• 割腕不到分钟就失血

    He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.


  • 要么窒息而死要么了。

    He either suffocated, or froze to death.


  • 两千名囚犯拷问虐待而死

    2,000 prisoners died as a result of torture and maltreatment.


  • 名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏击而死

    Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush.


  • 多数受害者因烟雾窒息而死

    Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes.


  • 非洲旅行时患热病

    She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died.


  • 他们旅行途中缺水而死

    They died of thirst on the voyage.


  • 由于胸部受伤而死

    He died from the wounds he had received to his chest.


  • 外国食品援助使得饥饿而死人数大幅下降

    Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.


  • 20世纪30年代数百万乌克兰人或因饥饿驱逐出境。

    In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported.


  • 我们倒地而死——知道吗?

    We'd drop down deaddon't you know that?


  • 驼鹿几天年老而死

    The moose died of old age days before.


  • 鸟类食用塑料吸管瓶盖而死

    Birds die because of eating plastic straws and bottle caps.


  • 百万人因为没有食物而死亡。

    Millions of people died because they had no food.


  • 就没有人会因为吃了毒药而死了。

    Then nobody else would die from eating that poison.


  • 还听说,有些人甚至因为没有东西吃而死

    He also heard that some people even died because they had nothing to eat.


  • 她到达之前,很多士兵因为医院很脏而死在那里。

    Before she arrived, many soldiers died in the hospital because it was dirty.


  • 年,闪电都会导致亡,因为它可以引发大火,或者是因为它达到28000的温度。在美国,每年有1000人被闪电击中,其中大约100人因此而死亡。

    Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches a temperature of 28,000. About l,000 people are hit by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result.


  • 天晚上8点外滩约有30万人,并且越来越多的人陆续到达,直到11点左右,人们突然变得吵闹和愤怒。一些人摔倒在楼梯上,遭到严重踩踏而死

    About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:00 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:00. Some people fell on the stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.


  • 生接着说,在手术过程中,她有40%的可能性出现心脏问题,35%的可能性站不起来,甚至有20%的可能性因为她的年纪而死在手术台上。

    The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 percent possibility of having a heart trouble during the operation, a 35 percent possibility of being unable to stand up, and even 20 percent of dying on the operating table because of her old age.


  • 美国每年有大约500电击严重受伤

    Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone.


  • 生命中的一个残酷暴君但是基督不仅我们舍命,

    Sin is a harsh tyrant in your life. But Christ not only died for our sins, he died to sin.


  • 安全部队人员显然曾涂写了我们愿意而死巴沙尔”的涂鸦当地人将其去了

    Members of the security forces apparently scrawled "We will die for you, Bashar" in graffiti and locals rubbed it out.


  • 要是他们找到橡皮糖支架里个人,等他们供应用完了,便在轨道里窒息而死了。

    If they had failed to find the gumdrop, the two men in spider would have been stranded in the orbit to die when their oxygen supply ran out.


  • 政府托在躲避袭击时候,爆炸产生威力使天窗上导致头骨碎裂

    The government said that while Bhutto dodged the attack, the power of the blast struck her head against the car's skylight, causing her skull to crack and die.


  • 怀孕后的热切渴望吃肉乔伊同意暂时吃素这样菲比可以吃到,又不会更多动物而死

    Phoebe, pregnant, has cravings for meat; Joey agrees to be a temporary vegetarian so she can eat meat without causing more animals to die.


  • 名81佛罗里达州男子遭遇的情况要2006年因海袭击心脏史蒂夫·欧文要好些。

    The 81-year-old Florida man fared better than crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, who was killed in 2006 when a stingray struck him in the heart.


  • 不到一个星期也就是1865年4月14日亚伯拉罕·林肯华盛顿福特剧院枪杀第二他因伤势严重而死亡。

    Less than a week later, on April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington. He died the next day from his wounds.


  • 最后吞金

    At last she swallowed gold and died.


  • 第二个康沃利侯爵无子而死时,侯爵绝迹了。

    When the second Marquis Cornwallis died sonless, the marquisate became extinct.


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