• 雌性回报满腹粮食倒流雏鸟雄性自己的喂养时期海上

    When the female returns with a bellyful of food to regurgitate for the chick, the male heads off for his own feeding session at sea.


  • 思想极其丰富的赢得欧洲哲学史上盛誉经验主义认识论思想。

    His thought is extremely abundant, and it was his empiricism epistemology thought that earned great fame in the history of European philosophy for him.


  • 监狱里,莫特兰蒂非国大领导人建立关系,从在这个组织里的未来铺平了道路。

    While in jail he forged relationships with several ANC leaders, paving the way for his future in the organization.


  • 最有可能荷马批判而为他赢得巨大的关注。 对尊敬整个希腊世界里生活的年代起一直延续到之后的年代。

    Quite probably it is his criticism of the Homeric gods, still revered throughout the Hellenistic world during and long after Xenophanes' time, that attracted a great deal of attention to him.


  • 天,卖供猫食用的肉的商贩对说:“你什么不停止人类看病,转而为动物看病呢?我相信你对动物的了解比大多数兽医还要多。你写了一本关于猫的好书。我会把所有带着生病的猫狗的人都送到你这里来。”

    One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, "Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals-more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."


  • 谈到有些如何美化那些社会格格不入人,捍卫这些坏分子滥用自由,我们的精英们却牺牲亚洲稻田里。

    He spoke of how some people glamorize the criminal misfits of society while the best men die in Asian rice paddies to preserve the freedoms that those misfits abuse.


  • 周三明尼苏达州医学中心这个因价格公道,服务优质而为奥巴马所夸赞医院,也对计划提出了批评

    And on Wednesday the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, a hospital singled out by Mr Obama for its quality health care at an affordable price, criticised his plan.


  • 这次大选战斗漫长艰难的,而为所深爱国家战斗甚至更加漫长,更加的艰难。

    He fought long and hard in this campaign, and he's fought even longer and harder for the country he loves.


  • 国内品牌生产行李包希望国内销售可以挽救公司

    Shi instead shifted to manufacturing luggage for local China brands, hoping domestic sales could rescue his company.


  • 必须具备爱德华全部美德美德增添光彩又必须人品出众,风度迷人

    He must have all Edward's virtues, and his person and manners must ornament his goodness with every possible charm.


  • 一旦项法案而为送达办公桌可以予以否决

    Once the two bills are reconciled into one and sent to his desk, he can veto it.


  • 变得以某种慈善家身份而为所熟知医院癌症慈善机构犹太团体捐赠数百万美元

    He also became well known for being something of a philanthropist, making multi-million dollar donation to hospitals, cancer charities and Jewish groups.


  • 一个男孩母亲爱恋可能杀死自己父亲同时又爱自己的父亲,因而为自己想法深感惭愧。

    A small boy may love his mother so much that he wants to kill his father. At the same time he loves his father and is deeply ashamed of this wish.


  • 我们创作团队此前曾尝试了很多种类的“达人”类选秀节目金磊此前2007年的“英雄节目而为大众所知

    Our production team had tried many kinds of "Idol"-style selection shows in the past," said Jin, who was previously best-known for his 2007 show "My Hero".


  • 更换频道可以忘记自己问题,转别人琢磨解决办法。

    By channel -flicking he can forget about his problems and look for solutions to other people's.


  • 搭档海姆史上同时荣膺诺贝尔搞笑诺贝尔奖(模仿诺贝尔搞笑性质的研究所设立)的第一

    His partner Geim is the first person to ever win both a Nobel and an Ig Nobel - a parody award for amusing research.


  • 奔驰没有因这样早熟追求推诿,反而为马修聪明所感动信件进行传递,同意筹集所需的钱。

    Rather than being put off by the precocious advance, Mercedes was touched by Matthew's 'intelligent and moving letter' and agreed to help him raise the money he needed.


  • 阿姆斯壮的家人谴责皮埃尔决定不按事前计划的母子联合殡葬孩子单独举行葬礼并让孩子母亲分葬两地。

    Armstrong's family decried Pierre's decision to hold a separate funeral and burial for the children, rather than the joint service they'd planned.


  • 美联储购买美国国债计划第二量化宽松政策极力辩护

    Instead, he launched a fierce defense of the Fed's bond-purchase plan, also known as "quantitative easing II."


  • 阿加西明白如果能源获得利润,那么应该车子提供补贴,这手机运营商销售通话分钟数手机购买者提供大比例补贴一样。

    Agassi realized that if he turned a profit on the fuel, he could radically subsidize the cars, much as cell phone carriers sell minutes and heavily subsidize the phones.


  • 如果能找到点活儿干的那种,像是以商业之名而为的杂役;如果,可以让办公桌整天,算算交易数字,做做加减乘除,可能就不会死了

    If they wouldonly allow him to sit at a desk all day and add trade figures, subtract andmultiply and divide, then perhaps he would not die.


  • 出于随性'行事方式后来说过,"一贯我想的事"),研究一类苯二效卓化合物

    In his wilful way (“I always did just what I wanted to do, ” he said later), he turned to research he had started as a student, at Krakow University, into a class of compounds called benzodiapenes.


  • 语言有种刻意而为模糊感,对来说,罪恶堕落,宁可选择虚无决心关系

    There is a vagueness to this language that I think is quite calculated, and it relates, in Haze's case, to his determination to not be converted to evil, but to nothing.


  • 帮助家人种植庄稼却不知道那一雷区失去大半条腿脸部受损。只是想尽力而为养家。

    He'd been helping to plant crops, not knowing the area around his home was mined. He's lost most of his leg, and part of his face, All he was trying to do was provide for his family.


  • 帮助家人种植庄稼却不知道那一雷区失去大半条腿脸部受损。只是想尽力而为养家。

    He'd been helping to plant crops, not knowing the area around his home was mined. He's lost most of his leg, and part of his face, All he was trying to do was provide for his family.


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