多么尴尬希区柯克则帮着一起证实是真的。

    "Janet Leigh went around telling everyone how embarrassed she was filming the shower scene, and Hitchcock backed up the story," says Graysmith.


  • 记者们让摄像镜头和刘翔保持着一定距离通常他们都会争抢着捕捉运动员种种失意表情

    The T.V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance.


  • 这就可以使剧组同一场景各个镜头一次性完,不用来回往返不同的地点。

    It helps them shoot all the scenes for one set together, instead of needlessly jumping between locations.


  • 电影《鲁拉,巴西》讲述一个贫户子弟奋发向上故事缺陷剪辑台被删除,优点长处则被特写镜头放大。

    "Lula, Son of Brazil" is the tale of a poor boy made good, his flaws left on the cutting table and his virtues in close-up.


  • 不管怎样不是一个镜头捕捉到的穿越时空者了。

    And in any case, she's not the first time traveler to be captured on film.


  • 放的慢镜头证实英格兰猜测——马拉多纳是用手将打进了中。

    Replays proved what the England bench had suspected all along: Maradona had punched the ball into the net.


  • 镜头剧本专为拍摄制做,上面标明了每个场景的镜头角度等等细节,导演使用。

    A shooting script is the final script that details specific camera shots for a director when the film's ready to be shot.


  • 使用镜头不是变焦镜头

    I use fixed lenses, no zooms.


  • 这些问题表面看起来漏洞,就象电影穿帮镜头实际上,会让更加深入小说世界里和小说描写年代中。

    These questions -which on the face of it seem like bloopers, as they are called by film buffs -actually invite you further into the world of the novel and the time it was written.


  • 1980年,“航行者号”宇宙飞船利用一次飞近探测机会,拍下了张“泰坦不透明锈色大气层神秘令人沮丧特写镜头

    In 1980, the Voyager-1 spacecraft took advantage of a flyby to take a few mysterious, yet frustrating close-ups of Titan's opaque, rusty atmosphere.


  • 当下索尼宾得以及奥林巴斯都提供机身防抖佳能松下尼康则偏重镜头防抖技术(包括一些标准镜头)。

    At the moment Sony, Pentax and Olympus offer in-body sensor stabilization, whereas Canon, Panasonic and Nikon offer stabilized lenses (including standard 'kit' lenses).


  • 苏利曼父亲爱华德出现镜头前时——哪怕只是几分钟——我们也可以看出一点都因为又添了八个孙子开心。

    But when Nadya Suleman's father, Edward, briefly emerged, he did not appear full of the joys of enlarging his family with more grandchildren.


  • 兴趣镜头发生什么不仅仅是记录发生的事情。

    I'm much more interested in the idea of photographing what's happening in front of the camera than merely documenting it.


  • 安全镜头拍下iPhone从中午1点开始留在车中,车门都上了车窗玻璃也被摇上了。

    Security cameras have shown that the iPhone had been in the car-with the doors locked and the Windows rolled up-since 1 p.m.


  • 当选主持人时候,我感到高兴令人兴奋的事,电视镜头紧张

    I felt very happy when I was chosen to be the host. It was exciting, but I was also very nervous because of the TV cameras.


  • 检查姿势,尽量保持身体四分之三镜头不要把整个的身体直接面对镜头

    Check your posture and try turning your body three quarters towards the camera so that your body will not be pointed directly towards the camera.


  • 迫不得已使用不稳三角架或者长焦镜头,镜片稳定所需时间显著增长

    When forced to use wobbly tripods (never desired) or long focal lengths, the stabilizing time can increase significantly (~8 seconds).


  • 迫不得已使用不稳三角架或者长焦镜头,镜片稳定所需时间显著增长

    When forced to use wobbly tripods (never desired) or long focal lengths, the stabilizing time can increase significantly (~8 seconds).


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