• 忙于公务后羿忽略了可爱寂寞妻子

    He was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife.


  • 人类学之辛苦寂寞但同时也是风景无限

    Although it is a lonely and hard way to go for an anthropologist, it is full of wonders.


  • 矗立小镇中心沉默寂寞守护时间

    It stands in the centre of the town, guarding the time silently and lonely.


  • 不要因为一时寂寞错爱,不要因为错爱而寂寞一生

    Don't because of a wrong loves and lonely, don't because of wrong loves and lonely life.


  • 如果因为寂寞爱上一个那么爱上一个人寂寞

    If you love someone because lonesome and so you will be eventually for love and lonely.


  • 孤独一个美丽思想思想时间期待着如此美丽寂寞

    Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely.


  • 很多因为寂寞错爱更多人,因为错爱一人,寂寞一生

    A lot of people, because of loneliness and the indulgence of one person, but more people, because the indulgence of one person, and lonely life.


  • 很多因为寂寞错爱了人,更多的人,因为错爱一人,寂寞一生

    Many people, because of loneliness and wrong loves one, but more people, for one, and so lonely life.


  • 很多因为寂寞错爱更多人,因为错爱一人,寂寞一生

    Many people, because of loneliness and the indulgence of one person, but more people, because one indulgence, and the lonely life.


  • 因为寂寞,因为温柔,因为有一个执着,因为一个折磨

    Because want to be alone and lonely, because love someone and gentle, because a dream persistent, waiting for a man tortured.


  • 突然讨厌起国内一些所谓时尚杂志”,无聊渺小骄傲自大寂寞饥饿的人类

    All of a sudden and with almost no reason, I begin to disgust those domestic so-call Fashion Magazines. Look at those silly, tiny, arrogant, lonely and hungry human beings.


  • 女人等待痴情,是男人誓言悲情注解很多时候等待的只是一帘幽梦,美丽寂寞

    The waiting is spoony woman, is to the men in some kind of a comment, many oath when waiting for is increased, beautiful and lonely.


  • 柔柔的晚风轻轻吹过,心情平静寂寞,都忘记爱情勇敢生活我身边唱起情歌

    The supple night breeze has blown gently, my mood is tranquil and is lonely, wants to forget that love goes to the brave life, has sung the love song who to my side.


  • 尽管条道路有时艰难寂寞但要知道只是二元中的挑战总之完整的,不缺少任何东西

    And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack no thing.


  • 独处灵魂无边寂寞里,沉静寂寞姑娘,你是光芒闪耀的景象,是一朵孤独莲花盛开爱情枝上。

    Single and alone in the unfathomed stillness of the soul, art thou, Lady of Silence and Solitude, a vision thrilled with light, a lonely lotus blossoming on the stem of love.


  • 朋友没提到漫长寂寞的隆冬寒夜,打破这寒夜寂寞只有偶尔当地电影院看看电影——实际上此乃唯一娱乐形式

    My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings which are interrupted only by an occasional visit to the local cinemavirtually the only form of entertainment.


  • 小小的山谷遗弃幽暗古老树木中间,孤独而寂寞地聆听着那些树木的众多舌头长时间悄声议论着在这里发生为人事情。

    The dell was to be left a solitude among its dark, old trees, which, with their multitudinous tongues, would whisper long of what had passed there, and no mortal be the wiser.


  • 不是每个人都在假装,我只是寂寞会这样因为他们需要不能爱。

    I am not saying everybody fakes love - I'm saying lonely people do; for they cannot love if they need.


  • 很多在谈恋爱的时候都要分清一个问题:就是为了躲避寂寞恋人呢,还是真正喜欢

    Many people intend to clarify one point before we fall in love with someone: we find a lover in order to escape loneliness or because we truly love him or her?


  • 大学新生的生活寂寞迷茫,距离我们学校二十分钟车程处有所大学,于是女伴们不约同地对那里兄弟会男生产生了兴趣。

    There, as confused and lonely freshmen, my suitemates and I bonded through our mutual obsession with the frat guys from a college twenty minutes away.


  • 日本素 以制造高端精密机器人著称本田公司的仿人机器人阿西到会抛煎饼的厨师机器人莫托曼再到帮助老年人排解寂寞的毛茸机器海豹帕罗,五花八门,无所不 有。

    Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots, from Honda's humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Motoman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly.


  • 回到亨利卢云的话上,关于寂寞为伴、关于感受孤寂,不是着动起来跳过……关于渡过它,不是围绕它。

    Back to Henri Nouwen's words, about staying with the loneliness, about feeling it, not rushing into activity to skip over it... about going through it, not around it. He writes.


  • 别人总朋友,其实根本就没几个朋友,很多都仅仅是认识已,真正能交寥寥无几,现在恰恰这些人离开,现在才时间享受寂寞,有人曾说男人学会享受寂寞,一开始觉得这话挺可笑的,怎么会有人去享受寂寞呢?

    Now many of them are gone and I have time to enjoy solitariness. It has ever been said that man should learn to enjoy loneliness.


  • 寂寞吹乱旷野里的绝望却让影子涨满,思念悠悠,找不到彼岸

    Seeing the wind of loneliness blow the wild despair, I find my heart, a tiny boat, is overloaded with your shadow and my missing, hardly reaching the shore you stands on.


  • 学校惟一所获得的就是理解这种语言感到寂寞

    The only thing I was good at in this school where I couldn't understand the language was silence.


  • 对于人们为什么因为寂寞感到自己是多余的、没人爱不受欢迎微不足道、令人绝望没有安全感甚至于遭遗弃我们表示理解。

    It's understandable why people who are lonely might feel unwanted, unloved, undesirable, insignificant, despairing, insecure, or abandoned.


  • 对于人们为什么因为寂寞感到自己是多余的、没人爱不受欢迎微不足道、令人绝望没有安全感甚至于遭遗弃我们表示理解。

    It's understandable why people who are lonely might feel unwanted, unloved, undesirable, insignificant, despairing, insecure, or abandoned.


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