• 毫无疑问有许多工作非常令人厌烦而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事

    There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful.


  • 主题模糊的,包含所有大写字母而且过多标点符号

    Bad topics are vague, contain all capital letters, and excessive punctuation.


  • 而那些提供软件帮助企业削减温室气体新兴公司早已而且过多

    Already, there is a plethora of start-ups offering to help businesses cut greenhouse gases.


  • 广告人们痴迷于追求奢侈有时甚至误导欺骗人们。而且过多广告浪费掉我们时间

    Advertisements attract people to pursue luxuries and sometimes mislead or cheat people. Too many ads will kill our time.


  • 主题简洁描述问题问题的主题模糊的,包含所有大写字母而且过多标点符号

    Good topics concisely describe your problem or question. Bad topics are vague, contain all capital letters, and excessive punctuation.


  • 我们引导着相信我们找到很大一部分经冻结形成的更古老的冰层,这些已经存在很多年了而且会越来越厚。

    We'd been led to believe that we would encounter a good proportion of this older, thicker, technically multi-year ice that's been around for a few years and just gets thicker and thicker.


  • 我们建议出台一个平衡媒体菜单,它的内容有趣富有教育意义而且不会给点的天内花费过多时间

    We recommend a balanced media diet that consists of content that is fun, educational, and doesn’t take up too much time in a given day.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞不究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥,对河流的判读也不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn’t tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 流感的告知多食用流体最近的研究并没有理论依据证明结论,而且迹象证明,过多流体肺炎有危害

    People with flu are told to drink plenty of fluids, but a recent review found no evidence for or against this, and some signs that too much fluid can be harmful in pneumonia.


  • 然而恐惧似乎如影随形,而且库特兹搞究竟某种理性因素还是过多咖啡自己嘴唇变得干燥,对河流的判读也不再确定。

    Yet fear seemed to be trailing him, and he couldn't tell whether it was something rational, or too much coffee, that made his lips dry and his river-readings unsure.


  • 实际上过多装饰物不仅会转移对细节注意而且会使你的看起来凌乱

    Too much stuff actually draws your eye away from detail and makes the tableau of your home a noisy blur.


  • 现在礼物金额总计实际上少于允许最大限额,而且没有花费经理过多时间发现喜好

    Now, the amount of the gift was actually less than the maximum amount allowed, and it really didn't take my manager that much time to find out what I would like.


  • 重要的结果这些系统现在易于维护而且可扩展性也更好;但是有时这些技术过多的重复,会导致软件过度设计。

    The primary result should be that these systems are now easier to maintain and more scalable, yet sometimes these techniques are simply overkill that results in over-designed software.


  • 过多不仅有害而且体力消耗达到最大时,很快就会支持不住,所以一会儿会觉得饿

    Not only is too much sugar bad for you, you ultimately crash as quickly as you peak and therefore you are hungry again in no time!


  • 如果过多下去就会想到很多尴尬痛苦情形而且知道即便我对娜的记忆已经了别,我还是没法不去想。

    If I think about it more, plenty of embarrassing and painful situations come to mind, and I know that even if I had said goodbye to my memory of Hanna, I had not overcome it.


  • 更糟糕我们总是因为没有真正理解这个信息搞得不知所措而且由于过多负面思想,我们放大情绪所带来的影响

    Worse, we let ourselves be overwhelmed by their message without understanding it and we magnify the effect of certain emotions by feeding on negative thoughts.


  • 认为,这种做法存在根本哲学问题而且可能系统增加过多复杂性

    I think there are basic philosophical problems with doing so, and that it tends to add a lot of complexity to systems.


  • 我们真心喜欢这位英国新面孔,而且作为演员那么重的包袱(也就是说还没过多片子)放下

    We really like this fresh-faced Brit. And she's a relatively new actress who doesn't have a whole lot of baggage (i.e., bad movies in her filmography) to wear her down.


  • 上海《 新闻晚报》报道选秀节目过多宣传影响了观众兴致而且参加选秀的选手没什么真实才能。

    The over-the-top promotion of the shows ruined audience's appetite, and the candidates were also criticized for their lack of talent, the Shanghai Evening Post said.


  • 很多极力反对过多重大改变,理由这些改变会导致代码质量问题”,而且没有带来什么特性

    A lot of people are sounding off against the plethora of breaking changes that are being made for "code quality" issues and don't directly lead to new features.


  • 而且,让人惊讶的是在没用过多和手机其他内置软件互动的情况下,完成这一切的。

    And it's surprising that she doesn't interact with more of the built-in apps.


  • 有些注释有点过时而且作为第一本书分析介绍可能有点过多了。

    Some notations are a bit outdated and it is mostly an introduction to real analysis that may be a bit too much as a first book.


  • 饮食支出过多热量食物不仅而且不利健康,口味不佳。

    Paying too much for food: Highly processed prepared foods are not just more expensive, they're less healthy and less tasty.


  • 但是如果过多残留风险而且经济有效对策太少由于几个原因应该重复风险评估步骤

    However, if there are too many residual risks and too few cost-effective countermeasures, you should repeat the steps of risk assessment for several reasons.


  • 他们宣称摄取某种事物过多,像动物蛋白咖啡因加工食品,会使身体变得呈酸性而且还声称改变你的食谱改变PH值。

    They also claim that eating too much of certain foods-animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods-makes your body more acidic and that changing what you eat will change your pH.


  • 为了能在一定程度上说明上述情况,我们构建一个简单php脚本而且考虑Web表单如何设计

    To emulate that to some degree, we're going to build a simple PHP script without much regard for how your Web form will be designed.


  • 科学家宣称现代生活过多压力会导致我们想吃或者油腻食品 作者:理查德.阿莱尼 科学家们业已发现“焦虑基因”,它一旦发作,不仅我们备受压力煎熬,而且还使得我们更加想吃糖果或安慰 ..

    The stress of modern living could be making us eat more sugary and fatty foods, scientists claim.


  • 不要允许孩子制造过多噪音他们站到椅子上,抑或是餐厅到处乱跑。因为这样安全而且会打扰其他客人

    Do not permit the child to make undue noise, get out of the chair, or run around the restaurant because it is not safe and is unfair to other customers.


  • 不要允许孩子制造过多噪音他们站到椅子上,抑或是餐厅到处乱跑。因为这样安全而且会打扰其他客人

    Do not permit the child to make undue noise, get out of the chair, or run around the restaurant because it is not safe and is unfair to other customers.


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